Per your frustration, I attempted to deduce your bit of Latin up there. Although I successfully derived the general meaning of a few of the words, I failed totally to complete a coherent translation. It's always a fascinating exploration of English, though. Thankfully, many English words are Latin-based or have a Latin-based synonym, which greatly aids my deductive process. For instance, with "immotos" I got to the right place because I was reminded of the words "immobile" and "motor." With "hostes" I was reminded--and I had known this at some point, but had forgotten--that "host," that pleasant fellow who welcomes you into their house and gives you food--is a word deriving from "enemy" (I love little ironies like that), by way of the military use "hosts." The hosts of Mordor!
So, you wrote that from scratch? Plaudits are appropriate. A hundred years ago I'd have been taught Latin in my schooling, but today English is the master language of the world. If I'd been born in any nation speaking another language, I'd have likely been taught English in my schooling! Life is like that. It's very hard to preserve the past in the consciousness of the present, and not necessarily desirable in all instances.