J, I'll get to your post in a minute, however there is something in my original post that I want to qualify:
It wasn't right when the right wing did it, but at least they didn't stop anyone from getting their message across.
What I was referring to here was the right wing's attempt to paint Obama as a Muslim during the 2008 elections, as well as a horde of other things that have happened since then. The right wing tried to discredit him based on his race and origin, yes, but you didn't see any "infiltration" schemes into his rallies to shout that he was a Muslim, or that he was a 9/11 Truther, etc. What uprisings, for lack of a better word, took place during any of Obama's speeches were by a handful of wing nuts, not an organized group.
Seeing an entire organization dedicated to attempting to overthrow a movement of protesters or nay-sayers is ridiculous. Rather than attempting to battle these people on the facts and merit of their cause, they're the ones committing terrorist actions. They're saying "Hey, I don't like your cause, so I'm going to use the same tactics that Stalin used to discredit his opponents," and that is abject inanity.
I've said some things on this forum that the leadership might have found stupid or repugnant, but not once did they edit my posts to add something like "I am a misogynist," or "I hate women," to discredit me. I couldn't stay in a community that did that. Instead they called me out on the flaws of my arguments and told me directly "Truthordeal, you are acting like a misogynist." This Crashers groups is doing the first bit, and that's not helping their cause at all.
Now, all of this constant propaganda by the right-wing media and fundamentalist religion has crystallized into a purer form of the evil that has been festering inside the Republican Party. This "Tea Party," despite the cute-sounding, vaguely historically-minded name, is literally a modern-day analog to Nazism.
This is it. The Tea Party is a suitable vessel for Nazism in our time. (Less severely, but still catastrophically, it is also a suitable vessel for a terrorist movement.)
The situation is very bad and very dangerous, right now, this hour. This is the DEFCON 3 stuff. We have, in our midst, a vibrant and growing political movement that would destroy life as we know it.
J, I doubt I need to actually come out and say this, but I disagree with your take on the nature of the Tea Party movement. You are giving them
way too much credit in their capacity to do anything, except change policy(they managed to do that with the healthcare bill).
These people aren't revolutionaries; they're working and middle class people who don't like having tax money taken out of their paychecks. You seem to think that these groups are doing this on ideological grounds, and they're not. These aren't people from Westboro Baptist Church taking the streets shouting that 'God hates fags," and lynching black people. The lifestyle of the majority of these people is not a Christian one; it's agnostic. Most Christian families live a completely secular life outside of Sunday morning(that is, assuming that they still go to church). They couldn't care less if the chick down the street has 18 kids before she's 17, just so long as she doesn't try to collect welfare on all of them. They don't hate blacks, and I doubt they think enough about the Jews to attempt another Holocaust. They will not set up concentration camps and start murdering people, because they have to get up for work the next morning, and because they're not stupid.
Yes, they do probably own guns for protection, sport or otherwise, but that does NOT make them armed and dangerous. These are people who just don't like the European style tax system, where you give up most of your paycheck and the government gives you all sorts of goodies. They'd rather keep their money and do what they want with it, and that, albeit a bit selfish, is not an act of revolution. These people don't want a dictatorship; hell, that's what they think they're fighting against! They're not gonna let their leadership make one after fighting to stop the evil one that Obama is planning(tongue-in-cheek).
How do I know this? I live with these people! I have my entire life and I probably will for the remainder of my life. You're willing to discard these people because you've never lived in the same sphere of existence as these people. You view them only as conservatives, and by your definition, if they are conservative-minded, that means that they are part of this larger conservative entity that works and acts as one. They're not. And to see the conservative movement as this one large en masse being is absurd.
I'm not going to join the Tea Party movement. Principally, because I like social security, unemployment and welfare. I like having my trash picked up, my electricity connected and yes, I do love the Internet. Even though I share some fiscal conservative views with them, they and me are not allies in this. Despite all of that, thus far the Tea Party movement has not done anything violent. There have been no riots, shootouts or burnings, and it seems to be keeping that way. There is no DEFCON 3 threat presented by these people as they're not going to grab their guns and march on Washington, even if the great god of conservatism, Sean Hannity wills it. They are not evil people.
Now, I know what you're going to do: You're going to draw a parallel between them and the beginnings of the Nazi party in Germany(actually, you already have, but not-so-directly stated). You're going to point out that the original Nazi Party was made up of middle and working class people who just wanted jobs and more money, which led to a right wing dictatorship over a left-wing economic structure. But there are some things that you'd be missing:
-This is a recession, not a world-wide economic depression with 25% unemployment and hyperinflation that makes shoes worth 20 million dollars.
-We have not just come out of a world-wide war where we were wronged severely in the negotiations of the armistice.
-There is no central symbol of hate that everyone unites around. You'd probably argue that the Tea Partiers all hate blacks, women, gays, Muslims or atheists, because a) conservatives are racist, misogynist bigots, or b) Christians hate women, gays and anyone who doesn't agree with their theology. Again, and this time I'll be extremely blunt about this: you're wrong.
-There is, as of yet, no grand leader of the conservative movement; the only people in the running would be Sarah Palin(whom I believe to be a red herring candidate), Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney(who actually supports gay marriage).
-There has been a Holocaust. We(the citizens of the world) have lived through one and know better than to let it happen again, at least on our own soil.
Your analogy to the Nazi movement has some scary context, but it's far off from the truth. The entire nature of the Tea Party movement is economic. Their rallying cry is "don't spend our grandchildren's money!" after all. This isn't a Christian movement, this isn't even a conservative movement(there are tons of libertarian and liberals associated with it). Most importantly, this isn't a revolutionary or terrorist movement. Just as they played on the racial divide in the US to discredit the Tea Party, you're using fear tactics and are single-mindedly lumping them in with every radical aspect of the right wing because the majority happen to be conservative, and that is abject inanity. The difference between them and you, and what makes you more "right" in this case, is that instead of undermining the movement by purposely spreading negative news footage(propaganda), you're debating on the facts, misguided as your view of conservatives is.