Author Topic: Humanity: Good News, Bad News  (Read 132107 times)

Lord J Esq

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Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« Reply #825 on: April 28, 2010, 10:29:45 pm »
Human Interest News:
Man Calls Woman "Fat"; Gets Ear Partly Bitten Off

I admit that it's difficult for me to be impartial here. Giving it my best shot: These two people, both in their twenties, were at a party. He calls her fat. She tackles him and bites part of his ear off. And she's the one who's in jail!

Sorry. Impartial! Impartial! Let's try...

I don't know that calling someone fat warrants losing a piece of ear for the rest of a person's life. It's certainly enough of a loss that I would consider it punishment enough for the male, and thus I would call for no further punishment to him for his hate crime--and I do consider fat-bashing a hate crime.

As for the female, I disagree that this amounts to felony assault. That strikes me as much too severe, given the context in which this violence took place. I think I would agree to a lesser assault charge, though, firmly in the misdemeanor category--and if she has little or no prior criminal history I would support the sentence being commuted to community service or deferred entirely. She doesn't deserve to go to jail over this, unless she's already got a significant criminal record. However, while I find our law to be inconsistent in disallowing physical violence but widely accepting verbal attack, I do see the danger in allowing such misbehavior to go unnoticed by the justice system. Therefore she does deserve to face some kind of a charge, and a court.

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Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« Reply #826 on: April 30, 2010, 12:20:23 am »
Life Science News:
Jainist Put Under Surveillance to Test Claim of Not Eating, Drinking

That links to a video news story, not text. Anyhow, this is a very interesting study! I am so skeptical of the claim that I would more easily doubt the integrity of the hospital and military. They say he has gone over 100 hours so far without consuming or excreting anything--which is already pushing the limit of how long an ordinary human can live without water. Typical Jainist asceticism!

I am open-minded about the possibility that some people might be able to condition themselves to go for much longer periods without food or water than is normal or even survivable for most humans. Seventy years, though--as is the claim he makes--that's a number I find myself unwilling to accept without irrefutable proof. I'm very interested to see how this study turns out. I wonder how much practical medical insight will result. I can't imagine the techniques that work for him being easily generalized. And who would want to go seventy minutes, let alone seventy years, without a cheeseburger, fries, and milkshake?

Ah, but I don't mean to be dismissive. Kudos to anyone who can eke out such a severe existence. I imagine that such self-deprivation is so profound that it can only be done for one's own benefit. Anyone who was doing it against their will would not last.


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Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« Reply #827 on: April 30, 2010, 01:23:37 am »


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Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« Reply #828 on: April 30, 2010, 04:26:46 am »
At least guns weren't used in either of those incidents -- China's gun control policy must be really stringent! I hope that means everyone will recover. Though the trauma of being attacked in such a way will probably stick with these kids forever, which makes the lack of psychiatrists mentioned in the article even more tragic.


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Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« Reply #830 on: May 02, 2010, 04:45:17 pm »
Ordinarily, violent crimes are done because of poverty, revenge or some political gain. But this is scary. This is....just senseless.

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Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« Reply #831 on: May 06, 2010, 11:01:02 am »
Good News:
Websites Can Now Be Typed in Non-Latin Languages

It's going live today and doesn't support every non-Latin language as yet, nor apparently will it work on every computer yet. Still, this has been in the making for a while--I first considered it myself many years ago, and read about it in the news earlier this decade. This development is great news for anyone who doesn't use English, as it removes a major barrier to access, and is a significant technological feat for ICANN.

The only downside is that it will have a "reverse-Babylon" effect of compartmentalizing the Internet into its various language script groups. In fact, there's no personal direct advantage in it for me at all. For English speakers, it's a loss. It'll also make it harder for us to muck our way through non-English websites by looking at the URL. It'll also make it harder to type some web addresses manually. But, that's the price of providing increased access to others, so so be it.


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Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« Reply #832 on: May 06, 2010, 11:36:21 am »
I don't know whether it is real a good news. But it'll be good if a website uses 2 different domain names, one in Latin, another as an alias.
To me, I'm sometimes too lazy to type my native language.


I found a name will display completely differently in IE and Firefox.
For example http://北京大学.中国/ is http://xn--1lq90ic7fzpc.xn--fiqs8s/ in firefox.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 12:01:11 pm by utunnels »

Lord J Esq

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Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« Reply #833 on: May 10, 2010, 09:17:29 pm »
Video Game News:
Nintendo to Shift Strategic Competition Focus from Sony, Microsoft to Apple

Nintendo apparently has decided that Apple poses a bigger long-term thread to sales than current rivals Sony and Microsoft. Given the importance of the DS, that makes good sense in the mid-term, as Apple's devices are coming more and more into competition with the handheld market. And given Apple's inchoate but unmistakable trend toward integrating electronic media, it also makes sense in the long-term, as Apple's devices could eventually threaten the console market too.

My only reservation is Nintendo's suggestion that its battle with Sony is already won. True, they've beaten the PS3 pretty badly, but, considering how far from behind they came from the N64 era, they'd have to have pretty short memories indeed to believe that Sony and Microsoft, between them, won't present a credible and critical competitive threat in the future.

Nintendo is in an excellent position. Apple is due for some major growing pains in the near future, Sony has a lot of institutional baggage weighing it down, and Microsoft's brute force attempt to win a slice of the market is coming along as slowly and inflexibly as expected. Nevertheless, I think Nintendo had better continue to treat all of these rivals seriously, and keep going with research and development full throttle. Only innovation will secure long-term victory.

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Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« Reply #834 on: May 19, 2010, 10:44:46 pm »
Bad News:

The Gulf of Mexico oil leak is now an entire order of magnitude larger in volume than the Exxon Valdez spill. Worse, the leak continues unabated, as thus far all efforts to reduce the leak flow have failed or met with negligible success. Worse still is that this is occurring in open water. Exxon Valdez was limited to a small geographic area. This spill credibly threatens to contaminate whole regions of the Gulf of Mexico and its shorelines. Amazing. Deepwater Horizon will become the new standardbearer of oil company environmental disasters in the years to come. They'll be talking about this one for more than a generation.

What's more amazing is just how defiant the oil drilling advocates among our population have been in response to this disaster. They're in such a fit that their tone makes them seem almost proud of the leak. And they are disproportionately much more likely to live nearer the Gulf of Mexico than either the Pacific or Atlantic oceans. It's so bizarre, to see people so committed to their failed ideology that they would take such outrageous positions. While this oil leak does not undermine the very premise of offshore oil drilling, it makes an irrefutable case for major increases in government oversight of rig operations. But that'll be the day when these "Drill, baby, drill!" people ever admit such a thing.

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Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« Reply #835 on: May 20, 2010, 10:40:59 pm »
Mostly Good News:

The Senate just passed its financial reform bill. Assuming final passage in the weeks ahead, that means President Obama will have succeeded in all of his major legislative initiatives so far: the stimulus bill, the healthcare insurance reform bill, and now the financial reform bill.

The downside is that all of those bills suffered from conservative poisoning and lack of a grander progressive vision. So, all of them have a kind of oily aftertaste. But, on the whole, they're all necessary, helpful, and major accomplishments that will have long-term impact on the nation. He's also averted the financial meltdown, restored America's popularity abroad, gotten a much larger number of smaller bills passed through Congress, negotiated a major nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia, and will shortly have appointed two Supreme Court Justices. So far President Obama has been one of the most accomplished presidents in American history, at least in terms of sheer volume of meaningful actions. Even conservatives have acknowledged his effectiveness.

Edit: And he won the Nobel Peace Prize, but I don't want to rub it in...too much. =)
« Last Edit: May 20, 2010, 10:44:38 pm by Lord J Esq »


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Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« Reply #836 on: May 21, 2010, 02:18:18 am »

Well, I just don't understand why did they have to commit suicide. Why not just find another job if they feel too much pressure?


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Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« Reply #837 on: May 22, 2010, 05:19:05 pm »
Good News

UNIFEM's doing some good work in China.

Bad News

Texas rewrote parts of American history.


God fucking damnit.


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Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« Reply #838 on: May 22, 2010, 06:22:40 pm »
God fucking damnit.
Righto. Injecting religion into daily eduction = bad. Politicians focusing on manipulating education, using children, for their own agendas = the world really has gone insane.

Edit: And he won the Nobel Peace Prize, but I don't want to rub it in...too much. =)
W00t! We need more leaders like him (not necessarily Nobel Prize winners, but hey, he rocks!)

Well, I just don't understand why did they have to commit suicide. Why not just find another job if they feel too much pressure?
Could have, unless they've got no choice (like weren't able to). The company's in a real jeopardy now.


Just yesterday I finished watching the movie My Name Is Khan. It's about a dude with autism, and the conflict he's involved in due to his name, and how he strives to change things. Interesting and educative movie, quite emotional and awesome. Although what I liked most was this interview response by Shahrukh Khan.

"it’s not about a disabled man’s fight against disability. It’s a disabled man’s fight against the disability that exists in the world — terrorism, hatred, fighting ... My Name is Khan is also about Islam and the way the world looks at Islam but we are not taking any sides. We are only trying to say that there are only good people and bad people. There are no good Hindus, bad Hindus, good Christians, bad Christians. Either you are a good person or a bad person. Religion is not the criterion, humanity is."[16]
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 06:50:27 pm by tushantin »


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