Author Topic: Journey through FF8  (Read 16498 times)


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Journey through FF8
« on: September 05, 2006, 01:12:03 pm »
Yes, I"ll post more here once I begin the game later this month, but for now I need this answered:

PC or PSX?


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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2006, 05:45:27 pm »
I played it on PSX back in the day when it came out...Are there any real differences w/the PC version? One little note that I'll give you: Learn, love, and live by the card game...It'll make you go, "Damn, wtf were they doing w/that piece of shit in FFIX???" Plus, getting the better cards in the game will be real useful in the final battle and against the Omega Weapon...Ah, Holy Wars...where would I be w/o you? What a horribly delightful overpowered item...8)


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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2006, 06:11:26 pm »
I'm currently playing it on PC.
Never played cards more than twice(it's no fun IMO).
The game seems so Imba, I mean my main Char did ~ 2000 dmg with lvl 30 while other did only 300(both had str junction and alot of magic equiped to it).
One char is lvl 16, my main one is 100... :lee: I hate it when exp is not chared.
This drawing stuff can take ages, too, but it is fun and makes the game easy(I just don't know how the hell I can get pulse ammo to upgrade my weapon).
I'm currently disc 3 middle, don't know what will go on with the story, I'm gonna level up to da max first(because I don't have that much time for playing).


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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2006, 06:21:44 pm »
Play the PSX for the traditional feel, or play the PC for the extra Chocobo sidequest. You get perhaps one unique item and ten or so "second try" GF summon items, so it simply might not be worth it in exchange for the possibility that you might have to downgrade your OS to get it to run properly.


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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2006, 07:13:11 pm »
The card game may or may not be fun (I thought it was ok so far as card games and sidequest/mini games go), but it's much, much, MUCH more useful than the one in FFIX...I know you could get Pulse Ammo through the card game! :lol:

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2006, 03:54:40 am »
V is right. If it wasn't for the cards, I would've had my ass kicked. Also, get all the GF's, including Odin and shit. And if you're stuck, there's always Selphies Slot glitch...



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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2006, 11:11:10 am »
Just got all GF's. What "useful" items do you get by playing cards? I already exchanged a card "minotaur" or something for 10 adamentiawatiwokies or how they are called. Even if I don't get the stupid pulse ammo, I'm going to own the enemys with my flame saber+auto haste+beserk enough.

I heard Omega Weapon is in the game, is this true? If yes, where? Already got the other one.
It is still to easy IMO, except for one case: A Ruby Dragon appears and kills everyone with 1 attack, Breath(remember: main char is lvl 100 :/)


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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2006, 04:35:24 pm »
I believe I mentioned the uber-item that you get from the Gilgamesh card (if memory serves me): 99 Holy Wars...That's more than worth it...Then there's all the crap you can get for upgrading all your weapons and getting all the Blue Magics...and other useful crap like that, I'm sure...

Omega Weapon is one of those super optional bosses that you can fight and it's kind of near the end of the game...There's a whole thing about what you have to do to fight him...I think there's a time limit somewhere or something? I distinctly remember some kind of count down...w/e...

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2006, 02:35:32 am »
All the crazy items you think are useless that you get from cards are actually really helpful, as they can combine to create cool stuff!

And how is pulse ammo bad? When you fight, ahem, SPOILER (highlight to read) Adel and you cant hurt Rinoa, Pulse Ammo is really powerful. END SPOILER

GF's are better more for their abilities. I couldn't of finished the game were it not for Resurrection and Revive. And as useless as Tonberry seems, his Call Shop function is definetely needed.


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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2006, 03:35:21 am »
All the crazy items you think are useless that you get from cards are actually really helpful, as they can combine to create cool stuff!

And how is pulse ammo bad? When you fight, ahem, SPOILER (highlight to read) Adel and you cant hurt Rinoa, Pulse Ammo is really powerful. END SPOILER

GF's are better more for their abilities. I couldn't of finished the game were it not for Resurrection and Revive. And as useless as Tonberry seems, his Call Shop function is definetely needed.

Indeed, you can have a 2000+HP & Punishment before even you leave the Balaamb Garden. And to think my level is below lvl 14.

And as for the pulse ammo, its pretty much useless except for making Lionheart which is possible to make it before the end of disc 1 or beginning of disc 2.


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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2006, 11:46:15 am »
Well, Lion Heart wouldn't add anything to my 255 str and 255% hit, would it?
Anyways, I fought the last frickin boss...I had only magic and Revive unsealed. First 2 forms were easy, the third form, or while changing from form 2 to 3 killed 2 of my members and let Squall survive with 400 hp. Ok, I had triple and full life, haste, and lots of speed, and still he managed to cast metero before the 2nd half of my friggin attack bar filled up. How sucky is that? They all had full hp at the end if fight nr.2.


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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2006, 04:22:52 pm »
Yeah, Lion Heart will add something to your 255 STR and 255% ACC; the Lion Heart Limit Break.  Basically, it's Squall's Omnislash.  Its functionality is almost exactly the same, with the caveat that you have to hit the trigger at the appropriate times.  Without Lion Heart, I wouldn't give you two cents for your chances against Omega.

Me, I didn't bother with the card game, so when I went to fight Omega, I was SOL on Holy Wars.  So after a lot of trial-and-error I developed this method, which lets you beat him pretty easily without them: Get the No-Encounter ability on a GF that has it, and then blitz around the Islands Closest to Heaven and Hell finding the hidden draw points (press X).  They all yield high-quality rare spells; Ultima, Meteor and the like.  Triple is the only one you should really worry about; finding Ultimas and Meteors are easy enough.  After you get every spell out of the draw points, kill shit for a while and come back later; the spells regenerate.  There are four spells you're going to need for casting purposes in the battle: Haste, Aura, Protect, and Revive.  The most important of these is Aura.  I recommend Megalixirs in lieu of Full Cure spells, because they heal everyone and because you can refine 100 Megalixirs out of a particular card.  Get as many of these spells as you possibly can; ideally, you should have 100 of each for each character, but that takes a damn lot of time, and I did it with less.

Your party for this fight is Squall, Zell, and Irvine with their best weapons (Lion Heart, Ehrgeiz, and Exeter respectively).  Use the four Forbidden Magics (Ultima, Meteor, Flare and Holy) and powerful stat-building GFs like Bahamut to boost your STR and ACC to 255 and your HP to 9999; the HP is an absolute must.  Also, jack up your Speed stats as much as possible; this is the key to this method, and it's where the Triples come in.  The 60-70 range should be enough, but try for the 100s.  Then, order your characters by their Speed stats; give your fastest guy Cerberus and your second fastest Doomtrain.  Your third guy should have most of the spells you've set aside to cast.  Make sure that if your characters have levels that are multiples of 5 that you've junctioned 100 Deaths to them; as soon as the fight starts, Omega casts L5 Death, and if you don't protect yourself you'll die right quick.  Speaking of protection, at least one character should have Auto-Protect, and give someone Auto-Haste if at all possible; the GF abilities last throughout the fight.  If one or more of your GFs have the Revive skill, so much the better.  Finally, turn the combat speed down.  Way down.

Now, to war: As soon as you can, cast Cerberus and Doomtrain in rapid succession; this will enable Triple on everyone and drop Omega's DEF to 0.  Your third guy should triplecast Haste.  Hit him a couple of times with normal attacks, and when your caster's turn comes around again, triplecast Aura.  Now lay into him with Limit Breaks.  Squall's Lion Heart looks like Omnislash and does slightly more damage; you can expect about 160,000 per use, provided you hit the trigger at the right times.  For Irvine, use Quick Ammo; if you can hit the trigger fast enough, it does more damage over time than Pulse Ammo.  You can expect each hit to do about 3000-4000 damage, and you can fire about thirty rounds of Quick Ammo with a decently fast trigger finger.  For Zell, don't use his big combos.  Instead, keep on alternating between your two basic hits for the entire time.  If you're fast, you can probably manage about six combos per second, each of which will do about 5000 damage at 255 STR.  If you're lucky enough to get the full twelve seconds, that's 30,000 x 12 = 360,000 damage.  I didn't invent this technique myself; somebody on GameFAQS did.  They termed it Armageddon Fist, and considering its potential to be the most damaging attack in the game, it's well-named.  Take some time out from Limiting to cast Protect on everyone; if he uses Terra Break, Protect means the difference between life and death, even at full health.  The idea here is to kill him before he uses it.

The key feature of this method is speed; Omega will hit you with plenty of bad stuff, much of which kills in one hit.  But with the speed boost provided by junctioning Triples and putting everyone in Haste, you can get eight or nine moves for every move he gets, which means that as long as you don't forget to heal when you need to, you'll win.  If you're really sitting pretty, draw some Forbidden Magic off of him to use against Ultimecia; it's the best opportunity to actually get a full stock of them.


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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2006, 09:08:19 pm »
Yeah, but that's like, what? Three or four paragraphs of a tactic compared to, like, two sentences w/Holy Wars: Use Auras. Use Holy Wars. (I could add 'rinse & repeat' here, but it's implied).

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2006, 11:07:05 pm »
Lion Heart rocked so bad. But again, if you feel like cheating, there is a glitch in Selphie's Slot Limit Break.

I didn't even try Omega. Ultima weapon I beat though. Heh, at one point, when near Ultimecia's castle I saw those three doors, for some reason I went "oh shit, I don't have the chocobo so I can't get any of my GF's back!" So I decided to start all over again at disc 2 and just get everything. Now I'm happy.


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Re: Journey through FF8
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2006, 03:45:42 am »
Here's a better tactic.  Cast aura(or at least an Aura stone,) then use holy war, lastly use Selphie's limit break & find THE END magic. Use this method & you can kill Omega Weapon under 6-7 minutes. I saw a friend using this tactic & it works.