Here are a few noob questions I have for editing CT:
1. What I did was slightly moved the "Giant Blue Star" object in Zeal Palace: Regal Hallway so that it appers precisely(sp?) ontop of the pendant's jewel(when you hold it up to open the door). Now, is there any quick way to change the palette of the blue star to a teal color(or any color), or would I have to actually copy the sprite and modify it myself?
2. I made a blade called "Eternity" for Crono. It has 255 attack, 100% critical rate, and deals 9999 on critical hit. The problem is, is that since I used an unused weapon slot, the sword's graphics are green in color. How do I go about changing this? I want to change it to have the same graphics as the Lode Sword. (Later on, I'll import graphics and have a "sparkle" effect)
3. I made a scythe for Magus called "Reaper". It has byteflag "instantly kills an enemy", the only problem is that it works on bosses too. I want to change this so it deals damage on bosses instead. Any ideas?
3. I would like to be able to allow monsters to have greater than 32,000 HP. Maybe bump up the max to 65,535 or preferably 250,000 ...for my super mega boss ~Dark Nu!!!
4. I would like to add new tilesets to the game, more specifically I am adding animated backrounds/skies for areas that display a backround behind the scenery. Example would be Denadoro Mts. Gauntlet(the backround is terrible, and horribly pixelated especially for a 32bit game.) If someone can give me the lowdown of how this can be done I would greatly appreciate it. The backrounds would be simular to those found in Donkey Kong Country, where there were multiple layers(I think 5) and each layer could scroll with the player's movement on their own levels or in some cases were animated on their own. I seriously doubt this is possible (the multiple scrolling layers) but I know CT is atleast capable of animated TILES. So at worst I would just be able to have 1 'layer' of backround that appears to have 'multiple layers' and have that animated.(but of course would not be able to obtain the "each layer scroll according to player movement" part). Any experienced in the knowledge of CT graphics modding are more than welcome to post your input on this.
5. What is the mem value that checks if someone is playing on a NEWGAME+ I need this for various things. (Kindof like where the shiny spot appears on the right telepod, but I can't seem to find the mem_check >_<)
6. This goes for those that know of the CTEC program, you can expand the SRAM size. What exactly is SRAM size for? And why would I want to change it from 64 to 256? I am assuming that 256 is far better, but don't want to run the risk of messing up lots of work to my CT Rom by changing it.
Temporal Flux~~ I am editing location events and change barely anything. Then a location somewhere else in the game screws up. Is this just me or does this happen to anyone else? BTW, if Geiger sees this, we need UNDO function in TF.