I told the two respondents to do the 1002 Forest Dungeon and the 602 A.D. Serran's Fort, since the other maps before that are a little complicated. And, because I'm under the impression that someone's still working on the factory dungeon at 1999 A.D.
So, just one note to Chrono'99. Are there any tiles on the Blackbird that we can substitute with like...shopping mall type stuff? Cltohes racks, or counters? Anything to just have that effect for the places in Chronopolis's era. We can get by without anything special, but wow...the Blackbird tileset has a lot of promise.
With these two maps in the pipe, the project will continue somewhat. I'll probably pick a map to do as well. Optimally, when jsondag2 returns, he'll be able to code everything as he pleases. I'll follow that with a giant round of dialogue composition, and then we can roll right in to extensive bug testing, polishing, and post production.