Author Topic: What is up with all the school shootings...  (Read 5245 times)


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Re: What is up with all the school shootings...
« Reply #45 on: October 10, 2006, 01:43:25 am »
Didn't you just start a new high school? I've got my eye on you, Zaperking.

Daniel Krispin

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Re: What is up with all the school shootings...
« Reply #46 on: October 10, 2006, 03:18:33 am »

Some kid brought an AK-47 in school and pointed it at his principal and said "don't make me use this". He then shot at the ceiling and was somehow convinced to exit the building where police and SWAT teams pwned him. He wasn't shot or anything, he simply got owned.

Where did this kid get an AK-47???

Where do people get AK-47's???? Those things are 7.62mm and will rip you apart. They are more powerful than most of our assault rifles. ( not counting the SAW and M8 )

Sure it was an AK? There are assault rifles that look like AKs that are legal to own, even in Canada which is far more uptight over gun control. My friend, in fact, has a Czech copy (it's actually the Czech military rifle) of the AK. Same calibre and looks identical, but legal owing to the fact that it's only semi-auto and has a small magazine (or, at least, one made smaller for legal purposes. And who needs fully auto, anyway?) That thing is probably more powerful than an M-16, which is a .223 bullet, I think. What the M-16 has going for it is very, very high velocity (1000m/s I think), making it armour piercing, longer range, and probably more accurate. Of course, you'd likely need several shots to totally bring someone down. An AK, or that Czech gun, could take someone down a lot more easily, and are far more reliable than an M-16. I think it's for that that my friend said, if he were ever to go to war, he'd far rather carry one of those than an M-16. And having shot it myself (though not an M-16), I'm inclined to say it seems so. Apparently it's not very accurate, but... it's good enough to hit a balloon at a hundred yards in my hands, and I'm not a very good shot. I'd say that's pretty darn accurate. But I don't exactly know much about guns. However, I can tell you you needn't have made that comment 'any of our assualt rifles, excluding the SAE and M8. Neither of those are rifles. The SAW is a heavy machine gun, whose calibre is I think less than the AK, and the M8 is a grenade launcher unless my memory fails.)


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Re: What is up with all the school shootings...
« Reply #47 on: October 10, 2006, 05:46:02 am »
Didn't you just start a new high school? I've got my eye on you, Zaperking.

*One Winged Angel begins to play...*

Anyways, seeing how things are so corrupt these days, I bet the kid asked for the gun and got it, no problem. There are tons of twisted bastards who'd love to unleash an armed child upon the world. :D

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Re: What is up with all the school shootings...
« Reply #48 on: October 10, 2006, 06:30:35 am »
Are you sure it wasn't an airsoft rifle?


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Re: What is up with all the school shootings...
« Reply #49 on: October 10, 2006, 05:21:42 pm »
However, I can tell you you needn't have made that comment 'any of our assualt rifles, excluding the SAE and M8. Neither of those are rifles. The SAW is a heavy machine gun, whose calibre is I think less than the AK, and the M8 is a grenade launcher unless my memory fails.)

The M249 is a light weight machine gun that replaced the M60. Remember, our military down graded everything. We foolishly converted everything down into 5.56mm and got rid of the M14 and M60 because they were 7.62mm

The M8, or XM8, is a multi-purpose assault rifle. It is our newest light weight weapon. It has removable parts in which a solider could convert into compact, assault, carbine, or sharpshooter types. You can even mount scopes, or a shotgun/203 attachment.

Those 2 weapons I mentioned are excellent. All our other weapons jam or have other problems. Although I won't put the blame on the M4. I have fired it's cousin awhile ago (the AR-15) and was most impressed. Hardly any recoil and very light weight.

Anywho . . .yes, the kid brought in an AK unless the reporter was lying on the air.

Daniel Krispin

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Re: What is up with all the school shootings...
« Reply #50 on: October 11, 2006, 12:50:03 am »
However, I can tell you you needn't have made that comment 'any of our assualt rifles, excluding the SAE and M8. Neither of those are rifles. The SAW is a heavy machine gun, whose calibre is I think less than the AK, and the M8 is a grenade launcher unless my memory fails.)

The M249 is a light weight machine gun that replaced the M60. Remember, our military down graded everything. We foolishly converted everything down into 5.56mm and got rid of the M14 and M60 because they were 7.62mm

The M8, or XM8, is a multi-purpose assault rifle. It is our newest light weight weapon. It has removable parts in which a solider could convert into compact, assault, carbine, or sharpshooter types. You can even mount scopes, or a shotgun/203 attachment.

Those 2 weapons I mentioned are excellent. All our other weapons jam or have other problems. Although I won't put the blame on the M4. I have fired it's cousin awhile ago (the AR-15) and was most impressed. Hardly any recoil and very light weight.

Anywho . . .yes, the kid brought in an AK unless the reporter was lying on the air.

Likely as not the reporter didn't have the first clue what he/she was talking about.