I'm rather interested in how Square will react to the Novel Project. The writing quality is excellent IMHO (I found the passage about fern leaf chili at the Imp's house touching for some bizarre reason -- reminded me of the detail Tolkien would give to a random Hobbit meal), making it of greater-than-negligible threat to Square's/Kato's/Horii's/whoever's intellectual property. I think the novel team is going to submit a proposal to Square Enix at some point.
Fan novels, when treated right, can be very beautiful works of art. My favorite video game-to-novel adaptation, by far, was a Mortal Kombat book published a very long time ago. That author took great liberties with the story, and it
worked. Thing is, there was very little material to work with in the Mortal Kombat universe at that point in time, giving the author largely free reign over the scenario. The CT Novel Project seems to be pretty focused on re-creating canon, which makes me worry about the Project's ability to maintain a proper suspension of disbelief, which is key if the work is to appeal to audiences outside Chrono fandom. I mean, we've got
talkng dinosaurs and giant space slugs here.Will Compendium theory be featured in the CT Novel Project? How would everyone feel about that sort of thing? Seems to me incorporating some technical explanation for what the heck's going on could only enrich the work. And some amount of technical explanation is crucial to maintaining a suspension of disbelief.