
Can an Otaku ever get a date?

Yes, Its possible!
4 (80%)
No, They're detestable
1 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 4

Voting closed: October 22, 2006, 04:08:17 am

Author Topic: Can an Otaku ever get a date?  (Read 1803 times)


  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« on: October 08, 2006, 04:08:17 am »
Have only seen the half of Densha Otoko(Train Man) who is an Otaku(Nerd/Geek in japanese.)  He's a loser and never had a single date in his entire life.  One night in the Subway train, a drunk man is harassing anyone in train including the girl he likes.  Then he stood up & told the drunk man to stop it, it stop the man from harassing the girl but instead he was beaten up.  Later on the girl thank the otaku(sorry I forgot the name of the protagonist) for saving her.   Few days later, as a token of appreciation of his deeds he was sent an expensive porcelain cups.  The otaku immediately seek advice from a certain net forum.  The forumers advice him a change of looks & behavior.  Then the otaku ask her for a date & she accepts it. 

Densha Otoko is based on a forum log that become a basis of this story. Although most part of the story is fiction, the forum chats is only part that's not a fiction.

Now the question is can a otaku ever get a date?


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Re: Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2006, 02:24:14 pm »
Depends. Otaku can always find dates among other otaku; my ex-boyfriend and I are living proof of that. Generally, it doesn't matter if you're an otaku or not, as long as you keep up with your self-hygiene and don't completely isolate yourself from society so you retain some idea of what's required to interact with others.


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Re: Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2006, 03:45:21 pm »
If he shows confidence all the time then he could get a date.  I think one of the main reasons why geeks don't get dates is cuz they don't have enough confidence to even ask the chick out.


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Re: Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2006, 04:02:35 pm »
Bingo. Take care of yourself and your appearance. Be sociable. Seek what you desire.


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Re: Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2006, 04:06:22 pm »
Bingo. Take care of yourself and your appearance. Be sociable. Seek what you desire.

Yep, very true. Oh, and be unique. Don't follow any trends, like I do. ^_^

Lord J Esq

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Re: Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2006, 04:08:29 pm »
If he shows confidence all the time then he could get a date.  I think one of the main reasons why geeks don't get dates is cuz they don't have enough confidence to even ask the chick out.

I think "confidence," let alone "confidence all the time," is a little too broad for qualifying whether somebody will get a date--much the same way "otaku" itself is more than a bit overgeneralized as a concept. While most people probably would look for confidence in a romantic partner--an assumption, but one that makes a lot of sense intuitively and anecdotally--I have no reason to believe that most people would consider confidence to be a non-negotiable or even top-ranking personality trait in their romantic criteria. Attractiveness, intelligence, common interests, peculiarities, sexual eccentricities, honor, strength, courage, ambition, wisdom, open-mindedness...there are many traits out there. Pick the ones you find most attractive.

Which, to answer the topic title's question, leads me to an unqualified "Yes."


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Re: Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2006, 04:58:50 pm »
If he shows confidence all the time then he could get a date.  I think one of the main reasons why geeks don't get dates is cuz they don't have enough confidence to even ask the chick out.

I think "confidence," let alone "confidence all the time," is a little too broad for qualifying whether somebody will get a date--much the same way "otaku" itself is more than a bit overgeneralized as a concept. While most people probably would look for confidence in a romantic partner--an assumption, but one that makes a lot of sense intuitively and anecdotally--I have no reason to believe that most people would consider confidence to be a non-negotiable or even top-ranking personality trait in their romantic criteria. Attractiveness, intelligence, common interests, peculiarities, sexual eccentricities, honor, strength, courage, ambition, wisdom, open-mindedness...there are many traits out there. Pick the ones you find most attractive.

Which, to answer the topic title's question, leads me to an unqualified "Yes."

Often the effects of confidence are intangibles, although the leap from "not confident enough to ask for a date" and "confident enough to ask for a date" is a very practical difference. It may not be that confidence in of itself is the sole attractor, but rather the things that comes with it.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2006, 06:55:22 pm »
Perhaps if you consider confidence as a more basic personality condition than the "traits" to which we are usually attracted in others, then I can see your point. But I would not share that assessment. Confidence seems to be pretty demonstrably discrete from other traits--far from being their very basis. "Confident enough to ask for a date" is a good point, but that's a commentary more on the implausibility of the otaku stereotype than a case of confidence underlying other personality traits. Only a gross deficiency of confidence could start to interfere with a personality in such a way.


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Re: Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2006, 07:11:13 pm »
With enough Ether, you can pretty much do anything to practically anyone.

Otherwise...I think most of us dork/nerds can be pretty damn awesome people. We're fairly personable and we normally have a good sense of humor...As a matter of fact, you might go so far as to say we're the superior life form! I'm actually surprised that we haven't found a way to reproduce asexually or something...er, wait...

Lord J Esq

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Re: Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2006, 08:35:02 pm »
With enough Ether, you can pretty much do anything to practically anyone.

Otherwise...I think most of us dork/nerds can be pretty damn awesome people. We're fairly personable and we normally have a good sense of humor...As a matter of fact, you might go so far as to say we're the superior life form! I'm actually surprised that we haven't found a way to reproduce asexually or something...er, wait...

Come back here with that spatula! Nurse Ratchet, stop him!


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Re: Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2006, 11:58:19 pm »
With enough Ether, you can pretty much do anything to practically anyone.

Otherwise...I think most of us dork/nerds can be pretty damn awesome people. We're fairly personable and we normally have a good sense of humor...As a matter of fact, you might go so far as to say we're the superior life form! I'm actually surprised that we haven't found a way to reproduce asexually or something...er, wait...

Come back here with that turkey baster! Nurse Ratchet, stop him!

FIX'D!...er, wait! x2...!

Daniel Krispin

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Re: Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2006, 12:48:22 am »
Have only seen the half of Densha Otoko(Train Man) who is an Otaku(Nerd/Geek in japanese.)  He's a loser and never had a single date in his entire life.  One night in the Subway train, a drunk man is harassing anyone in train including the girl he likes.  Then he stood up & told the drunk man to stop it, it stop the man from harassing the girl but instead he was beaten up.  Later on the girl thank the otaku(sorry I forgot the name of the protagonist) for saving her.   Few days later, as a token of appreciation of his deeds he was sent an expensive porcelain cups.  The otaku immediately seek advice from a certain net forum.  The forumers advice him a change of looks & behavior.  Then the otaku ask her for a date & she accepts it. 

Densha Otoko is based on a forum log that become a basis of this story. Although most part of the story is fiction, the forum chats is only part that's not a fiction.

Now the question is can a otaku ever get a date?

I think more interesting than this question is actually this: why is it that someone not having had a date and being a loser are so often spoken as if going hand in hand? What makes that the case? Now, I can understand the social perspective of this, ie. that the member of the opposite gender rejects the said person consistantly, as such branding them as undesirable, thus they have failed in some regard, ie. a loser. Sometimes that may well be the case. But is it really the case most often? That is a question that should be asked, probably more important than if such a person can get a date at all. You see, many people who do get dates (and many of them), are in almost all other repects losers, whilst many who do not, are perhaps the best of people. It is a strange paradox, and should actually challenge that supposition.

On topic, I suppose sure. Being a 'nerd' or whatever has little bearing at all on finding a match in another. There are too many other factors at play. Take me for example. I've never really had a date; I'm not exactly a nerd. Nerds are, at least according to my own definition, those who seek escape from reality because they cannot handle it. Those who indulge in fantasy because they despise the real world are nerds. It is an inability, thus hatred, or life or various aspects of it that make a nerd, not interest per say. I admit I was like that once, but when I figured that out I made a concerted effort to amend my ways (okay, that's giving myself too much credit. Truthfully, I just grew up), and enjoy things real and present. Yeah, I like my ancient history - it's my passion - but I know that unless it is applied to the present in some form it is nothing more than a hobby and is essentially meaningless. I used to think 'hey, it would have been more fun to have been born in the past' (read: nerd), but nowadays... heck, I'm fine where I am. The past is the past, let us use it to do something with the future. At least, that's one aspect of it. You'll have to take my word for it mostly, but I'm not a nerd. Anyway, as I was saying, I've not really had a date before. Does that make me a loser? I don't think so. A loser is someone so desperate for dates they go to bars and drink away their sorrows - a loser is someone who's not done anything with their life. Or even, for that matter - and this is my opinion, so don't put too much stock in it - those who go to bars to find a date. It is impatient, and immature.There are more things to life after all. For most of my life I never bothered with women (ie. for 21 of my 22 years), and for the last bit, I'm so patient and careful in even getting to asking girls out (in these sorts of matters I never act on impulse) that I've asked very few at all - very, very careful in whom I pick. Not really any luck, it's true*, but not for being a nerd. So what does that say?

Really, most of it just comes down to fortune and chance. I've heard of all sorts getting dates, from nerdy to creepy to whatever. It doesn't matter one bit. Absolutely can a nerd get a date. Maybe a bit more difficult, it's true, but not impossible, or even rare. Heck, my sort, the serious type, have a far harder time of it, I think.

*I'm too serious for the people of my age - I abhor bars and parties and things similar not for their social interaction... I love social interaction... but whenever I go I see these people in the bodies of adults acting like children. I do not know whether to laugh or cry at the follies of the world, but certainly the former is the better choice. Nonetheless, though I know is ridiculous to isolate myself from that sort of world, I cannot love it. I cannot love fun. To me, true fun, true liesure, is intellectual discussion. Things that few my age, of such impatient demeanour, share. Or, at least, so I have found to this point. I suppose I am seen as too uptight, but so be it.


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Re: Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2006, 09:22:01 am »
You have point there but I'm not talking about nerds being a loser.  What I'm talking about is that the main character in "Densha Otoko" being a nerd & a loser.  Don't take my word for it, watch the show.


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Re: Can an Otaku ever get a date?
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2006, 11:22:16 am »
You have point there but I'm not talking about nerds being a loser.  What I'm talking about is that the main character in "Densha Otoko" being a nerd & a loser.  Don't take my word for it, watch the show.

Nerd can mean several things. There are normal people with an interest in science and an ineptitude in social settings who are otherwise good-hearted and honest. And then there are b-tards, trolls, that kind of nerd. That's what I designate when I use the word.