Author Topic: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo  (Read 4082 times)


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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2006, 08:46:44 pm »
Anyone know how big the device they used was?  I read that it was a gun-fired device, which is pretty much the most primitive, backwoods-ass way to make an atom bomb.  I don't know what the theoretical limit on one of those is, but I'm betting that what was in use wasn't much larger than Fat Man or Little Boy.  In fact, it was probably substantially smaller.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2006, 09:13:29 pm »
Don't know, but it caused only 4.2 in the Richter Scale.


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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2006, 11:22:18 pm »
Anyone know how big the device they used was?  I read that it was a gun-fired device, which is pretty much the most primitive, backwoods-ass way to make an atom bomb.  I don't know what the theoretical limit on one of those is, but I'm betting that what was in use wasn't much larger than Fat Man or Little Boy.  In fact, it was probably substantially smaller.

Everything I read suggests that it was nontrivially smaller than Fat Man and Little Boy.


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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2006, 12:35:30 pm »
Don't know, but it caused only 4.2 in the Richter Scale.

Great. Let's just keep testing weapons of mass destruction and hurt this planet even more. It would've been cooler for NK to use those resources of Nuclear technology and blast an asian dude into space.

You know, all our problems would be solved if the Borg would assimilate everything on Earth at this current place in time.


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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2006, 01:13:11 pm »
Or, if Picard were president. That'd be...a dream. Riker would be secretary of state, Worf could be secretary of defense (or...not), and just imagine what Data could do in a cabinet position.


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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2006, 02:33:19 pm »
Don't know, but it caused only 4.2 in the Richter Scale.

Great. Let's just keep testing weapons of mass destruction and hurt this planet even more. It would've been cooler for NK to use those resources of Nuclear technology and blast an asian dude into space.

You know, all our problems would be solved if the Borg would assimilate everything on Earth at this current place in time.

Or, if everyone were to consider the consequences of their actions before enacting them, and took full responsibility for their decisions, then we'd be doing pretty well.

But yeah. At this point, it looks like that's about as likely to happen as imperialistic space cyborgs. So...whichever you prefer I guess.


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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2006, 10:14:58 am »
Since everyone seems to have missed the real problem here:

I need to make some phone calls.  There's a butt load of people who bet against me back in 1999 when I said N. Korea would have the nuke by 2010.   I was serving in S. Korea at the time.

I think what we really need to concern ourselves about here is, unlike Iraq, North Korea can and will sell nuclear tech and weapons to criminals and terrorists if the price is right, especially if the world decides to cut of humanitarian aid.  It'll be like Team America: World Police.  Only with less sex and more death.

Ya, know, if ol' Jong-il was smart, he would have thrown those resources in to producing nuclear power for his improvised nation, then under the white flag of 'truce', sell excess energy to South Korea.  Get them hooked on it, then hold it for ransom whenever they start doing anything he doesn’t like.  You know, just like how Iran is doing to us with oil.  History -- recent history --  has proven that tactic works.

But...but...I like sex more than death. Shit. Well, you served over in that region, so you've probably got a much better grasp than I do on the political situation on the penninsula. What can be done at this point?

Dude, the only thing I paid attention to in Korea was video game black market.  FF VIII for 10 bucks?  FF Anthology and Azure Dreams for $3? Hell yes, I’ll mod my PS1.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2006, 11:17:35 pm by Silvercry »


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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2006, 04:18:41 pm »
Oh. Fuck it then, let's just glass Pyongyang. Hell, even China is openly considering "regieme change" in North Korea now. I only hope they succeed before Kim Jong-Il can make some deals with those nukes.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2006, 04:52:36 am »
Oh. Fuck it then, let's just glass Pyongyang.

A zero-tolerance policy? That’s extravagant. I have a better solution: Foster a society where people refrain from making bad decisions not because they fear the costs, but because they recognize the benefits. Refraining from a mistake out of fear typically breeds discontent and bitterness. Refraining out of prudence does not cause this. Your solution lacks any component that would encourage people to do better. Instead, you would debase humanity and choke society. By trying to stifle bad behavior under threat of punishment, your answer would ultimately lead to more of it—not to mention we’d also have to become a fascist state where vengeful murder and preemptive murder are the soup and salad of the day, every day.

Thought it might be relevant.


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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2006, 05:40:20 am »
Oh. Fuck it then, let's just glass Pyongyang.

A zero-tolerance policy? That’s extravagant. I have a better solution: Foster a society where people refrain from making bad decisions not because they fear the costs, but because they recognize the benefits. Refraining from a mistake out of fear typically breeds discontent and bitterness. Refraining out of prudence does not cause this. Your solution lacks any component that would encourage people to do better. Instead, you would debase humanity and choke society. By trying to stifle bad behavior under threat of punishment, your answer would ultimately lead to more of it—not to mention we’d also have to become a fascist state where vengeful murder and preemptive murder are the soup and salad of the day, every day.

Thought it might be relevant.

It seems that I should point out that my comment on obliterating another nations capital using the weapons we are protesting them having was faceous. Depending on how serious China is about regieme change, the U.S. may not have to do anything at all. Wouldn't that be nice?


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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #25 on: October 19, 2006, 06:36:02 am »
Wikipedia rules in this regard for compiling EVERYTHING about news in the initial stages of a story.

Check out the country reactions.

Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the Commissioner for External Relations, stated that the EU have no plans to cut humanitarian aid to North Korea but stressed the tests were "unacceptable".

Aw, have a little backbone! But I like how the entire goddamn world is totally opposed to this. If they try anything, it looks like the entire United Nations will utterly beat the christ out of them.
Like they uttler beat the chirst out of us from going to Iraq! The united nations is going the way of the league of nations dude. all talk, no power.


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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2006, 04:48:15 am »
UN sanctions are the equivalent of your mom pointing a finger at you and telling you you've been a bad boy.

Pity that somebody's probably going to get destroyed.  Never met a Korean I didn't like.  But I can't see this ending in any way except one which will result in a whole lot of people getting killed, if only by virtue of the fact that nobody gives enough of a damn to look for another solution.


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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2006, 07:50:28 am »
UN sanctions are the equivalent of your mom pointing a finger at you and telling you you've been a bad boy.

..... my mom took a steel rimmed belt to me when I was little.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2006, 10:36:43 pm »
Wikipedia rules in this regard for compiling EVERYTHING about news in the initial stages of a story.

Check out the country reactions.

Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the Commissioner for External Relations, stated that the EU have no plans to cut humanitarian aid to North Korea but stressed the tests were "unacceptable".

Aw, have a little backbone! But I like how the entire goddamn world is totally opposed to this. If they try anything, it looks like the entire United Nations will utterly beat the christ out of them.
Like they uttler beat the chirst out of us from going to Iraq! The united nations is going the way of the league of nations dude. all talk, no power.
But the United Nations only has no power when one of the Veto-able nations oppose a sanction, or a ruling, or whatever. But it looks like none of the nations support NK.


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Re: NKII: The Nuclear Boogaloo
« Reply #29 on: October 21, 2006, 03:23:53 am »
Wikipedia rules in this regard for compiling EVERYTHING about news in the initial stages of a story.

Check out the country reactions.

Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the Commissioner for External Relations, stated that the EU have no plans to cut humanitarian aid to North Korea but stressed the tests were "unacceptable".

Aw, have a little backbone! But I like how the entire goddamn world is totally opposed to this. If they try anything, it looks like the entire United Nations will utterly beat the christ out of them.
Like they uttler beat the chirst out of us from going to Iraq! The united nations is going the way of the league of nations dude. all talk, no power.
But the United Nations only has no power when one of the Veto-able nations oppose a sanction, or a ruling, or whatever. But it looks like none of the nations support NK.
let's face it, the united nations fucking hates us as well. they hate bush. bush is everything wrong with this contry defined into one giant presidential idiot.