Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been on at all in like, a month or more. I've been going through some personal things that haven't been resolved yet, and probably won't be for some time, but that's no excuse. To be entirely honest, I've had plenty of free time on my hands, but I've not shown up because I feel terrible that I just sort of disappeared and didn't want to show up because of that. I still like working around with Temporal Flux and the Crimson Echoes hack, but I haven't done it in some time.
So where does that leave me? Right now I'm ill with a nasty cold that's persisted for quite some time now. The whole epic of changing the carpet/bedding/computer desk/computer still actually hasn't happened. I'm also feeling pressure to get a job still, though I desperately don't want to (I have the Wii and other things like that to thank for it...). I just haven't been up for doing anything as of late. I should be seeing someone in November 21st about my whole mental state of affairs, and I'm hoping that may clear up at least a few things.
As for Crimson Echoes, I'm completely out of the loop as for its current progress. I haven't mapped in some time (and still haven't worked out the situational priority thing that I talked to J about), and I don't know what's to come for the hack. Whatever's ahead, I'm not very confident in making designs for the new maps -- I'm at home adding detail, making the small perfections, etcetera -- so if there's work for that, and I'm sure there is, I'd probably be okay with that sort of thing. I'm terrible at making myself actually work on things, so I've basically got to be told what to do to keep up with things.
So, yeah... I don't really know exactly what I'm trying to accomplish by posting this thread. I guess I'm just trying to say I haven't forgotten or forsaken Crimson Echoes and everyone working on it. If anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to post and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability.