Would this work for Zeal at night? DDK made it, and we can probably improve it by changing the lead instrument. It conveys the night atmosphere well.
I suppose we'll round up all the suggestions later and discuss to narrow them down and choose ones suited for particular themes.
I guess we'll round up all suggestions. Anonymous readers, you need to participate in this. CE works because it's collaborative.
Final Fantasy 6Troops March On - I'm a bit worried that we don't have a good march / dark army theme for Porre. We have Silent Light, but that really doesn't say "military might!" like it should.
Devil's Lab - I uh...guess I'm...not really...suggesting..this as much...as I'm just uh...wondering...HOW COULD WOULD THIS SOUND IN CHRONO TRIGGER!? If someone wants to try and import it just for the hell of it, I won't object. But I think it may be too iconic of FF6 for use in a different game.
The Fierce Battle - Agreed.
Radical DreamersUnder the Moonlight - Whether or not we use it in Zeal, it's...there's a remix on OCR of Chrono music that this figures in to. People will be familiar with it, and it's dark and unsettling. It's very Chrono...we can find a good use for it.
Gale - Hah, just kidding. I'd just love to see the look on the faces of the people who hate this song when they hear it again...but yeah, just kidding.
The Girl Who Stole the Stars - Schala's Theme doesn't quite do it for Magus and Schala's reunion. This might work in such a situation.
Far Promise ~ Dream Shore - Aw, c'mon! This totally has to be in. It's such a part of the series now...
Frozen Flame - For use with the Frozen Flame, yes.
Portal to Open Grounds - We can even use it for a King Zeal fight or something.
Epilogue ~ Dream Shore - If we have an empty slot with nothing else to use, we can stick this in. It'd be awkward to find a place to use it, but it's a good song to use in case nothing else is available.
Gun HazardA Running Fight - This is a decent replacement for A Shot of Crisis, which is probably a bit stale to CT veterans.
Atlas - In the same vein as Portal to Open Grounds, it's a...waxing philosophical final mega-boss thing with an organ. Just a backup in case we need something like this.
Approach to a Shrine - Creepy and sort of expectantly unsettling enough for use in the DBT. Perhaps in a new tileset area or something like that.
A Store Keeper - Unlike the last two suggestions, this one is pretty viable for the mall in 2302 A.D. It's got the right vibe!
Richard Millman - It almost, almost has the vibe of the Factory music from Chrono Trigger. Just throwing it out there.
Sorrowful Karion - This is a depressing, but sort of resolute piece that sounds like it'd be used in a final dungeon. In fact, it could fit parts of the DBT well.
Front MissionMercenary - This sounds ocean-like and bubbly, sort of like other aquatic themes in games. Perhapsit could be used for the Entity dungeon. I just don't like how weak some of these songs sound...
Take the Offensive - If we need a new battle theme (like, a big battle between Porre and Guardia), this is upbeat and gets the job done.
The Evils of War - On the other hand, this could do well for a Porre marching theme if the FF6 one I suggested is too...reminiscent of FF6.
Treasure ConflixIntroduction - Aha, the 2302 A.D. Overworld music. It's bright, cheery, upbeat -- it's the future Crono worked hard to create.
Unused 4 - This is very dark. If it sounds similar in Chrono Trigger, it could be used for good end with King Zeal or Lavos.
Romancing SaGa 3Into War... (part 2) - It's a little empty, but it could also suit the Porre marching theme we desire.
Four Noble Devils 2 - This track has a lot of power. It's a battle theme, though.
Mikhail's Theme - Sounds like a Porre theme, perhaps to be substituted for Silent Light after Porre gains some respectable footing later in the game?
Field - This is in the 1002 A.D. war vein with some of the other selections. It's not as dark or battle-oriented.
Dungeon 2 - This is creepy enough for DBT use, though not as charismatic as the other ones.
Sailing - In addition to this, RS3 has a lot of "Costa del Sol" smooth-flavored tracks that could be used in periods of rest. I do'nt think we'd have a use for any of them, but just noting it here.
Island at the Farthest Reaches - It's a sort of Delightful Spekkio type thing. It could be used in the Coliseum or elsewhere.
Tower of the Godly King - A DBT candidate.
Trade Off - If we have a mini-game of some kind?
Underwater Palace - Another candidate for the Entity dungeon. This one sounds pretty solid.