Author Topic: Revised Plot and Planning Thread  (Read 29726 times)


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2006, 02:33:53 pm »
This is a review of the songs that I think *may* be worth inserting. I didn't listen to all the soundtracks yet though.

CT Prerelease

040 Tyrano Lair (Unused)

Could be used in the battle against the Vision Serpent. As a side-note, it's quite reminiscent of Xenogears's boss battle theme, "The Stage of Death".

049 Keeper's Dome

Could be King Zeal's theme or something else.

021 Delightful Spekkio (Flute Does Not Fade Note-To-Note)
035 The Hidden Truth (Longer Intro)
046 Mystery Of The Past (Added Voices)
052 Lavos Heartbeat And Grunt (those human screams are quite scary, and unexpected)
062 The Brink Of Time (Higher Pitch)

Those songs could replace their CT counterparts. It's very refreshing to hear familiar songs but with small, subtle differences (differences, not worse versions!). The screams in 052 are very unexpected if you don't read the title.

Radical Dreamers

02 Under the Moonlight

This could be played in Zeal at night, if we can mute the water flow sound or mask it in the reinstrumentalization (which we probably can). Corridors of Time might seem better, but I'm not sure if it really fits the midnight atmosphere.

10 Frozen Flame

This one is mandatory. I can't wait to hear how it sounds with CT instruments...

11 Portal to Open Grounds

Wow, I don't even remember where this was played in RD, but this track is awesome! I totally picture this being played near the end of the game, during a suspenseful battle against the "first form" of whatever is the final boss.

Final Fantasy VI

56 The Fierce Battle

Personally, I think this song would have more impact than Decisive Battle (the normal boss theme). I mean, it's Atma Weapon's theme! Everything about that monster was daunting, except his English name.

I'll post my opinions about the hundred other songs, er... later.


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2006, 07:58:56 pm »
Would this work for Zeal at night? DDK made it, and we can probably improve it by changing the lead instrument. It conveys the night atmosphere well.


I suppose we'll round up all the suggestions later and discuss to narrow them down and choose ones suited for particular themes.


I guess we'll round up all suggestions. Anonymous readers, you need to participate in this. CE works because it's collaborative.

Final Fantasy 6

Troops March On - I'm a bit worried that we don't have a good march / dark army theme for Porre. We have Silent Light, but that really doesn't say "military might!" like it should.

Devil's Lab - I uh...guess I'm...not really...suggesting..this as I'm just uh...wondering...HOW COULD WOULD THIS SOUND IN CHRONO TRIGGER!? If someone wants to try and import it just for the hell of it, I won't object. But I think it may be too iconic of FF6 for use in a different game.

The Fierce Battle - Agreed.

Radical Dreamers

Under the Moonlight - Whether or not we use it in Zeal, it's...there's a remix on OCR of Chrono music that this figures in to. People will be familiar with it, and it's dark and unsettling. It's very Chrono...we can find a good use for it.

Gale - Hah, just kidding. I'd just love to see the look on the faces of the people who hate this song when they hear it again...but yeah, just kidding.

The Girl Who Stole the Stars - Schala's Theme doesn't quite do it for Magus and Schala's reunion. This might work in such a situation.

Far Promise ~ Dream Shore - Aw, c'mon! This totally has to be in. It's such a part of the series now...

Frozen Flame - For use with the Frozen Flame, yes.

Portal to Open Grounds - We can even use it for a King Zeal fight or something.

Epilogue ~ Dream Shore - If we have an empty slot with nothing else to use, we can stick this in. It'd be awkward to find a place to use it, but it's a good song to use in case nothing else is available.

Gun Hazard

A Running Fight - This is a decent replacement for A Shot of Crisis, which is probably a bit stale to CT veterans.

Atlas - In the same vein as Portal to Open Grounds, it's a...waxing philosophical final mega-boss thing with an organ. Just a backup in case we need something like this.

Approach to a Shrine - Creepy and sort of expectantly unsettling enough for use in the DBT. Perhaps in a new tileset area or something like that.

A Store Keeper - Unlike the last two suggestions, this one is pretty viable for the mall in 2302 A.D. It's got the right vibe!

Richard Millman - It almost, almost has the vibe of the Factory music from Chrono Trigger. Just throwing it out there.

Sorrowful Karion - This is a depressing, but sort of resolute piece that sounds like it'd be used in a final dungeon. In fact, it could fit parts of the DBT well.

Front Mission

Mercenary - This sounds ocean-like and bubbly, sort of like other aquatic themes in games. Perhapsit could be used for the Entity dungeon. I just don't like how weak some of these songs sound...

Take the Offensive - If we need a new battle theme (like, a big battle between Porre and Guardia), this is upbeat and gets the job done.

The Evils of War - On the other hand, this could do well for a Porre marching theme if the FF6 one I suggested is too...reminiscent of FF6.

Treasure Conflix

Introduction - Aha, the 2302 A.D. Overworld music. It's bright, cheery, upbeat -- it's the future Crono worked hard to create.

Unused 4 - This is very dark. If it sounds similar in Chrono Trigger, it could be used for good end with King Zeal or Lavos.

Romancing SaGa 3

Into War... (part 2) - It's a little empty, but it could also suit the Porre marching theme we desire.

Four Noble Devils 2 - This track has a lot of power. It's a battle theme, though.

Mikhail's Theme - Sounds like a Porre theme, perhaps to be substituted for Silent Light after Porre gains some respectable footing later in the game?

Field - This is in the 1002 A.D. war vein with some of the other selections. It's not as dark or battle-oriented.

Dungeon 2 - This is creepy enough for DBT use, though not as charismatic as the other ones.

Sailing - In addition to this, RS3 has a lot of "Costa del Sol" smooth-flavored tracks that could be used in periods of rest. I do'nt think we'd have a use for any of them, but just noting it here.

Island at the Farthest Reaches - It's a sort of Delightful Spekkio type thing. It could be used in the Coliseum or elsewhere.

Tower of the Godly King - A DBT candidate.

Trade Off - If we have a mini-game of some kind?

Underwater Palace - Another candidate for the Entity dungeon. This one sounds pretty solid.


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2006, 09:30:02 pm »
No songs to suggest, but I'll try to help you with choosing instruments for CTP, RD, and FF6.

On another note, are you sure you can import RS3? JCE3000GT said in a topic at Mnrogar's Den that he couldn't get RS3 to import into CT.

Edit-I may be wrong about that; I think I imported one somewhat sucessfully (by sucking it from a SPC, though that just means I'm not sure how long it is or if I have the right data for sure.)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2006, 11:16:23 pm by Vehek »


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2006, 09:40:54 pm »
I'll ask Vargose the next time he's on AIM; I believe he's the one who posted the compatible games list.

Oh yes; once we finish the music (since that might result in new areas / scenes), we can amend the plot and then decide all new locations we'll need and just plan the hell out of it. It'll be ridiculously easy to put together the ROM once we know everything. Then we can build the components (maps, maybe some basic event coding for later import) and put it all together when bug 125 is fixed.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2006, 10:01:46 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2006, 11:19:17 pm »
Are we planning to remove Ayla's theme? I don't think it's needed.


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2006, 11:27:08 pm »
How about for fun we put in some styx for the ending credits
like Renegade/hangman, mr. roboto, or blue collar man.
everyone is a styx fan, most people just don't know it.

or better yet, everyone who participated could get there own theme in a producer's room ending(if we do one)


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #21 on: October 21, 2006, 01:39:19 am »
I hope you're joking, because there is no .spc composition program in existence save Hyrule Magic, and that's a stretch considering the LTTP spc core isn't even compatible with Chrono Trigger's.

Character themes inexorably remain.


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #22 on: October 21, 2006, 04:23:26 am »
I think Ayla's Theme would be removed only if Schala were a PC... but this is impossible, considering we're still not even sure PC Glenn is possible.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2006, 04:28:22 am by Chrono'99 »


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #23 on: October 21, 2006, 12:25:58 pm »
I think Ayla's Theme would be removed only if Schala were a PC... but this is impossible, considering we're still not even sure PC Glenn is possible.

So, Ayla is still going to be a playable character?


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2006, 01:32:25 pm »
She's the optional character. In chapter, er... ten, you must choose between saving her life or stopping King Zeal.


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2006, 02:12:06 pm »
I hope you're joking, because there is no .spc composition program in existence save Hyrule Magic, and that's a stretch considering the LTTP spc core isn't even compatible with Chrono Trigger's.

the styx idea was a joke, I felt like lightneing the mood to spur some more "out of the box" suggestions. Along the lines of the shoot higher than your goal, and you'll hit your goal, thinking.

In all honesty though so many people love styx and they don't know it.

and if we do go about a producer's room ending it'll probably be one of the last things we do. For all we know we could have enough unused sprites to make custom one for everyone (i highly doubt that).
We could even have one person with a custom sprite and then send the player on a scavenger hunt to find everyone else, who are arbitrary objects, like a lampost or a bucket. and then their theme will play after speaking to that particular person. and after all are found the player will get something special (they'll be told that at the beginning of the hunt). then it turns out to be a hug, and a big "The End" pops up.


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2006, 04:38:26 pm »
Gun Hazard

20 Invasion
42 Death in Broad Daylight

One of these 2 could be used in infiltration-based dungeons (Reptite Factory and/or Porre Lab). I'm not sure which song is the better.

30 Blue Sky

Listen to this song: the first 3 notes are identical to the ones found in Kid's theme in RD or CC... It makes you wonder (this track is credited to Uematsu and GH was released before RD, mmh...). In any case, with this Chrono sound, I think this song would make a good "sad moment" theme.

Front Mission

19 Shallow Twilight

Entity dungeon? It's bubbly like Mercenaries but it has an organ.

24 Shop

Could actually work for Reptite Factory and/or Porre Lab. It's very jazzy, and thus much more original and interesting than Generic Creepy Theme Number 5436.

30 Rage! Rage! Rage!

Another potential battle theme.

Romancing SaGa 3

46 Ice Lake

The Zealian Chill mix would indeed make a good theme for the return to Zeal, but then we'd have to find something else for the normal 11,998 B.C. overworld... I think this song could work well, the melody is icy and cold-sounding, and is totally unlike the Zealian themes, which is good for 11,998 B.C. since Zeal is simply no more.

48 Leonid's Castle

Terra Tower and/or Serran's Fortress?

So with this, I've listened to all the soundtracks posted. It's hard to choose tracks because these games have very different atmospheres than Chrono (Front Mission 1 and the shoot-'em-up GH are all about military, totally non-epic). I wonder if we can still find other compatible games? Maybe there could be good things in more epic games like Seiken Densetsu 3 or Treasure Hunter G.


Also, off-topic again but if anyone feels like reading the liner notes to the Gun Hazard OST, it's really funny. While CT gave Mitsuda a stomach ulcera, GH made him shit blood! :/


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2006, 04:43:55 pm »
Just curious; does anyone else plan on listening to these? The Compendium was created out of legendary impatience, but we'll hold off if someone wants to contribute.


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #28 on: October 21, 2006, 07:38:25 pm »
I don't think we can use Seiken Densetsu 3 music. Vargose said that the Secret of Mana family seems to be incompatible.

Earlier, I remembered that JCE3000GT imported spcs from Romancing Saga 2 into FF6. I think it can also be imported into CT, so here's another game's music we can use.


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Re: Revised Plot and Planning Thread
« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2006, 01:12:06 am »
I just read his topic, and it looks like Dynami Tracer works too. I'll listen to these two soundtracks tonight. I encourage at least one more person to listen to all of them PLEASE.

Dynami Tracer

Title - This is a pretty badass song. If the instruments translate well, it could easily be some bad dude's theme. Jeez, I want to hear how this sounds in Chrono Trigger. I am so burning this to my next CD. Freaking whoa.

Twin Star 2 - And this is Title sped up. If we used this music for some kind of level, this could humorously be used if the party has to escape or some other crisis occurs.

Sand Planet - It has a pretty solid arrangement. It could do for a 2302 A.D. overworld if we didn't go with the "rising spirit of youth" one from RS3.

Victory 2 - It's quirky enough to work somewhere humorously.

Romancing SaGa 2

Prologue (Part 3) - This is sufficiently dark for the DBT.

Prologue (Part 4) - This is actiony. It might have a use somewhere.

Song of Everlasting Battles - A reflective piece. Jeez, am I going to like everything in this soundtrack...

Empire of Avalon - Another 2302 A.D. idea.

Empire's Front Line - Porre march? It sounds a little formal, though.

Another Country's Town - Maybe.

Mermaid Legend - You got it; Entity dungeon.

Sinkin Ship - DBT, though it doesn't have much flair.

Last Dungeon - DBT

Last Battle - This is dramatic.

Successive Emperor - Another march.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2006, 03:54:30 am by ZeaLitY »