When importing String data or changing item names; results in first half of item shown while the second half is cut off.
i.e. Mid Tonic becomes "Mid" when displayed in the game from chests, battle item drops, etc. Though the string in TF itself still says "Mid Tonic"
Incorrect space character bug, previously reported and fixed in the BETA.
Also, sometimes the strings corrupt other strings, changing enough world map location names and they start to corrupt. This goes for item descriptions, chapter name, monster tech names, etc, tech descriptions, (pretty much ALL string data that doesn't say "fixed". hmmmm.)
Unreported bug, possibly related to strings not compressing in v2.00. It is possible that the string relocation code is not working properly.
When importing event code, you must enter the event editor, click on a string and update+write mem otherwise all the strings of the imported events will be corrupted.
Fixed in the BETA.
Some sound [loops] cannot play at the same time as a song, while some others can... (or is that the way some sounds work? Will this be fixed some day when sound code is completely figured out?)
Not an editor bug.