This one is really nasty:
In event editor,
make a new command,
Byte Math, Mem-to-Mem, Load from 7F0268, Add to 7F0266, One byte
Saving & playing the game has no problems. However, when you close/open the event editor
and click on this command, the program has an unhandled exeption.
7F0266 & 7F0268 were assigned values using this fashion:
Assignment, Value-to-Mem, Variant 4F, Value 10, Store to 7F0266, One byte
Assignment, Value-to-Mem, Variant 4F, Value 10, Store to 7F0268, One byte
You can hit the continue button on the error dialog, and continue editing events as if nothing happened. However, the actual adding doesn't work correctly in the game. If you want me to send my Leene Square export just PM me.