Alright everyone, tomorrow is the big day!
Crono vs. Sonic. This is probably Crono's biggest challenge in winning the male bracket, and after Samus's disgraceful performance against Tifa (albeit without her power suit, making her unrecognizable to much of her fanbase), I'd say the main bracket too. Although, Snake is trying to tell us he can beat Crono today as he is flattening Megaman after Megaman beat him 2 years in a row earlier. But I still think Sonic is the greater threat, as Megaman just looks like he's dropped considerably this year.
Anyway, Crono vs. Sonic should be close; I can't see Sonic winning with more than 52% and can't see Crono winning with more than 54%. Although, in the past 6 days, Square characters have exceeded expectations in 5 of them, and the remaining match didn't have any Square characters, lending credence to the theory that Final Fantasy XII is having an effect on this contest. (It's really 4, but Snake based on past matches acts as a Square character, so he helps the FFXII theory.)
My prediction: Crono with 51%, pretty much what last year's extrapolated standings say.
Go Crono!