DBZ should never be brought up anywhere.
To each their own, I s'pose... *puts something in her signature just ta spite 'im* <3(*not really, but it sure works out like that, doesn't it?*)
Anyway, I'm not sure I can really think of any other examples of eye colors changin' that dun involve naughty stuffs or
Dragon Ball Z, bu' yer more than welcome ta find and/or make s'more evidence that proves eye-color corrisponds ta magical prowess, babe. I'm not hones'ly sayin' it dun, but I ain' sayin' it does, either. I mean, let's look at some examples...
Ayla - Green eyes, no magic.
Crono - Green eyes, Sky magic.
Glenn - Golden/Blue* eyes, Water magic.
Lucca - Sky blue eyes, Fire magic.
Maou - Dull green, then blood red eyes, all magics(with Shadow affinity).
Marle - Green eyes, Water magic.(Ice sub-magic.)
Dalton - Black(...?) eye, Void and Copy magic.
Gran and Leon - Green-blue eyes, Sky magic.
Mayonnaise - Pink-grey eyes, Void magic.
Vinegar - Golden eyes, all magics.
Queen Zeal - Grey-green eyes, all magics.
Sara - Soft green eyes, unknown magic.(Assumed "all magics".)
Far as I can see, there's absolutely no constant in eyes or elements. It's all jus' kind'a random... Well, 'cept wid maybe th' Zeal family. They all seem ta have green eyes. Bu' still!