Wake up, you dogs! The time of destiny is here! Black Sam, prepare the strategy! Faffy and James, whip everyone on deck into shape and get her ready for rough seas!
We be enterin' dark waters ahead! Krispin, if cruel destiny has marked any of our enemies for death, let your cannons be fate's instruments! We've entered a nasty corridor, and successive squall lines await to assault our sails. Pilot, set 'er up to run straight through! We do not go left, nor right around our trials; let us pierce them as they threaten us! For beyond these seas are the jewels of the blue ocean, the islands of rich spoil and illumination.
Cook! Make sure every man is fit to do battle, with three loaded pistols a piece and a cutlass that could cleave the stars in pieces! Support staff, stand by to repair any leakages or splinters! And by god, to the rest of you, stay sharp!
Weapons ready, gentlemen! We sail into the fiercest storm to ever test the mettle of our legend! Let us show the whimsical, salty jinns of the sea and air what it means to live passionately!