Hmph. I've written worse. Whoever wrote this is probably 10 or something like that, and I can tell you... the bit I wrote at that age wasn't stellar. My dinosaur-loving phase spawned 'Last of the Dinosaurs' - that would have been in '93... okay, so I wasn't quite 10 yet, but guess what influenced THAT? So, so bad. And it wasn't the worst. There were my stories about an inter-galactic trans-temporal adventurer (sort of a pan-heroic Sinbad) named Idiro. God, I can't believe I was actually proud of it back then.
Though, I must admit, the latter idea... well, it still resonates with me. Sounds stupid from just that, I know, but subtly there's something to be done with it. Just a few months ago I tried to write a space battle, and I used that guy as the basis... but I portrayed the ship-battles as sort of the combat between Homeric heroes. A bit odd, but only a bit of an experiment.
Anyway, true enough, there are bad things out there on And I'm ashamed to say, my own CT fanfic is a bit... subpar. However, it's not just Have you seen some of the things that get published? Just a while ago there was this book lauded - I read it just for the heck of it when my sister got it, and I think it was the last fantasy book I read - called Eragon, which was supposedly so great because a 19 year old kid had written it. Oh, boy. I tell you, if that fool's parents hadn't been publishers, it'd gone nowhere. There is a reason 19 year olds are almost never novelists - poets, occassionally, but novels require more age and experience. Talk about derivative and trite, and totally unoriginal for a fantasy book. And here's the kicker... they made a movie about it. And not just some made-for TV thing, but a bloody full-scale multi-million dollar movie with John Malkovitch and Jeremey Irons! Dammit, the kid can't even write (yet), and they make a movie? Ridiculous.
Anyway, yeah, long story short, there's a lot of bad stuff out there. And I'm always worried I'll contribute to it. Just today I read Aristotle's Poetics, and boy does it make me feel guilty, all his 'a story has to be based around a good plot' and how 'plot is pre-eminent' and... yeah. I'm not a plot-writer. I'm a theme and style writer. Okay, so my plot's not terrible. But it's not my focus, and old Aristotle was sure giving my writing a working over as I read him.