Well, how about that! We've got one model already!

Though that's no guarantee the rest are in .TMD format, right? All Playstation game CDs probably have that one.
Judging from the few sample PSX .TMDs I've gotten my paws on, it appears that the TMD file header in hexadecimal could be either
00000000 4100 0000 0000 0000 A.......
00000000 4100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 A...........
There are 4 instances of the bottom hex string in the iso, but if I search based on the truncated top version, I get 1370 instances in the first .BIK alone. So either we've got a ton of .TMDs or almost none at all.
What I'd like to do next is rip some of the data that follows the "full" TMD "headers" in the iso and see if other TMDs are present at all - the "full headered" hex strings would be the most likely candidates. But once I've got the hex strings copied, Luminaire, how would I go about transforming them into files Milkshape could view? Is that even possible? And then there's the problem of guessing how long of a hex string would be sufficient to form a .TMD file, as they don't have a standard length and I don't believe they have any kind of "footer."
For my own recording purposes, the PlayStation logo is contained within the following offsets of the iso:
00002800 ~ 00005A78. Once I start a datamap that'll be put in there along with .TIM locations.
Thanks again, Luminaire!