I saw the whole thing. It was leaked on a mobile..
I have to give it to the man. He showed no fear or hysteria in his final moments. He went gracefully, if anything.
I don't think he deserved the hanging. The first judge was sacked by the US because the trial wasn't going in their favor. The judge that convicted Saddam only had 2 weeks training. And I bet he was bribed.
Saddam, at any rate, deserved a humane death.
But as for my own opinion, he didn't deserve to die at all. Come on, his charged aren't worth his death. If somebody was out to kill me, i'd have them fkin killed too, the stupid bastards. He did have them killed, but only after he put an appeal through the Iraqi legal system, even though it was biased towards him.
Now, people have done worse than him. Bush has had more casualties from the Iraqi war than those 14x shiites.
Truman had like 200,000 killed with Hiroshima an Nagasaki. He wasn't hanged for ORDERING that. Yet Saddam does.
And btw, all those Iraqi's, Jews, Muslims, Shiites, that are partying now, and especially the ones firing guns into the air. They are just planely retarded. Anyone who gets satisfaction from anothers death is sick and should die themselves.