The cage spell is not such a huge detail; the technique isn't explicitely said in the hack to be Ozzie's technique. It's a bit like Kid's Red Pin tech in CC; one could imagine that Lucca taught Kid this tech (since Red Pin was originally a double tech between Lucca and Frog), but since it's never stated, nothing is asserted definitely. Same thing with this magic cage; nothing is stated explicitely, I think the player is free to imagine a link with Ozzie's magic cage or not.
As for the seal: the mountain doesn't begin crumbling immediately upon Melchior's release either, he has the time to tell a few things to the party. Since there was a clear lag between the breaking of the seal and the crumbling of the mountain, we can't really know what
exactly the seal was out of the two actions the party did. For simplicity's sake, wouldn't it be better to say it was Giga Gaia though? If the seal were due to the cage, wouldn't it mean that Mt. Woe didn't float until the cage spell was cast upon Melchior, and thus that the Prophet himself raised a mountain above the ground just to seal Melchior?
There is also nothing in the game that states this...there was never any impression that Giga Gaia was an executioner rather than merely a guard of the prison. Had this been the case Schala might have given Crono and the gang warning about Giga Gaia when they sought to rescue the imprisoned Guru, but we see nothing that says Melchior was ever in any danger.
Good point, I agree.
Is this truly necessary? Admittedly it would be interesting to see why Dalton has the eye patch, and it would create some nice tension between Magus and Dalton but I'm not seeing the necessity of Magus inflicting the wound on Dalton's eye, as there was never anything that implied the wound was recent. But then, that's more a case of me quibbling over an unimportant detail, unlike the previous two issues.
It's true that there was nothing indicating the wound was recent... Crono's party arrives roughly after this scene, so when they meet Dalton in CT he should have had a big ugly bandage on the eye instead of this little post-wound eye patch.
On the other hand, I think this attack from Magus makes for a nice little "plot-twist" for the end of this hack. The end would be rather anti-climatic without something like this for the player to go "wahh!". Maybe the absence of bandage isn't really important; Zealians got magic, so maybe that's how Dalton healed quickly and didn't need a bandage (magic can't bring back injured eyes, but it can probably heal wound and make the bleeding stop). I guess Zeality has to decide

I'm beginning to think that there should actually be a few monsters and rooms inside the breach to turn this Ocean Palace sequence into a very small final dungeon, since otherwise the hack would be "just" a long sequence of cutscenes after the two first dungeons (Beast's Nest and Mt. Woe), despite the battle against Dalton. ...But let's get these two finished before considering adding another dungeon.