Author Topic: Fucking hell.  (Read 1725 times)

Burning Zeppelin

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Fucking hell.
« on: January 16, 2007, 05:33:02 am »
Yesterday I came home from two long plane trips from Bangladesh. It's been a hectic time with curfews and traffic blockades, so we just want to have a good nice rest. But then we open the door. Our storage room doors open and the back of which is facing us, saying:


We suddenly get freaked out. Eggs everywhere. Most of the mirrors have been taken down (anything with mirrors was taken down, thoughts?). My Xbox is gone, with all my games, as well as my sisters laptop. Our computers been taken apart and the hard drive and disc drive is gone. Funnily enough, none of my mums jewellery is gone, and none of the pricey stuff is smashed. Nothing. Only the bathroom stuff. Parents room has a few eggs, same with every other room. Cept mine.

My room was fully trashed. Guitar strings snapped, everything not open, opened. Eggs everywhere, including my clothes. And written on the wall was:

We asked neighbours and they heard nothing. My uncle had come three days ago, so it happened between then and when we came back. Apparently they left a note, but it was either a way of knowing if anyone was home and they later took it down, or it blew away in the wind. I hope it was the first theory, because who knows what it might've said... Our neighbours wanted to check it out but her husband said not to be a stickybeak and look at it.

Well, this is mighty shit.


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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2007, 06:26:28 am »
holy shit... that sucks.

kinda sounds like someone who knows you might have had a hand in it considering any normal robber would be smart enough to find and take shit like jewelery and wouldnt waste time defacing the house like that. and if it was a random raid by teenagers they would have defaced more than the house.

i hope you get your stuff back/replaced.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2007, 08:41:04 am »
I am sorry that that happened to you and your family. Is there anything we can do to help?


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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2007, 09:44:42 am »
Ouch man that really sucks. They sound like dumb criminals leaving messages and notes and such. It ought to be a little easier to track them down, we'll I'd hope so at least.

Is there anything we can do to help?

I agree. Is there anything the compendium can do?


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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2007, 10:30:44 am »
What the fuck?  This just goes to show how fucking retarded most people are these days.  It's people like that, that just makes me want to take a knife and just slit their throats.  Prolly some retarded teenagers going around "Lol yo, les go break into da house and sTEEEEal all da stuff yo!"  -sigh-  If there's anything we can do to help, we'll try to do w/e we can.  If your still in school or something, or know some younger kids, just ask around, i'm sure you'll figure out who did it.

Birdface...Was there anyone that you know at all that called you that?  If so, then they're probably the ones that did it.  But god...I really wish I could strangle the people that did this to you.  This stuff just pisses me off.

It's kinda like what happened to my uncle's work place.  Some gay ass teengers went in their and stole all of my brothers cd's that he made for my uncle, and trashed the place and put a note on the desk that said, "Thanks".  I found out who did it on accident, as it was one of my friends brothers, she told me about it and bam.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2007, 10:34:30 am by justin3009 »


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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2007, 04:38:37 pm »
............... ouch. All I can say is, I hape you are insured..


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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2007, 05:34:32 pm »
I hope that you'll catch the punks who vandalize your house.


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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2007, 07:07:07 pm »
here's what i would do to those c*nt heads: hang them upside down, with no close on but their boxers or whatever, piss all over them, piss in their mouth, and....i can't think of the rest. but catch them and do what you like, because anything that you do to them, they deserve it, except maybe get away...

Lord J Esq

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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2007, 09:16:08 pm »
here's what i would do to those c*nt heads: hang them upside down, with no close on but their boxers or whatever, piss all over them, piss in their mouth, and....i can't think of the rest. but catch them and do what you like, because anything that you do to them, they deserve it, except maybe get away...

Proper vengeance, when it must come to that, is not about thinking up the nastiest possible way to make your enemy suffer. It is about setting things right and securing against a recurrence of such troubles.


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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2007, 10:47:57 pm »
here's what i would do to those c*nt heads: hang them upside down, with no close on but their boxers or whatever, piss all over them, piss in their mouth, and....i can't think of the rest. but catch them and do what you like, because anything that you do to them, they deserve it, except maybe get away...

Proper vengeance, when it must come to that, is not about thinking up the nastiest possible way to make your enemy suffer. It is about setting things right and securing against a recurrence of such troubles.
pfft screw that. but my most favorite vengeance is mental...i like playing mind games with people. but still, i wouldn't just let them loose after doing sh"t like that. and is there really anyway to set it "right"?


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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2007, 12:16:34 am »
here's what i would do to those c*nt heads: hang them upside down, with no close on but their boxers or whatever, piss all over them, piss in their mouth, and....i can't think of the rest. but catch them and do what you like, because anything that you do to them, they deserve it, except maybe get away...

Proper vengeance, when it must come to that, is not about thinking up the nastiest possible way to make your enemy suffer. It is about setting things right and securing against a recurrence of such troubles.
pfft screw that. but my most favorite vengeance is mental...i like playing mind games with people. but still, i wouldn't just let them loose after doing sh"t like that. and is there really anyway to set it "right"?

For a robbery? More so than for many other wrongs.


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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2007, 12:53:10 am »
here's what i would do to those c*nt heads: hang them upside down, with no close on but their boxers or whatever, piss all over them, piss in their mouth, and....i can't think of the rest. but catch them and do what you like, because anything that you do to them, they deserve it, except maybe get away...

Proper vengeance, when it must come to that, is not about thinking up the nastiest possible way to make your enemy suffer. It is about setting things right and securing against a recurrence of such troubles.
pfft screw that. but my most favorite vengeance is mental...i like playing mind games with people. but still, i wouldn't just let them loose after doing sh"t like that. and is there really anyway to set it "right"?

For a robbery? More so than for many other wrongs.
that's NOT JUST a robbery you know.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2007, 02:03:36 am »
I am sorry that that happened to you and your family. Is there anything we can do to help?
Yes, a coffee and the Daily Bugle.
What the fuck?  This just goes to show how fucking retarded most people are these days.  It's people like that, that just makes me want to take a knife and just slit their throats.  Prolly some retarded teenagers going around "Lol yo, les go break into da house and sTEEEEal all da stuff yo!"  -sigh-  If there's anything we can do to help, we'll try to do w/e we can.  If your still in school or something, or know some younger kids, just ask around, i'm sure you'll figure out who did it.

Birdface...Was there anyone that you know at all that called you that?  If so, then they're probably the ones that did it.  But god...I really wish I could strangle the people that did this to you.  This stuff just pisses me off.

It's kinda like what happened to my uncle's work place.  Some gay ass teengers went in their and stole all of my brothers cd's that he made for my uncle, and trashed the place and put a note on the desk that said, "Thanks".  I found out who did it on accident, as it was one of my friends brothers, she told me about it and bam.
As I said before (I think) it was almost definetely someone that knows me. Hell, it's against me. My room had the most eggs. My room had eggs on the clothes. My room had the message. My room had everything gone through. The bathroom I used was most damaged. My Xbox and PS2 are gone. My computer is gone. And I bet they think my laptop is gone (jokes on them, it wasn't my laptop). None of my mums stuff is gone. My uncles laptop isn't gone. Strangely enough, the place with all our Islamic stuff wasn't even entered let alone vandalised.
Birdface coz of my big nose :D But no ones called me that before...
............... ouch. All I can say is, I hape you are insured..
It was you wasn't it!

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5

EDIT: By the way, can someone fix those links...something doesn't seem right...
MODERATOR EDIT: No problem. I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope that you can your stuff back, and that the parties responsible are brought to justice.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2007, 03:52:49 am by Radical_Dreamer »


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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2007, 02:16:25 am »
I feel sorry for you. Whoever did that should pay.


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Re: Fucking hell.
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2007, 03:18:59 pm »
Was anything stolen from the PC? Hardrive motherboard?

When in school the next time, walk with a friend and scan the kids walking with you for any weird gestures or facial expressions. Do NOT tell any of your friends or anything that will leak in school. The situation stays within you and your family and the suspects only.

Also, though it might be expensive, have police or some organization run fingerprints on the doors and egg shells. The will pay the piper and the funds they give you will go to the investigation team.

Then you can laugh at them when they are in jail...