The only difference is WoW is a waste of money. >__>
Not as bad as FFXI.
I still say WoW...That game shoulda never been made imo. It's a mockery of the Warcraft series >_<
Same with FFXI.
I couldn't agree with you more, nightmare975. I just really hate the fact that so much more people around here are completely against the mere thought of something that could potentially 'hurt' Square Enix financially, especially when we have all been waiting for seven LONG years already for them to come up with a new entry in the Chrono series. I am seriously baffled at how everyone's supposedly taking 'matters into their own hands' with all these simple, downright ridiculous, just plain irrealistic ideas and still continue to play THE GAME that decidedly ended all our hopes for a better future, a future where more Chrono games would be allowed to exist.
I mean, seriously, do you all really believe that Square Enix is going to suddenly stop continuing support for a game that could milk at least $20 off someone per month, and then suddenly is going to decide to give 'some' of the fans what they actually want? No, I'm sorry to be blunt and realistic. There'll never be another Chrono game, not even a remake or port of the original one anytime soon. I don't think it's even gonna be 'rereleased' for the Wii's Virtual Console. Why? Becease they simply don't want to promote any more support for the series. The reason? My theory is that they don't want to create any more 'chrono fans', so that they can also start asking for another chapter. The evidence? The rerelease of the Final Fantasy games for the Playstation in Europe excluded our beloved game: Chrono Trigger. Don't like it? Me neither, but I believe that's the truth, at least until FFXI finally gets 'boring' to almost everyone who's played it and seeing that it's already been quite some time since its release (around six years now?) I really don't see that happening any time soon. Wanna make a difference? Kill the game that killed our series by ending your financial support for it! That's right. We CAN make a difference: Destroy their precious 'little' Final Fantasy XI income, and maybe they'll come to their senses.
I know this is off topic, and should have been posted in a different Forum thread. I don't care, because I really don't think that any good productive idea is going to come from that particular one. I'm sorry not to be as positive on the whole issue as some of you clearly are. I just wonder what it'll actually take for the entire community to finallly loose that attitude towards Square Enix... five more years of waiting, anyone? No, that probably won't be enough. Who knows, maybe I really am mistaken and they finally do come up with something...sometime down the next decade.