Author Topic: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread  (Read 52497 times)


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #75 on: April 20, 2007, 03:44:13 pm »
Just a thought, but if you do eventually intend to have Frog change back into his human form before the ending, then perhaps you should consider changing his default name to Glenn.  It would be kind of weird to call him Frog after that point, that is unless you can have the game automatically change his name to Glenn.  Actually that probably wouldn't be too hard from a hex standpoint, you'd just need the game code to modify 5 values that should be in a series and easy to locate.

Oh btw, things look awesome, this is a grand undertaking and it's good to see a project that's all about improving without disrupting the original game.  I'd offer my help, but I'm a hex only guy, and work on a mac so I have no experience or way of using TF or any of the other utilities you probably use.

A quick question, how are you expanding the dialogue?  Are you first expanding the rom?  Is the text in a location that where there's free space around it, so it's easily appended?  Size constraints are always an issue with me for this kind of work, but perhaps the tools you use are much more powerful than I think, or maybe you guys are just that good.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #76 on: April 20, 2007, 04:46:11 pm »
Crono - A2 CB C8 C7 C8
Marle - AC BA CB C5 BE
Lucca - AB CE BC BC BA
Robo - B1 C8 BB C8
Frog - A5 CB C8 C0
Ayla - A0 D2 C5 BA
Magus - AC BA C0 CE CC
Epoch - A4 C9 C8 BC C1

Capital Letters

80+ = Japanese?
A0 - A
A1 - B
A2 - C
A3 - D
A4 - E
A5 - F
A6 - G
A7 - H
A8 - I
A9 - J
AA - K
AB - L
AC - M
AD - N
AE - O
AF - P
B0 - Q
B1 - R
B2 - S
B3 - T
B4 - U
B5 - V
B6 - W
B7 - X
B8 - Y
B9 - Z

Lower Case Letters

BA - a
BB - b
BC - c
BD - d
BE - e
Bf - f
C0 - g
C1 - h
C2 - i
C3 - j
C4 - k
C5 - l
C6 - m
C7 - n
C8 - o
C9 - p
CA - q
CB - r
CC - s
CD - t
CE - u
CF - v
D0 - w
D1 - x
D2 - y
D3 – z


D4 - 0
D5 - 1
D6 - 2
D7 - 3
D8 - 4
D9 - 5
DA - 6
DB - 7
DC - 8
DD – 9

Grammatical stuff

DE - !
DF - ?
E0 - /
E1 - ``
E2 - `` (going left)
E3 - :
Random Symbols

E4 - % (la in my hack)
E5 - (
E6 - )
E7 - '


E8 - .
E9 - ,


EA - =
EB - -
EC - +
ED - \ (ie in my hack)
EE - #
EF - Japanese
F0 - small o
F1 - Bolded A
F2 - #
F3 - #
F4 - Shorter Capital L
F5 - Rl
F6 - Japanese
F7 - Japanese
F8 - Japanese
F9 -  Japanese
FA - Japanese
FB - ( (oddly shaped)
FC - ) (Oddly Shaped)
FD - Bracket
FE - ??
FF - 

All the hex strings...Most of the bottom ones will NOT show up correctly in text.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #77 on: April 20, 2007, 07:10:18 pm »
Just a thought, but if you do eventually intend to have Frog change back into his human form before the ending, then perhaps you should consider changing his default name to Glenn.  It would be kind of weird to call him Frog after that point, that is unless you can have the game automatically change his name to Glenn.  Actually that probably wouldn't be too hard from a hex standpoint, you'd just need the game code to modify 5 values that should be in a series and easy to locate.
If we did that, all we'd have to do is have the name prompt come up again with the new artistry photo and the default name set to Glenn. Easy as pie for Zakyrus.
Oh btw, things look awesome, this is a grand undertaking and it's good to see a project that's all about improving without disrupting the original game.  I'd offer my help, but I'm a hex only guy, and work on a mac so I have no experience or way of using TF or any of the other utilities you probably use.
Well, I'm sure you could probably chip in through some manner, at least...Zakyrus would know more.
A quick question, how are you expanding the dialogue?  Are you first expanding the rom?  Is the text in a location that where there's free space around it, so it's easily appended?  Size constraints are always an issue with me for this kind of work, but perhaps the tools you use are much more powerful than I think, or maybe you guys are just that good.
We're just that good.

But seriously, we can exapnd the ROM by two megabytes using Temporal Flux, so text is not a problem. As for how...let's just say I'm rewriting the entire game script and leave it at that, shall we?


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #78 on: April 20, 2007, 09:10:06 pm »
Um...If you use Lunar Expander, I think you can make the rom 4 megs bigger or even 6 megs.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #79 on: April 20, 2007, 09:25:19 pm »
Um...If you use Lunar Expander, I think you can make the rom 4 megs bigger or even 6 megs.
Irrelevant. We can expand it further but ZSNES and SNES9x do not support 8 megabyte and higher ROMs.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #80 on: April 20, 2007, 09:46:14 pm »
Yea..Good point.   Oh well, 6 megs is definately enough.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #81 on: April 23, 2007, 08:57:10 am »
Well, it's not "technically" an export.  But here's an IPS patch that allows the battle with Gato to have different music dependant on who's in #1 slot of PC.  Crono - Battle 2       Lucca - Schala's Theme        Ayla - Ayla's Theme, etc..  Thought i'd try something simple.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: April 23, 2007, 09:00:01 am by justin3009 »


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #82 on: April 24, 2007, 05:16:34 am »
Very cool, justin3009.

anclunn, what kind of stuff can you do in hex?  :shock:
Any tips, help with hex editing would be totally awesome.  8)
PM me if you get this.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #83 on: April 24, 2007, 07:43:34 am »
Plan #1: Release something annoying to confuse everyone (& throw them off).  :D

Plan #2: Show off stuff that will be in the Chrono Trigger + mod.

New improved "Cursed Woods"?  :shock: That is now a random MAZE! (you have to talk to Toma to get the directions to Frog's House, otherwise you get lost  :twisted:

New cut-scenes and enhanced dialog by Kyronea.   8)

Dance, DANCE!! (Lucca is only facing the wrong way because I came in from the top  :) )

After Magus Battle has been extended!

and many misc enhancements!

MANY cutscenes are being added as well as every existing one enhanced. The first beta test will be from the start of the game through the point where you wake up in Ayla's tent after confronting Magus. (You could continue afterwards, though it would be pointless).

Still going to be a little while before the public beta release. I'd say a week or two...but I can't make any guarantees. Stay tuned!

...Now would be a good time for someone to make a "questioner of interview questions" individually for Kyronea (did dialouge & cutscene enhancements "Storyline Manager" ....many thanks to by the way!) and Zakyrus(me!) (put everything in the game, as well as came up with project, enhance areas/maps, not to forget the totally groovy Millennial Fair hack "Project Manager" & 'fuhrer' )

2 people (Probably Zeality and someone else?) should get together and make some interview questions for Kyronea on Storyline/dialog stuff, and a set of questions for me(game enhancements/overall project). PM them to us (make one for both of us if you get time).
« Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 11:34:36 am by Zakyrus »


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #84 on: April 24, 2007, 12:31:53 pm »
I will point out for the sake of protecting my vanity that the dialogue snippets you see here are but a tiny taste of what is really being placed in the ROM(mainly because of how Zakyrus has been inputting the dialogue.) Rest assured, the public beta will be much better once it comes out.

In any case, you will all thoroughly enjoy this beta of Chrono Trigger +...or so I would hope, anyway.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #85 on: April 24, 2007, 01:28:03 pm »
So the convention of using {line break} and {page break} is out?


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #86 on: April 24, 2007, 01:46:35 pm »
So the convention of using {line break} and {page break} is out?
Nope. Don't look at me if things aren't formatted correctly once they're put into place...if you look at the hidden forum you can see quite easily that there are plenty of line breaks, page breaks, and all sorts of fun stuff in the script. It's all up to Zakyrus to ensure they're properly integrated into the ROM.

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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #87 on: April 24, 2007, 02:28:29 pm »
Sorry guys, haven't been able to start sprites yet; too much schoolwork. I can finally get to them on saturday.



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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #88 on: April 24, 2007, 02:30:39 pm »
Sorry guys, haven't been able to start sprites yet; too much schoolwork. I can finally get to them on saturday.

Take your time...there's no real rush yet. The key is quality, not speed.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #89 on: April 24, 2007, 03:32:03 pm »
I am 100% looking forward to this still!  I wish there was something I could do to help though :x