Yeah, I felt bad not being able to post. It was driving me stir crazy, this also gave me motivation to enhance the hell out of alot of things...
A few things I am working on at the moment:
* If I get it working, Crono will lose all items at the Guardia Jail (like the Blackbird), and will get a mop to "clean up his cell", (which is auto-equipped - spitefully) if he escapes or Lucca saves him, he must find the chests with items and gil. If you leave without (select "Don't care" just before the Dragon Tank) Marle will give all items back minus the gil.
* Also, the Rat password in Arris Dome is changed to a 3 button password (all Keyboard users will thank me!)
I wish I had more time, then I would have got some new maps and areas done.... oh well, there will be plenty of updates in the future... (especially as editing programs get better and better), there is soooooo much more I want to add than will be in the demo..
Let's just figure for a second that the 90% of Kyronea's enhanced cutscenes are added to the first half, this is still only 30-35% of the total work that will be done to this ROM... and if we can double to ROM to 8MEGs, then.... uh yeah.. I don't need to say it.