Author Topic: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread  (Read 58701 times)


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #165 on: June 13, 2007, 11:02:13 pm »
This is a very decent patch and has potential. However, I would like it a lot better if all the dialogue stayed a lot closer to the retranslation provided by KWhazit. For example, I patched the original CT ROM, and I go to the Millennial Fair and talk to the little boy sitting on the bench at the top and the same following conversation goes:

Kid: What's the big deal?
       So what if we won a war against a
       Wizard hundreds of years ago!

The text in the NA version above is very out-of-place and he should say the following line from the JP version instead:

Kid: Eh, heh, heh, I know about it.
       I heard there was an awesome battle with
       Magus's army hundreds of years ago.
       My mama says that if we'd lost that battle,
       there wouldn't be a festival like this now.

Just something I would like to point out. If you guys could look into the translation inaccuracies like this, that would be great. Thanks!


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #166 on: June 13, 2007, 11:13:38 pm »
Yes, we are definitely aware of it. So far I've been concentrating on rewriting the storyline specific dialogue--such as what the characters say, what important NPCs say, and so on and so forth--as well as dialogue for the sidequests and the endings. (During this rewriting I integrate the retranslation, Compendium theories, and my own little spin on things, all without actually treading upon the canon.) Apart from the NPCs covered in those areas, I've not rewritten a single bit of dialogue, so everything there is left exactly as it was. I thought I had pointed this out in the readme...maybe I didn't, and if I didn't I apologize for the confusion.

I also should point out, again, that the dialogue seen in the current patch is a condensed odd mixture of the original game's text and some of my rewritten scripts. Believe me, there's a lot better stuff in store. Maybe if Zakyrus approves it I could release the script for the first storyline chapter as an example of what is to come.

All that said, I definitely appreciate your critique and I would love as much as you can bring to bear.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #167 on: June 14, 2007, 12:08:44 am »
Did you change any item locations?


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #168 on: June 14, 2007, 12:17:51 am »
Did you change any item locations? far as I know, no items were switched around apart from a couple random ones--like the Lode Sword in Guardia Dungeon being placed on the body of a skeleton instead of in the chest it had once been contained--but I'm not entirely certain about that.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #169 on: June 14, 2007, 12:19:22 am »
What things did you change?


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #170 on: June 14, 2007, 12:19:50 am »
Besides the text.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #171 on: June 14, 2007, 12:35:01 am »

It's all in the readme. If you'd like...

Code: [Select]
(Please Read Prior To Asking Any Questions)

*It is highly recommended that for the sake of this demo you start a new game, not new game +. While a new game is not absolutely required for gameplay purposes, it is recommended as it will allow you to experience the full force of the changed aspects of the game in this demo, and, of course, you will enjoy the demo more.

Table of Contents:

1. What is Chrono Trigger +?
2. What are the features of Chrono Trigger +?
   2a. Dialogue Changes
   2b. Gameplay Changes
   2c. Music Changes
   2d. Miscellaneous Changes
3. What to expect for future versions
   3a. Public Demo 2.0
   3b. Chrono Trigger + Complete
4. Credits(For Public Demo 1.0)

* 1. What is Chrono Trigger +?                                            *

Chrono Trigger +, in essence, is a complete redux of Chrono Trigger, with the intent of enhancing the plot, enriching the dialogue and gameplay, and overall vastly increasing the enjoyment of the experience of Chrono Trigger. It features a large variety of changes to fix all sorts of problems with the original translation as well as alterations to the gameplay to not only give the player more options on how to play, but to increase the game length so it is not as short as it once was.

* 2. What are the features of Chrono Trigger +?                           * ***************************************************************************

2a. Dialogue Changes
Every single line of dialogue in the game, from the storyline essentials to the NPC minutia has been rewritten, not only to correct translation errors, but to enhance the overall experience. (Without treading upon canon!) Chrono Trigger + will also feature a vast variety of new cutscenes interspersed throughout the game where applicable.

--As of Public Demo 1.0, only some of the storyline dialogue has been rewritten and integrated, up to the endpoint of the demo, the scene in Ayla's Tent in 65,000,000 B.G. following the scene in Magus'Castle. Several scenes that would take place during this sequence--including a much better version of the scene in Melchior's house during the first trip through Medina--have been left out due to time and--in the case of Melchior and a few others--an occasional glitch that currently eludes Zakyrus.

2b. Gameplay Changes
The complete system of both loot(Tech Points, EXP, Gold, and Items) has been reworked. EXP on the whole is increased while Tech Points decreased, as well as Gold obtained. Monsters also have higher HP values as well as higher stats for the applicable monster, in order to increase the challenge of the game from all gameplay standpoints. New techniques have been added using Justin3009's technique creation system, as well as new equipment and lots of new items scattered across the land, such as special herbs and crystals which will be used to create new items.

--As of Public Demo 1.0, only some of the changes to the monsters and the loot have been enacted, though a few new items--the herbs and crystals--are scattered in random areas.

2c. Music Changes
Several music tracks throughout the game have been altered to enrich the specific quality of the music, and new tracks from Radical Dreamers, the Prerelease Chrono Trigger, and, as always, the two unreleased tracks of Singing Mountain and Battle II, have been integrated.

--As of Public Demo 1.0 only a few of the music tracks have been altered, though Battle II and Singing Mountain have both been integrated.

2d. Miscellaneous Changes
There are a great deal of minor graphic alterations throughout the game to enrich the overall look of the game, such as random forest animals in the Guardia Forest. The Millennial Fair has also been altered, and will expand as the game proceeds to allow for a greater variety of minigames, as well as provide a chance to utilize the new limit to the Silver Point system, 50,000. The game also utilizes an altered version of the date system; rather than B.C. and A.D.--which have no meaning in the Chronoverse--the game uses B.G.--Before Guardia--and A.F.--After Founding.

--As of Public Demo 1.0, only the new Blackjack, Slot Machine, and "Guess the Red Card" games have been added, and they all appear after returning from 600 A.F. for the first time. Also, please note that due to the partially integrated dialogue some pieces will still use B.C. and A.D.

* 3. What to expect for Future Versions?                                  *

3a. Public Demo 2.0
Public Demo 2.0 will contain the remainder of the rewritten cutscenes, for the rest of the storyline, as well as the sidequests AND the endings. New NPC dialogue will also be introduced in a few areas. It will also contain the rest of the Millennial Fair updates, as well as the utilization of the new Millennial Fair in all endings.

3b. Chrono Trigger + Full Finale

* Several new sidequests and dungeons will be added--balanced specifically for levels 75 to 99--as well as new enemies and bosses for these sidequests, and, of course, new cutscenes. Lavos himself will be upgraded to level **.

* At least one new ending is planned, though more will be made if possible.

* Large numbers of new items, equipment, and quest items will abound, and a new item synthesis system will be integrated(in function it will be similiar to the Final Fantasy IX and Kingdom Hearts item synthesis systems.)

* A new dynamic playability system will be integrated to allow for choices made throughout the game--such as telling Azala about the Gate Key, for example--to influence changes here and there in dialogue and certain cutscenes(though for the sake of canon this will be limited to the new cutscenes and will not alter the overall plot of the game, only minor points.)

* Several new cutscenes will be introduced to take care of those minor little details such as Magus having free reign of 600 A.F Guardia Castle

*Large amounts of little secrets here and there for the player to discover! (Though, for the sake of the player, we will create a separate secrets document so that certain items the player may miss are not simply unknown. We will not do to the players what Square did in Final Fantasy XII.)

*                            4. CREDITS                                   *

(Both Zakyrus and Kyronea will have words to say for each credited being.)

"Zakyrus: I probably would have actually 'attained' a serious life if you guys never made all those lovely RPGs. Thanks a google-plex-plex! "
"Kyronea: Thanks again for creating such a lovely game for us to work with, Square. Just listen to the Chrono fans and create a new game once in a while, eh?"


--Kyronea: Enhanced Cutscene Designer & Extended Dialouge/Storyline Writer
"Zakyrus: Sheer brilliant ideas for cutscenes as well as helping
me iron out any potential plotholes. Couldn't have done it without you!"

"Kyronea: It was a lot of hard work, but fun work. Please enjoy it, and please critique!"

--Zakyrus: Programmer and Main Mapper
"Zakyrus:  Come on, I wanna be in the CT+ credits!!!!!!!{delay 01}...{delay 03}
Uh, I did something, didn't I?{delay 03}
...I...{delay 01} can't remember....{delay 02} because, everytime I close
my eyes I see either the location or event editors!!!! Mental images of
Temporal Flux are 'temporarily flucuating' in my mind! Aaaaack~! The PUN-ishment!{delay 06}
{instant full break}{null}"

"Kyronea: Thanks, Zakyrus, for coming up with this hack in the first place. It's a lot of fun."

--Glennleo: Suggestion and Idea Man

"Kyronea: He didn't do much overall work, true, but this guy helped Zakyrus and me both on a lot of little issues. He's the little man people tend to forget. Not me, though. Thanks, Glennleo."



"Zakyrus: without you, I would never have become addicted to your awesome program!
Thanks! (now... where's that damn TF-Anonymous number?! I WANT OUT! ...ha ha just kidding.)"

"Kyronea: Temporal Flux...without your program, this would not have been possible. So we all owe you a big hunk of thanks."


"Zakyrus: for helping me understand the basics of memory and as well as much other
invaluable advice. Especially for helping me on making 50,000 SP max, and SP carry over on

"Kyronea: You helped Zakyrus out a lot, so thanks again."


"Zakyrus: You never 'directly' helped, but your vast CT knowledge and infos
really did help inspire! Thanks!"

"Kyronea: Thanks for the inspiration you gave Zakyrus."


"Zakyrus: for the CTEP editor, keep up the f***king awesome work!"

"Kyronea: You were the guy who messed with the music and showed everyone else how to, right?"


"Zakyrus: for being the coolest admin in all the galaxies! (If you EVER stop running I'm gonna kill you! Just kidding, I'll just find my Time Egg instead!)"

"Kyronea: Zeality, thanks a bunch for the Chrono Compendium. Without it, I suspect the Chrono fan community--or at least the English-speaking community--might be all but dead now. You keep us alive, and you keep hope alive. Thanks a million."

"Zakyrus: For helping me find inner peace. (So I woudn't go insane from tedious editing)"


"Kyronea: Without your information on the translation goofs of the original translation as well as your script it'd have been a hell of a lot harder to rewrite all of the storyline stuff, so thank you so very much!"

--Various Kajar Laboratories People

"Zakyrus: Thanks to EVERYONE who has contributed to Kajar Labratories in any way!
I have learned much ROM hacking knowledge... You ALL know whom you are"

"Kyronea: As Zakyrus said, thanks for all your efforts!

--Everyone at

"Zakyrus: Thanks to EVERYONE at the for that matter!"

"Kyronea: Especially those of you who put together the various theories and articles and encyclopedia entries and all that extremely useful stuff I used all over the place."

And, of course, thank you, the player, for playing! Enjoy Chrono Trigger +, everyone!

EDIT: ...

After seeing how that came out in the code box, I'd suggest copying that to Notepad for easier reading.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2007, 12:38:53 am by Kyronea »


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #172 on: June 14, 2007, 01:22:20 am »
I'm Using SNES9x on an iBook G4, I have the Rom Patched and All I get is a Black Screen.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #173 on: June 14, 2007, 01:40:22 am »
I thought there was going to be new techs and weapons.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #174 on: June 14, 2007, 01:57:09 am »
I thought there was going to be new techs and weapons.

Please read the readme before asking any more questions. All of your concerns are addressed within.

I'm Using SNES9x on an iBook G4, I have the Rom Patched and All I get is a Black Screen.
How odd. There shouldn't be a problem, unless the ROM you have is unheadered, as this patch was made for a headered ROM. You might want to obtain a new copy of the ROM--from somewhere else that you did not originally obtain it from--and patch the new copy. If it still doesn't work...I have no idea what's going on, because my expertise with this sort of thing is limited to being able to use a patch.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #175 on: June 14, 2007, 03:53:54 am »
I'm pretty embarassed that this will be my first post on these forums... bear with me, I'm going to go fanboy all over the place.

First of all, I'm a huge fan of the series. I'm a huge fan of this website. I'm a huge fan of Glenn. Glad we could get that all out of the way.

I'm extremely interested in this project, and I (like so many others) wish there was some way I could help contribute to it. Since I'm not sure what good I'd be (unless you need another beta tester, or something non code or sprite related), I'll just be keeping an eye on this. I'm not even sure I can run the patch... I switched to linux a while ago and I haven't tried running Lunar Expander, or found a linux program that will expand the ROM to the needed size. I'm also figuring that Temporal Flux will not even begin to work in linux, even under Wine. Until I fgure this out/stumble on some answers to those problems, I'm sort of shut out of seeing the demo and all related materials. Any help (from anyone) would be cool.

That's not why I'm posting. I have a much sillier reason for posting.

There has been some talk in this thread of possibly making Glenn become human after defeating Magus. The thought made me incredibly excited... I've actually been secretly hoping for a "simple" (relatively) hack to accomplish this for a long time. My question/comment/observation/worry regards this actually coming to fruition. Now that I've wasted time typing a lot of nonsense, here's the most succinct way I can put this:

Glenn has long hair in his sprites. Glenn has short, spiky hair in the Playstation cutscenes. I incredibly prefer the long-haired version. If we get to play as Glenn, will he still have long hair?

Either way, whoever is going to do spriting will have a lot of new animations to make, and whoever decided to do art would have to make a character icon, which would probably be time consuming if it was to look and feel right next to all the Toriyama artwork. I'm just hoping that you guys keep his hair long. Because I'm a freak like that.

Thanks for reading that, if you did. I'll try and keep my posts shorter and less silly next time. Good luck with the project!


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #176 on: June 14, 2007, 04:08:46 am »
Thanks Kyronea, I'm Playing the hack now :D
Can't wait for the full Version.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #177 on: June 14, 2007, 04:11:01 am »
I'm pretty embarassed that this will be my first post on these forums... bear with me, I'm going to go fanboy all over the place.
Welcome to the Chrono Compendium then, mate. And don't worry...we're all fanpeeps of something or another, and there's no harm in that, so long as you don't use it as an excuse to berate somebody over irrelevant issues like so many do(just take a look at the Trek vs. Wars debate for one gigantic example.)

First of all, I'm a huge fan of the series. I'm a huge fan of this website. I'm a huge fan of Glenn. Glad we could get that all out of the way.

I'm extremely interested in this project, and I (like so many others) wish there was some way I could help contribute to it. Since I'm not sure what good I'd be (unless you need another beta tester, or something non code or sprite related), I'll just be keeping an eye on this probably wouldn't hurt to have another beta tester. What we could really use is somebody able to map and generally help Zakyrus with his tasks, but if you can't, you can't, so no worries. I certainly can't.

I'm not even sure I can run the patch... I switched to linux a while ago and I haven't tried running Lunar Expander, or found a linux program that will expand the ROM to the needed size. I'm also figuring that Temporal Flux will not even begin to work in linux, even under Wine. Until I fgure this out/stumble on some answers to those problems, I'm sort of shut out of seeing the demo and all related materials. Any help (from anyone) would be cool.
Well, call me nutso, but the patch automatically expands the ROM when it is applied, or at least it always has when I was beta-testing this stuff. Have you tried just applying it to an unexpanded ROM?
That's not why I'm posting. I have a much sillier reason for posting.
Silly can be good.
There has been some talk in this thread of possibly making Glenn become human after defeating Magus. The thought made me incredibly excited... I've actually been secretly hoping for a "simple" (relatively) hack to accomplish this for a long time. My question/comment/observation/worry regards this actually coming to fruition. Now that I've wasted time typing a lot of nonsense, here's the most succinct way I can put this:

Glenn has long hair in his sprites. Glenn has short, spiky hair in the Playstation cutscenes. I incredibly prefer the long-haired version. If we get to play as Glenn, will he still have long hair?
Probably. What we'd be looking at is to extrapolate on the sprites of Glenn we already have in the game--we had already intended to create a Glenn sprite free of the Masamune for the purposes of the flashback scene with him and Cyrus--and as such we'd be going for the long-haired Glenn.
Either way, whoever is going to do spriting will have a lot of new animations to make, and whoever decided to do art would have to make a character icon, which would probably be time consuming if it was to look and feel right next to all the Toriyama artwork. I'm just hoping that you guys keep his hair long. Because I'm a freak like that.
Aye, aye...but, as I said, we'll probably keep the hair long. It looks better that way anyway...I don't see why Glenn would ever spike it in the manner seen in the anime ending of the PSX version. Maybe if he was living in the Millennial Era, but not in the Middle Ages.
Thanks for reading that, if you did. I'll try and keep my posts shorter and less silly next time. Good luck with the project!
Oh, post as long and as silly as you like, so long as you say what you want to say. And thank you for both your interest in the project and your sincere good luck statement.

Genowing: You mean that actually worked?! Wow. I can't believe it did.

Anyway, you're welcome. Enjoy it; it's, as I said, merely a taste of what is to come.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #178 on: June 14, 2007, 04:28:17 am »
Kyronea, thank you very much for your encouragement on my post. I must say, you're probably the most patient and well-spoken people I've ever seen on a forum. Anyhoo... I'm still not very familiar with what can be done in SNES rom hacks, with or without Temporal Flux, but (at the incredible risk of being blasphemous) if the hack needed and could make use of new music I'd absolutely love to take a stab at it. I could never compare myself to Nobo Uematsu, but I do have musical experience, and god DAMN I would be honored to even attempt making some Chrono Trigger styled music. I wouldn't even know were to begin when it comes to actually putting any music in-game, but please do let me know if this is even possible, whether you need new music or not (now I'm just curious).

Besides that, I will try simply applying the patch and see what happens... and if you could let me know more specifically what "mapping and helping with tasks" entails, that would rock. That would rock so hard.


EDIT: I was very nervous about bringing up music at all, mostly because I've never done a really large project on my own before. Not being at all familiar with rom hacking/Temporal Flux music stuff doesn't really help. I'd also hate to hold everyone else back with my inexperience... but if I can help out I would really like to give it my best effort. Hope that explains my position a little better.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2007, 04:47:26 am by DancemasterGlenn »


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #179 on: June 14, 2007, 05:12:53 am »
Kyronea, thank you very much for your encouragement on my post. I must say, you're probably the most patient and well-spoken people I've ever seen on a forum. Anyhoo... I'm still not very familiar with what can be done in SNES rom hacks, with or without Temporal Flux, but (at the incredible risk of being blasphemous) if the hack needed and could make use of new music I'd absolutely love to take a stab at it. I could never compare myself to Nobo Uematsu, but I do have musical experience, and god DAMN I would be honored to even attempt making some Chrono Trigger styled music. I wouldn't even know were to begin when it comes to actually putting any music in-game, but please do let me know if this is even possible, whether you need new music or not (now I'm just curious).
That would be unbelieveably lovely, actually. If we could have even one original track, that would be superbly awesome. I'm sure Zakyrus will agree.
Besides that, I will try simply applying the patch and see what happens... and if you could let me know more specifically what "mapping and helping with tasks" entails, that would rock. That would rock so hard.
Err...using Temporal Flux to make maps and the like is what I meant, basically, though Zakyrus will have to fill you in on the details.


EDIT: I was very nervous about bringing up music at all, mostly because I've never done a really large project on my own before. Not being at all familiar with rom hacking/Temporal Flux music stuff doesn't really help. I'd also hate to hold everyone else back with my inexperience... but if I can help out I would really like to give it my best effort. Hope that explains my position a little better.
Hey, if you can help, you can help. You wouldn't really hold us back or anything, and even if you did somewhat unintentionally, it's not as if it would be that bad. It's just a fan project, so it's not as if you're in our employ in the sense of being paid. We're all volunteers, so we volunteer as we can. So, I say go for it.