Author Topic: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread  (Read 58703 times)


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #180 on: June 14, 2007, 05:31:07 am »
Well, simply applying the patch didn't seem to work for me, but I'll try finding another copy of the rom and see what happens.

In order to make some appropriate music (hopefully), I would need to have (off the top of my head) some screenshots of a new area, what would be happening there, and (to a lesser extent, since hopefully I can gather this myself) the mood being conveyed in that given section of the hack. I'd probably test out some ideas in midi, and then if they worked out I'd just have to figure out how to get them into the game (which I still don't know I can do, it seems like Temporal Flux can alter tracks but not add new ones). So yeah, it may not even be possible, but if you or Zakyrus do have a fairly final setup for a new area, I could definitely look at that and see what I can do.

If anyone does know whether new songs can be added or not, that would probably be good to mention sooner rather than later! Thanks much.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #181 on: June 14, 2007, 05:36:05 am »
Indeed it is possible, and furthermore, Zakyrus knows how to do it expertly, as he has manipulated several tracks in the game and added  two that were unreleased in the original game.

In any case, I must leave it to Zakyrus to decide what all you really can do. I may be a big part of the project, but he's the real leader, the one who puts everything together. I just help him decide a lot of things and write the game dialogue.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #182 on: June 14, 2007, 07:22:44 am »
I could never compare myself to Nobo Uematsu, but I do have musical experience, and god DAMN I would be honored to even attempt making some Chrono Trigger styled music.

Yasunori Mitsuda was the composer for Chrono Trigger. Uematsu was only a late replacement who did a few additional tracks because Mitsuda contracted some illness.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #183 on: June 14, 2007, 02:45:14 pm »
Yasunori Mitsuda was the composer for Chrono Trigger. Uematsu was only a late replacement who did a few additional tracks because Mitsuda contracted some illness.

Ack, now I've gone and embarassed myself. I should have remembered that, my bad.

Either way, you know... just... pretend I said his name. Yeah. *embarassed*


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #184 on: June 15, 2007, 08:45:12 am »
Yes, we are definitely aware of it. So far I've been concentrating on rewriting the storyline specific dialogue--such as what the characters say, what important NPCs say, and so on and so forth--as well as dialogue for the sidequests and the endings. (During this rewriting I integrate the retranslation, Compendium theories, and my own little spin on things, all without actually treading upon the canon.) Apart from the NPCs covered in those areas, I've not rewritten a single bit of dialogue, so everything there is left exactly as it was. I thought I had pointed this out in the readme...maybe I didn't, and if I didn't I apologize for the confusion.

I'm not worried of NPC's for atleast a year or so. This project has taken quite some time.

I also should point out, again, that the dialogue seen in the current patch is a condensed odd mixture of the original game's text and some of my rewritten scripts. Believe me, there's a lot better stuff in store. Maybe if Zakyrus approves it I could release the script for the first storyline chapter as an example of what is to come.

Release away.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #185 on: June 15, 2007, 08:55:32 am »

I'm not worried of NPC's for atleast a year or so. This project has taken quite some time.
Release away.

Will do.

Okay, gang, here is the first chapter of the game, "The Millennial Fair!" (Yes, I am aware it has programming language all over it; that's the way I wrote it and I don't intend on rewriting it without the stuff. Also, formatting may be slightly messed up since it tossed a couple things around when I first posted it and quoting the post might toss stuff around even more. In any case, enjoy.)

Quote from: The Millennial Fair!
BEGIN "The Millenial Fair!"
{Gina}: {Crono}...{full break}

{Gina}: {Crono}!{full break}

{Gina}: Good morning, {Crono}! It's time to get up!{full break}

*scene fades in*

{Gina}: {Crono}, sleepy head, let's get up now!{full break}

*Gina opens curtains*

{Gina}: Leene's Bell is so beautiful in the morning...{full break}

{Gina}: You were so excited about the Millennial Fair that{line break}
you didn't sleep too well, huh?{page break}
Well, I'm sure you'll feel better once you get moving.{line break}
I want you to behave yourself today, okay, {Crono}?{full break}

{Gina}: Let's get moving, now!{full break}

{Gina}: Oh, finally! I swear, {Crono}, you'll be{line break}
the death of me one day...{page break}
By the way, that inventor friend of yours...{page break} know...{line break}
Oh, dear, I've forgotten her name!{full break}

{Gina}: Oh, right, {Lucca}! Sorry dear...I'm a little{line break}
scatterbrained this morning. Anyway, don't forget she invited{line break}
you to see her new invention!{page break}
Run along now, and be back before dinner!{full break}

{Gina}: Oh, I almost forgot! Here's your allowance, dear. Have{line break}
fun at the fair!{full break}

Received 200 Gold!{full break}

*Player walks into girl running around Leene Square and both fall over*

{Girl}: Woah!{full break}

{Girl}: Ow...that really hurt!{full break}

*Girl checks on player*

{Girl}: Oh, jeez, I'm sorry! Are you okay?{full break}

{Girl}: Uh pendant's gone!{full break}

{Girl}: Oh no! Don't tell me  I lost it! Daddy'll kill me!{full break}

*Player gets pendant and talks to girl*

{Girl}: Oh, thank goodness, my pendant! It has a lot{line break}
of sentimental value.{page break}
May I have it back, please?
    Of course!
    Nope.{full break}
(If no){Girl}: Oh, please let me have it back! It's a family{line break}
heirloom and it means a lot to me!
       Okay, okay!
       Nope!{full break}
*If no, repeat last dialogue bit and choice*

{Girl}: Thank you! {delay 03} I came here to see the Fair.{line break}
You live around here, right? I kinda feel out of place...{page break}
Would you mind if I walked around with you for a little while?
   You bet!{full break}
(If no){Girl}: Oh, come on! I don't know anyone else here!{line break}
Please! Pretty please?
   Nope!{full break}
*If no, repeat last dialogue bit and choice*

{Girl}: Oh, thank you! You're a real gentleman!

{Girl}: By the way, my name is, er...

{Marle}:, it's {Marle}! And you're...?

{Marle}: {Crono}? Neat name! Nice to meet you, {Crono}! Now lead on!{full


{Young Man}: Sorry, but they're still setting up their{line break}
new invention. Why don't you come back in a while?{full break}

*Begin event sequences for the trial in the later chapter*

*Old Man and his lunch*
{Old Man}: Sorry, son, I don't have time to talk.{line break}
I'm just sittin' down for the lunch my wife made me!{full break}

Delicious! It's like chicken, but so much better!{full break}

{Marle}:'re such a pig, aren't ya {Crono}?{full break}

*The Girl and her cat*
{Little Girl}: Sniff...where's my cat?! Where'd Miss Buttons go?!{full


*Player returns cat*

{Little Girl}: Miss Buttons! Oh, thank you so much for{line break}
bringing my cat back!{full break}

{Marle}: You're so sweet, {Crono}!{full break}

*Melchoir and the Pendant*

{Melchoir}: Oh, hello! Would you like to buy something{line break}
from Melchoir the swordsmith?
   Nah.{full break}
{Melchoir}: By the way...I'm a collector of jewelry and{line break}
I was wondering if you could talk the young lady into selling{line break}
her pendant for me?
   Nope!{full break}
(If yes){Marle}: No, {Crono}! I told you, it's a family {line break}
heirloom!{full break}
{Melchoir}: Oh's that pendant...but surely...{page}
I'm sorry, but I couldn't buy that pendant anyway! It's{line break}
far too...special! Keep it safe, young lady.{full break}

{Melchoir}I live on the continent to the should{line break}
come see me sometime...{full break}

*The Eavesdropper and the Candy*

{Young Woman}: I heard {Lucca} and her dad've made another{line break}
one of their inventions.{page break}
I hope this one doesn't blow up like the last one did!{page break}
They ought to be ready now, I think. They're on the other{line break}
side of the square.{full break}

{Marle}: This is gonna be fun! Come on, {Crono}!{full break}

*Player walks up towards Telepod area*

{Marle}: Wait up, {Crono!} I want to get some candy first.

(If walk away once){Marle}: Give me just a second, okay?
(If walk away twice/all consecutive times){Marle}: Jeez, {Crono}! There's no

need to drag me by the arm like some kidnapper!{full break}

{delay 12}{Marle}: Hiya. I'd like some of this stuff, please.{full break}

{Candy Seller}: Here ya go, young lady.{full break}

{Marle}: Thank you! And thank you, {Crono}, for waiting.{full break}

*End event sequences for trial*

*Player walks into telepod area*

{Taban}: Welcome, everyone, to our showing of our newest{line break}
experiment, the "Telepod"! So step on up, anyone with{line break}
the courage to try it out! It's the invention of the century!{full break}

{Taban}: To use it, step up onto the left pod here...{full break}

{Taban}: ...and you'll be teleported over to the right pod here!{page break}
Whaddya think? It's the masterwork of my beautiful daughter, {Lucca}!

{Taban}: Hey, {Crono}! Want to try it out?{full break}

*player talks to Lucca*

{Lucca}: {Crono}! Where've you been?! No one wants to try{line break}
the "Telepod" and it's driving me nuts!{page break}
How 'bout you, {Crono}?{full break}

{Marle}: It looks like a lotta fun, {Crono}! I'll watcha while{line break}
you try it out.{full break}

{Lucca}: Just hop onto the left pod! Don't worry, it's perfectly safe!{full


{Taban}: Don't worry, {Crono}, we tried it out on our pets!{line break}
So there's no reason why it shouldn't work on you!{full break}

*player steps on pod*

{Taban}: All systems go!{delay 03} {instant full break}

{Lucca}: Begin energy transfer!{delay 03} {instant full break}

*player is ported*

{Crowd}: Oh, WOW! That was GREAT!{full break}

{Lucca}: See, I told ya it works! How was it? Wanna try it again?{full


{Taban}: It worked?! I can't believe it!{page break}
Uh, er, I mean it's a thrilling display of science at its{line break}
best ladies and gentlemen!{full break}

*player talks to Marle*

{Marle}: Wow...that was awesome! I wanna try it too!{full break}

{Lucca}: Huh?{full break}

{Lucca}: Hey, {Crono}, where'd you find a cute girl like her?{full break}

{Marle}: Hang on, {Crono}! I'll be right back!

{Taban}: Behold, ladies and gentlemen, as this vision of{line break}
loveliness steps aboard the machine!{full break}

{Taban}: Uh, are you sure about this...? There's still time{line break}
to change your mind!{full break}

{Marle}: No way! Throw the switch!{full break}

{Taban}: Okay, everyone, let's give her a great big hand{line break}
when she reappears!{full break}

{Taban}: All systems go!{delay 03} {instant full break}

{Lucca}: Begin energy transfer!{delay 03} {instant full break}

*pendant glows*

{Marle}: What's happening? My's...glowing?{full break}

{Lucca}: What the...?!{full break}

{Crowd}: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOAH...!{full break}

*Marle ends up in the Gate*

{Taban}: {Lucca}! What the hell happened?! Where is she?!{full break}

{Taban}: Okay, show's over folks! Get going!

*Crowd leaves*

{Taban}: {Lucca}, what's going on here?! Where is she?!{full break}

{Lucca}: The way she couldn't have been{line break}
the Telepod that did it! Her pendant seemed to affect the{line break}
warp field somehow...{full break}

{Taban}: How're we going to get her back?{full break}

{Lucca}: She seemed so familiar...I could've sworn{line break}
I've seen her somewhere before...{full break}

{Lucca}: Oh no you don't! You brought her here, so you're{line break}
gonna bring her back, {Crono}!{full break}

*player grabs pendant*

{Lucca}: {Crono}!{full break}

{Taban}: You're actually going after her, {Crono}?{full break}

{Lucca}: Okay, listen up, {Crono}. I don't know where this{line break}
machine is gonna send you, but it looks like we've got no choice.{full


{Taban}: Won't we lose both of them, though?{full break}

{Lucca}: What else CAN we do, Dad? Anyway, that pendant seems{line break}
to be the key, so hang onto it and brace yourself, {Crono}!{full break}

{Lucca}: Okay, Dad, power to maximum!{full break}

{Taban}: Roger!{full break}

{Lucca}: Dad, I need more power! Overcharge if you have to!{full break}

{Taban}: Roger!{full break}

*gate opens*

{Lucca}: There, that did it!{full break}

*player goes into gate*

{Lucca}: I'll follow you once I figure out what caused this{line break}
to happen in the first place! Good luck, {Crono}!{full break}

END "The Millenial Fair!"

As a side note, rereading this I've noticed it doesn't have much in the way of real revisions, mostly just rewriting the specific dialogue lines. The first half of the game was rewritten based off the North American transcript alone(with the translation differences guide at my fingertips) while the second half was based on KWhazits retranslated script, which is why at some point you'll see a sudden shift with the way it was written. I'm hoping that shift will not be all that noticable in reality and is only noticeable to me because I wrote it and I know what happened.

That said, while this first chapter has not too much in the way of revisions, the later chapters do, exponentially, in fact. But, as I am personally only comfortable with releasing the first--at least for now--as a taste, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the next patch before seeing more.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #186 on: June 15, 2007, 09:12:49 am »
Oh yeah, technically this is an 'alpha test' version. (so technically you ALL are alpha/beta testing.... inside testing is Kyronea, Azereus, and myself - I may get a group together at some point however that will be selective)

I can hint that when we someday get all chapters, sidequests endings, NPCs done; then we'll dramatically enrich EVERY location to their limits. After that? New sidequests. (levels 70 to **)  :twisted:


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #187 on: June 15, 2007, 12:35:36 pm »
I'm sure this was in no way a final draft, and you probably don't need the critique, but I just thought I'd point out a few things that stood out in odd ways for me (good or otherwise):

{Gina}: {Crono}, sleepy head, let's get up now!{full break}
I might just go with something like "Up and at 'em, sleepy head!"

{Gina}: Oh, finally! I swear, {Crono}, you'll be{line break}
the death of me one day...{page break}
That's kind of creepy... are you planning on killing her off?

{Girl}: Oh no! Don't tell me  I lost it! Daddy'll kill me!{full break}
Daddy sounds a little more snobby than Dad, coming from Marle. I feel like she usually just calls him dad. I could be forgetting her using daddy in her lines, though.

{Marle}: {Crono}? Neat name! Nice to meet you, {Crono}! Now lead on!{full break}
Haha, I like that you used the word neat. It's so appropriate.

{Old Man}: Sorry, son, I don't have time to talk.{line break}

{Marle}:'re such a pig, aren't ya {Crono}?{full break}
Maybe make it more of an observation than a question. "Hehehe... you're such a pig, Chrono..."

{Little Girl}: Miss Buttons! Oh, thank you so much for{line break}
bringing my cat back!{full break}
Miss Buttons is the best name for a cat ever. Good job.

{Young Woman}: I heard {Lucca} and her dad've made another{line break}
one of their inventions.{page break}

(If walk away once){Marle}: Give me just a second, okay?
(If walk away twice/all consecutive times){Marle}: Jeez, {Crono}! There's no
need to drag me by the arm like some kidnapper!{full break}
This is hilarious. It got me thinking... it would be kind of interesting if based on your actions here, Marle actually did get a certain “impression of you” during the fair, and it determined her actions for the rest of this chapter, until she disappears (kind of a prelude to how the trial would turn out). If you've been a “real jerk” then during the time warp scene maybe she would act all distant to you while you're checking out Lucca's invention. Could make for some funny dialogue, and it would probably flesh out Marle's character a little more. I can just picture going through the time warp scene with Marle acting all sulky. And of course after Chrono rescues her, it would be such a nice thing for him to do to take on the task of time traveling to save her, she would forgive him completely in the moment, which would explain why she would still get upset when your trial is rigged. What do you think?

{delay 12}{Marle}: Hiya. I'd like some of this stuff, please.{full break}

{Candy Seller}: Here ya go, young lady.{full break}
Add in the "tastes like chicken, but better" here too :P

{Marle}: It looks like a lotta fun, {Crono}! I'll watcha while{line break}
you try it out.{full break}
Watcha? How long has this girl been out of the castle?

{Taban}: Don't worry, {Crono}, we tried it out on our pets!{line break}
So there's no reason why it shouldn't work on you!{full break}
HAHA! Amazing. You can probably drop the 'so' at the beginning of the second sentence.

*Marle ends up in the Gate*
It would be sweet here if she called Chrono's name for help. I think it would be cute...

One last thing, while I was reading through I started realizing that people say Chrono's name... a LOT. For example:
{Lucca}: {Crono}!{full break}

{Taban}: You're actually going after her, {Crono}?{full break}

{Lucca}: Okay, listen up, {Crono}. I don't know where this{line break}
machine is gonna send you, but it looks like we've got no choice.{full break}

I know that in the original this was still the case, but it might be something to think about. in a lot of these lines, we'll know the character is talking to Chrono (the first scene with his mother, for instance). If you took out a few occurrences of his name, it might just sound more natural, without necessarily confusing anyone. Know what I mean?

Besides the things I mentioned, I absolutely love this (and some of the things I meantioned were positive anyway). You did a nice job of making people sound more natural, and you didn't change anything so wildly that anyone should give you crap. I look forward to seeing more... And I'm sure you don't need it whatsoever, but I enjoy proofreading a LOT, so if you did want a proofreader, you know where to find me. Great job!


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #188 on: June 15, 2007, 02:49:46 pm »
(Note: This post is mostly directed towards Kyronea even though I'm also quoting DancemasterGlenn)

{Girl}: Oh no! Don't tell me  I lost it! Daddy'll kill me!{full break}
Daddy sounds a little more snobby than Dad, coming from Marle. I feel like she usually just calls him dad. I could be forgetting her using daddy in her lines, though.
I kind of see what you're getting at, however I think that this snobby-ness serves as more of a hint to her high status as a spoiled princess. Marle's not the best actress either, and for her to let such a minor quirk like that slip seems more appropriate, IMO.

{Old Man}: Sorry, son, I don't have time to talk.{line break}
You've never heard elderly people refer to boys/young men as "sonny" or "son"? Anyway, Kyronea I'd remove that first comma because it does seem to place some emphasis on "son".

{Little Girl}: Miss Buttons! Oh, thank you so much for{line break}
bringing my cat back!{full break}
Miss Buttons is the best name for a cat ever. Good job.
I concur.  8)

{Taban}: Don't worry, {Crono}, we tried it out on our pets!{line break}
So there's no reason why it shouldn't work on you!{full break}
HAHA! Amazing. You can probably drop the 'so' at the beginning of the second sentence.
Yeah, unless you'd rather string Taban's two sentences together as one by removing the exclamation mark, nix the "So".

*Marle ends up in the Gate*
It would be sweet here if she called Chrono's name for help. I think it would be cute...
I agree, that would be a nice touch.

One last thing, while I was reading through I started realizing that people say Chrono's name... a LOT. For example:
{Lucca}: {Crono}!{full break}

{Taban}: You're actually going after her, {Crono}?{full break}

{Lucca}: Okay, listen up, {Crono}. I don't know where this{line break}
machine is gonna send you, but it looks like we've got no choice.{full break}

I know that in the original this was still the case, but it might be something to think about. in a lot of these lines, we'll know the character is talking to Chrono (the first scene with his mother, for instance). If you took out a few occurrences of his name, it might just sound more natural, without necessarily confusing anyone. Know what I mean?
This is a good point. On a side note, the redundancy of Crono's name use may be a result of translation issues from Japanese to English. (In Japanese we use names more often than pronouns like "you" out of politeness and for the purpose of avoiding ambiguity. Simply put, we can be more redundant in Japanese than is grammatically acceptable in English). At any rate, dropping his name in several more instances like that would be perfectly fine.

By the way, it's "Melchior" not "Melchoir"...

Other than that, I feel quite good about the rewrite so far. Keep it up. As tempting as it would be to offer to help as a script checker/editor for this project, I couldn't bring myself to do so since I'd come across as another noob chasing a ROM hack project for popularity, lol. So I think I'd prefer to just continue giving feedback/advice/corrections/criticisms from the sidelines here. ;)


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #189 on: June 15, 2007, 06:50:18 pm »
Oooh, critique.

Yes, this wasn't a fully final draft--though it was definitely close--so I thank you both for the critique. I'll take the grammar issues in mind.

I'm not sure if I should actually remove the excess Crono's, though...mainly because I like making sure the player knows when s/he's being spoken to. But, on that same token, it's not as, let's ditch some of the excessive Crono's. (And I know about the Melchior vs Melchoir...that must've been a typo left in by accident.)

As for the ideas about Marle being distant vs attached and calling Crono's name...I agree with you. I was originally going to put that stuff in, too, but at the time Zakyrus said it was too complicated...or at least I think he said it. ...maybe I said it to myself...

But anyway, if Zakyrus approves, I'll definitely do that. It's just the sort of extra little thing he wanted to put in the game.

Miss Buttons...I'm not sure where I got that from. Glad to see people like it.

And finally, a couple minor notes you both pointed out...

Yes, Dad've. "Lucca and her Dad have made" turned into a contraction, or Dad've.

Watcha? How long has this girl been out of the castle?
...typos are my bane...That's supposed to be just watch.

Maybe make it more of an observation than a question. "Hehehe... you're such a pig, Chrono..."
Well, see, it is. Every Marle like women I've ever met will make observations into little questions like that. Call it a character quirk.

That's kind of creepy... are you planning on killing her off?
No. It's just the sort of thing mom's say. My mom said it...once.

I kind of see what you're getting at, however I think that this snobby-ness serves as more of a hint to her high status as a spoiled princess. Marle's not the best actress either, and for her to let such a minor quirk like that slip seems more appropriate, IMO.
Which is exactly why I did it. Nice job catching that.

Anyway, I'll keep you guys in mind for proof-reading if I feel I really need it. (I doubt I do at the moment simply because I take care to avoid making mistakes in the first place. A couple typos slip out now and then, but as you can see from this script, those are rare at best, hence the lack of proof-reading needed.) On that same token if either of you come on board you would be more than welcome to pour over all the scripts--since I've already got the entire storyline script written from start to finish, as well as the sidequests and at least one ending--all you wish to come up with suggestions. Thanks again, and keep up the feedback.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #190 on: June 15, 2007, 07:52:24 pm »
I went into the Magic Cave, and left to give Frog magic, and when I came back, The magic Cave was ealed up again, I couldn't do anything about it. also, Frog says something at Medina Square even when he's not there. I like all the other stuff, though, but what are you planning to use the expanded space in the Cursed Woods for? Also, why would the aforementioned glitch (1st one) occur in the first place? I want to continue...


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #191 on: June 15, 2007, 07:54:38 pm »
I went into the Magic Cave, and left to give Frog magic, and when I came back, The magic Cave was ealed up again, I couldn't do anything about it. also, Frog says something at Medina Square even when he's not there. I like all the other stuff, though, but what are you planning to use the expanded space in the Cursed Woods for? Also, why would the aforementioned glitch (1st one) occur in the first place? I want to continue...
Glitches go in glitch thread please.

Also, as for what we're using the expanded space in the Cursed Woods for? You'll see.

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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #192 on: June 16, 2007, 10:12:20 am »
I can hint that when we someday get all chapters, sidequests endings, NPCs done; then we'll dramatically enrich EVERY location to their limits. After that? New sidequests. (levels 70 to **)  :twisted:

On the topic of the side quests, I actually had a decent idea about something you could do with them. I'm not sure if you've played Final Fantasy XII, but it has a lot of side quests known as 'Hunts' which are basically what it says on the tin: you see a Wanted poster on a billboard requesting help slaying a monster, then you find the NPC who wants help and speak to them. You then go on a sort of minor side quest where you need to find the mark. Anyway, my point is that these side quests work really well in FFXII and I can't help but think that they'd be excellent for Chrono Trigger- somewhat like smaller, condensed versions of the side quests after you revive Crono (Magus Castle, the Sunken Desert etc) where the main objective is to slay a particularly hard monster.

There could be a billboard at the End of Time after you beat Lavos, with posters up from NPCs in various time periods, requesting help. The monsters could be anything ranging from beefed-up enemies from the main game to bosses making Cameo appearances from Cross. However, I'm not sure of the extent of Monster Editing in TF or even if you can make new ones, so I don't know if this is possible.

Anyway, that was just a suggestion. I've played the Millenial Fair section of Plus and I must say it's great. I love the way that you've expanded the Fair and the new script is much better than the old one, although I must say I'd rather a retranslated original, or even better, if you based all of your new dialog off the retranslation- and no, I didn't notice the change =D

Oh, and those sprites I was going to do... I can start on them now my exams are over. Is there any sort of priority to which ones you'd like first? Also, you only want the sprites, not animations or anything, right?


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #193 on: June 16, 2007, 02:43:16 pm »
Personally I didn't like the hunt system in FFXII at all, and I don't think it would suit CT. Also, the End of Time is completely cut off and secluded from the outside world and all of its time periods. People don't know about its existence, and don't have the means to activate a warp portal to travel there and get the idea to post hunting jobs for local time travellers. IMO, there are too many holes in this idea. I think it would be better to just follow the same/similar trend this game already has for its sidequests (i.e. talking to NPCs/Gaspar to find out about them).

Mystic Frog King

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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #194 on: June 16, 2007, 02:50:33 pm »
Personally I didn't like the hunt system in FFXII at all,
and I don't think it would suit CT.

That's debatable.

Also, the End of Time is completely cut off and secluded from the outside world and all of its time periods. People don't know about its existence, and don't have the means to activate a warp portal to travel there and get the idea to post hunting jobs for local time travellers.

It's not meant to make sense. The billboard was an example. How about Gaspar just lists the marks and tells you to speak to the NPCs? Either way, it has no real impact on the quests themselves.

IMO, there are too many holes in this idea. I think it would be better to just follow the same/similar trend this game already has for its sidequests (i.e. talking to NPCs/Gaspar to find out about them).
