Author Topic: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread  (Read 58876 times)


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #210 on: June 18, 2007, 11:57:01 pm »

Gato's lines were changed? This is news to me. I'll make sure that's changed back to the American version in the next demo.

Also, ZealKnight, Kyoji is correct.

Falcon Hit, that error with the text boxes must be something on your side, as I never saw anything like that in testing. Also, welcome to the forums.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2007, 11:59:47 pm by Kyronea »


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #211 on: June 19, 2007, 12:47:34 am »
Yeah it was, I fixed it.

also, (I've been playing really slowly) I just got Frog and he doesn't speak the same either... rather than the thou's, whil'st, and whatnot he speaks kind of regular... sorry for being a nag. Are these things going to be addressed later on?


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #212 on: June 19, 2007, 12:50:15 am »
I believe that was the aim.  He wasn't actually supposed to talk shakesperean like...the NA version just had him doing that.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #213 on: June 19, 2007, 12:53:33 am »

also, (I've been playing really slowly) I just got Frog and he doesn't speak the same either... rather than the thou's, whil'st, and whatnot he speaks kind of regular... sorry for being a nag. Are these things going to be addressed later on?
It was my intention to change his speaking habits significantly. In the original translation, he misused all of those pieces of grammar quite frequently, and in the Japanese version he was actually rather crude. I take a middle stance and make him speak with the current form of English, but more formally and respectfully, as suiting his position in life. Woolsey's version was, to be honest, rather irritating at best, and I wanted to ditch it, so I did.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #214 on: June 19, 2007, 02:32:46 am »
I think that was a decent change regarding Glenn. I don't know why Woolsey ran the way with him on that. I know that Glenn was intended to be more dignified in his language in the NA localization, however for someone to be cursed, living a solitary life as a frog in the woods, I just see the use of cruder language to be more apt for someone who feels so bitter. Personally I'd welcome a darker and cruder Glenn, even though it would contrast so greatly with the noble and dignified character we've all come to know and love after all these years.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #215 on: June 19, 2007, 02:42:17 am »
In some ways, you're correct, but I just prefer to think of him as someone who, despite his position in life, keeps himself respectful and all that. Perhaps in private he might succomb to such crudity, but it doesn't fit him as much as one might think. After all, would you go around shouting profanity if you were the Queen's bodyguard, for example?


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #216 on: June 19, 2007, 04:23:56 am »
In some ways, you're correct, but I just prefer to think of him as someone who, despite his position in life, keeps himself respectful and all that. Perhaps in private he might succomb to such crudity, but it doesn't fit him as much as one might think. After all, would you go around shouting profanity if you were the Queen's bodyguard, for example?

I haven't gotten as far as Glenn yet, but from what you're saying I'd actually agree with you. Which is weird, because I'm very particular about him... even though I knew that it was weird and totally random that he was the only one speaking "Shakespearean" English in the game, I've always found it to be cool. But I can totally see where you're coming from, and I think him both being a badass and a respectful guy really fits the way I myself have seen the character anyway. Maybe it's just me having seen his human sprites and thinking about what a badass he is, but then again...

A looooooong time ago, I wrote a short story about Glenn, as a sort of spin-off alternate reality kind of thing. In my story, Glenn went on a quest to desroy Magus, meeting with another warrior (a Chrono-like character) to help him in his quest. It dealt a lot with how he felt after growing up always being scared, and dealing with Cyrus' death. Glenn didn't speak old-english in my story... he instead was much like you described. Growing up timid would definitely make a person very respectful to friends and powerful figures, but at the same time going through a trajedy of such a huge scope can do crazy things to a person... hence the sort of badass attitude.

Sorry about the rant... I'm just very interested now to see how you portray my favorite character... this is getting cooler by the post.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #217 on: June 19, 2007, 04:58:04 am »
I was just playing the hack and thinking (still not at Glenn, but I'm about to go into the cathedral). I suddenly thought how funny it would be if Glenn spoke old english in your hack until he became human again (assuming that does make it into the final release), and suddenly he starts talking all normal. Then I imagine he'd say something like, "Oh man, thank you so much! Magus cursed me to be half man, half frog... and speak like a Shakespearean actor! What a freak, huh?"

I don't know. Don't put that in or anything. I'm just being a freak :P


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #218 on: June 19, 2007, 03:30:33 pm »

Gato's lines were changed? This is news to me. I'll make sure that's changed back to the American version in the next demo.

That was something I did after seeing the little CT Millennial Fair anime vid. I only did it to see what it would look like. It's already changed on my workspace version now.

Hey, don't worry if I am "transient" over the next few weeks. (though that's nothing you're not used to - sorry) I have a very busy schedual and lack of internet doesn't help. (which is total hell)


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #219 on: June 19, 2007, 03:34:13 pm »
I was just playing the hack and thinking (still not at Glenn, but I'm about to go into the cathedral). I suddenly thought how funny it would be if Glenn spoke old english in your hack until he became human again (assuming that does make it into the final release), and suddenly he starts talking all normal. Then I imagine he'd say something like, "Oh man, thank you so much! Magus cursed me to be half man, half frog... and speak like a Shakespearean actor! What a freak, huh?"

I don't know. Don't put that in or anything. I'm just being a freak :P
That idea amuses me.

By the way, Dance, I was wondering if you could compose something to show the quality of your work. (If you have something already composed that would work, though I would like multiple examples, preferably with different styles so I can make sure you're versitile.) It doesn't need to be complicated...say...a light, happy theme befitting your average day of hiking with your friends or something thereof.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #220 on: June 19, 2007, 03:42:33 pm »
I was just playing the hack and thinking (still not at Glenn, but I'm about to go into the cathedral). I suddenly thought how funny it would be if Glenn spoke old english in your hack until he became human again (assuming that does make it into the final release), and suddenly he starts talking all normal. Then I imagine he'd say something like, "Oh man, thank you so much! Magus cursed me to be half man, half frog... and speak like a Shakespearean actor! What a freak, huh?"

I don't know. Don't put that in or anything. I'm just being a freak :P
That idea amuses me.

Hey, Magus said there's "always time for a little fun."  8)

By the way, Dance, I was wondering if you could compose something to show the quality of your work. (If you have something already composed that would work, though I would like multiple examples, preferably with different styles so I can make sure you're versitile.) It doesn't need to be complicated...say...a light, happy theme befitting your average day of hiking with your friends or something thereof.

I agree, something simple will do... doesn't have to be terribly complex.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #221 on: June 19, 2007, 08:11:41 pm »
*is kinda bummed out about the lack of a shakespearian talking frog*

oh well, your hack, your rules. Still great though.


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #222 on: June 19, 2007, 08:59:38 pm »
*is kinda bummed out about the lack of a shakespearian talking frog*

oh well, your hack, your rules. Still great though.

True, true. Also & however, we aren't going to stop you from "Temporal Fluxing" your own text in -- especially considering how easy it is to make a mod. (once you get the interface down of course) I predict many mods based off of this mod. I don't mind at all, the more Chrono material out there, the larger the Chronoverse becomes.

Besides, what kind of nice guy would I be (or not be) if I didn't say it was alright to mess around with your own copy of a CT+ ROM. So to say as long as you didn't credit any material used if you made a public mod. I'm sure Kyronea would be on the same level as me on this.

At some point, I will make some more editing tutorials on how I did stuff. Like how to make a "simple" mini-game like Guess the Red Card (& Blackjack someday)... the community is need of Event tutorials (or ANY tutorial for that matter) so I will go back and finish the ones I had almost finished. (I actually have 4 or 5 tuts made, if I can just find what disc I burnt them on...  :x )


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #223 on: June 20, 2007, 04:57:04 am »

Besides, what kind of nice guy would I be (or not be) if I didn't say it was alright to mess around with your own copy of a CT+ ROM. So to say as long as you didn't credit any material used if you made a public mod. I'm sure Kyronea would be on the same level as me on this.


Yeah, I'd be fine with it. :D


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Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« Reply #224 on: June 20, 2007, 01:34:05 pm »
By the way, Dance, I was wondering if you could compose something to show the quality of your work. (If you have something already composed that would work, though I would like multiple examples, preferably with different styles so I can make sure you're versitile.) It doesn't need to be complicated...say...a light, happy theme befitting your average day of hiking with your friends or something thereof.

Haha, 'Dance'? Oh jeez... Frog will do :P (actually, quote aside, Glenn is good. Assuming we're not calling anyone else Glenn in the forum right now)

anyhoo, I had no MIDI software on my linux system (BECAUSE IT'S ALL NOT VERY GOOD), but you inspired me to try for the millionth time to try and run my old windows software through wine. And it worked! Yay! So I am writing some music for your listening pleaseure right now. I have some old stuff as well, but a lot of it is ideas for my metal band. Which isn't really appropriate for this.

But yes, thank you for putting me in the position where I tried that again. Now i can go back to writing all the time! Super duper!!!!

EDIT: I'm going to try and keep this on the simple side, but just in case I get bogged down with work I just wanted to say it shouldn't take me any longer than a week to get this done. I'll do my best!
« Last Edit: June 20, 2007, 01:37:28 pm by DancemasterGlenn »