Honestly, I think our idea of coming up with something bigger and more legitimate than the usual online petition is the only way we'd be able to help, but so far, aside from having booths at game shows to show our support, this is just looking like the billions of forum posts around the world in regards to the Chrono Series, (which I don't even know if its possible. Don't you have to be a gaming company/distributer or something to that effect to buy a booth at shows?)
My proposal, which although it sounds cliche at this point, even Hollywood has picked up on as far as marketing strategies; Chrono Compendium's Summit For Chrono Myspace page. If you look at any recent movie, music, game, hell, ANYTHING release, their promotions these days not only consist of a website, but they now encourage you to show your support via their Myspace page. How did Dane Cook, (just as an easy example,) get HBO's attention and all this NOW overexposure? Being Myspace's BIGGEST Friend. He has 1,782,148 Friends at the moment, and it escalates every day! (No bots either.) Now, I know even though we almost always hate to admit it, we've ALL got a Myspace, and I would be glad to be the 1st Friend of "Chrono Compendium's Summit For Chrono." I don't know the logistics of how it would be monitored, but surely we could have someone here at the Compendium post Blogs, fan pics, music and such while we comment the hell out of the page, tell our friends, and MAKE Square see what they're missing. I hate to say it, because surely if I were a game developer, (at least a paid one,) I would ABSOLUTELY JUMP on the idea of making a new Chrono, FREE! I know it sounds far fetched, but I would LITERALLY work for days, months, weeks, even YEARS on a new Chrono, even more so for a remake, without any pay. The end result would be payment enough. I'm sure a lot of us feel this way. OK, now I'm babbling, sorry guys, I just really think that's the best way to go, and once I start talking Chrono, it's kinda hard to kill my own joy.