Author Topic: Who Taught Magic In Zeal?  (Read 40800 times)

razor's edge

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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2005, 10:24:54 pm »
Heh, neither would I; I assume that person was being pompous because Crono & Co's magic was different, not necessarily weaker.

Although, it's not like the Enlightened Ones raise themselves up above everyone else or anything like that. Oh, Wait.  :lol:


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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2005, 09:05:40 am »
Enlightened Ones probably used similar magic but in much weaker form so they thought that Crono & co magic is primitive


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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2005, 03:55:22 pm »
BTW, is it true that Zeal is based upon some of the legends of Atlantis? I heard that somewhere, I can't remember.[/img]


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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2005, 05:59:03 pm »
Quote from: GreenGannon
BTW, is it true that Zeal is based upon some of the legends of Atlantis? I heard that somewhere, I can't remember.[/img]

It's based on Atlantis in broad strokes: Both are ancient civilizations that were more advanced than the modern ones, but were wiped out in a catastrophe.


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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2005, 03:09:04 am »
Hmm, I think that it was distrubuted like this.  When the queen nurtered the magic, she held on to it by passing it on to the gurus, and ultimately her own children.  From the gurus, they passed it on to Zealot Scholars, whom researched the science.  Then Zeal being School like, taught people of Zeal.  Later, the people educated taught they're children.


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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2005, 03:41:06 am »
I think you're right. Zeal is very school like, from what I remember of the cities in Zeal there were people sleeping in beds in the main halls of the city and many books lying about. Zealians seemed to have a very community-oriented existance

Legend of the Past

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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2005, 05:54:24 am »
Yes, they were very communitly oriented. It's in fact something intresting, Enhasa tried to find "peace in the bliss of sleep" or something to that effect, which very much fits Zeal, all with the idea of "the ingdom where dreams come true."  

But what I think is that they used the Mammon Machine to gain magical power, and I think it was open for public. Maybe once children reach a certain age, they're taken to the Mammon.M?


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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2005, 11:40:53 pm »
The Mammon Machine must have played a great part in it.  They could have had a ceremonial mass for the people who were about to recieve the gift of magic too.


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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #23 on: July 08, 2005, 12:06:49 am »
I always saw it as the Queen's way of numbing the people, by putting them to sleep...and the Mammon Machine's trance-inducing qualities...Kind of a way for the Queen to do things unnoticed or something w/o the people really caring. I mean, how else could such an advanced culture condone banishing people to the cold earth below just because they don't share in their magical 'enlightenment'?


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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2005, 12:10:39 am »
That makes me re-think it all over again.  Because then there were the people who could use magic strongly, people who could use it weakly, and people who couldn't use it.  Now, if a person couldn't use it, they were banished to Earth, to suffer their own fate.  People who could use it weakly might have been subjects to the queen, like servants and cooks, nothing to heavy. People who could use it strongly were regular citizens.  Or Scholars.


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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2005, 12:30:56 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka
I always saw it as the Queen's way of numbing the people, by putting them to sleep...and the Mammon Machine's trance-inducing qualities...Kind of a way for the Queen to do things unnoticed or something w/o the people really caring. I mean, how else could such an advanced culture condone banishing people to the cold earth below just because they don't share in their magical 'enlightenment'?

Ask George Walker Bush he know alot on this subjet

Talah Rama

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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2005, 12:59:34 am »
He would  George W. Bush is, indeed, from an advanced civilization from long ago.  However, he became filled with bitter resentment after being tossed to the Earthbound Ones below, so ever since, he's planned his revenge (being an immortal, several thousand years is nothing to him).  While the former kingdom has been reduced considerably (now known as Iraq), he still continues his personal vendetta against it.

Legend of the Past

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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #27 on: July 08, 2005, 05:23:18 am »
[qoute="V_Translanka"]I mean, how else could such an advanced culture condone banishing people to the cold earth below just because they don't share in their magical 'enlightenment'?[/qoute]

Simple, almost everyone in Zeal were morons who thought they could live forever. They were cocky, it was obvious when they spoke with Crono and co. Actually, they kind of remind of the kind of cocky guys who were in Chronopolis, who thought they can control time. CONTROL THE FLAME FIRST, YOU DIMWITS!


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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2005, 12:22:57 pm »
Quote from: Legend of the Past

Simple, almost everyone in Zeal were morons who thought they could live forever.

But that's not true. I went to Zeal yesterday and talked to all the NPCs and got to the 2 hidden rooms. But the point is that when they mention immortaliy it is always in reference to the completion of the Ocean Palace. When you beat Dalton he says; "I can't die now, I'm going to be immortal! And then teleports to the ocean palace. Another NPC mentions that they will become immortal soon but they don't say they are then. Maybe Queen Zeal made some claim about them all being immortal with Lavos' energy or something.[/b]

Legend of the Past

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Who Taught Magic In Zeal?
« Reply #29 on: July 08, 2005, 03:20:09 pm »
Quote from: eternal_magus
Quote from: Legend of the Past

Simple, almost everyone in Zeal were morons who thought they could live forever.

But that's not true. I went to Zeal yesterday and talked to all the NPCs and got to the 2 hidden rooms. But the point is that when they mention immortaliy it is always in reference to the completion of the Ocean Palace. When you beat Dalton he says; "I can't die now, I'm going to be immortal! And then teleports to the ocean palace. Another NPC mentions that they will become immortal soon but they don't say they are then. Maybe Queen Zeal made some claim about them all being immortal with Lavos' energy or something.[/b]

That post just contradicted itself. So they didn't think they could live forever, but they did?

Immortality can't be achieved. Period. You mess with fire, you get burned. You mess with huge porcupines, you get huge thorns up your arse. Seriously, how long did they think they could keep draining Lavos' energy before he noticed?