quote author=cupn00dles link=topic=3895.msg67508#msg67508 date=1171854664]
(VII rocked, but things've been going downhill since 8, progressively faster lately.)
So, you're basically saying XII is the worst FF to come since VII?
Let me ask this in the most possibly sensitive of ways: Are you completely out of your mind?
Alright, just to point out, they put too much stock in graphics and too little in story, and with all the re-releases, some of which just plain look like they had their artwork thrown together overnight (no offense to Mr. Amano if he's still in charge, but exactly how alike CAN you make the character art in FFV DS look? Even they look like they're bored with the whole Make and Remake ordeal), I have begun to realize if you take too much of a good thing, it starts to weaken a little, hasn't anyone realized the more recent FFs have been a little, y'know, lacking lately? Y'see, back in the era of VI and VII, they went for a little thing called "quality of plot over graphics" meaning that if you could see your character, the path, the menu and the NPCs, you were set and didn't make a big deal because you had a great story to work with (although some parts of VII, I am ashamed to admit due to practically worshipping every byte in its programming, could have been stronger, like the Knowlespole scene, for instance, but there is no such thing as perfect) as opposed to photorealism with some regurgitated storyline with certain elements switched around so nobody'll notice. Point and blank, some people would play a Pokemon game and say "this is the best thing I've every picked up!" if they slapped the
Final Fantasy title on it (Final Fantasy Mystery Dungeon'd be kinda weird; imagine being attacked by a wild Selphie), not that any of them are here, I pray. If you look beyond the title, some games just don't stack up to the rest of their respective series' (such as some would say of Chrono Cross which, ironically, is a giant case of this, but I will not bash it because I am a fan. It was a great game on its own, it just wasn't a Trigger sequel, it was more of a case of "slap a title on a put in a few plot elements that check back to the old game") point and blank, don't think of them as "the next game in the great series", just think of them as "the game" and you can easily realize these faults.