Wow. You have to resort to insults. I'm awed. *applauds*
wow you think i'm actually insulting you, im serious learn the meaning of what you say it might clear up your "lol emo" veiw on character psyche.
oh and about TP proving that character designers can create realistic characters, did you see the upped poly count version of OoT's Link? it looks just as realistic as TP's the new designs didn't really prove much.
I won't even give the 'LOL EMO' thing a dignified response.
Uh, right. Because poly count equals design. Because OoT Link has textured SEWING on his tunic. Because Link, a character that the designer was merely updating, is representative of what the designer can do. Riiiiiiiiight. Check out Midna if you want a well-designed TP character.
Oh yeah, if you count Twilight Princess then yeah the character design is great. (I thought you were counting Four Sword Adventures or something.)
That guy's artworks have the same kind of "painting" feeling that the art director Yasuyuki Honne shows in Chrono Cross (and Baten Kaitos). This would definitely be interesting.
TWW has a nice style too, but it's a bit too kiddy for Chrono. But TP was done by the Yoshiyuki Oyama too.