Author Topic: Crazy Ideas Thread (outdated)  (Read 40187 times)


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #315 on: August 17, 2007, 11:39:00 pm »
New Quest Ideas, further developed. Any ideas are welcome.

Valley of the Giants Area (Ayla's Sidequests - she must be present)

Kyrnoea, I'll leave most of this up to you to write, but here's the lowdown.

SEARING CHASM (Ayla Sidequest #1)

Old man: Help! Granddaughter in cave! Lava will get hot soon!
Can't go in because I hurt leg!

Ayla: We help!

Old man: Must hurry! Lava get hot in 20 minutes! (or whatever time, depending on how large I make the dungeon)

Player is warped into Searing Chasm

Player goes through a random dungeon of lava caves fighting tough dinos and collecting
uber rare gems (that randomly appear)

*if girl is not found after 10 minutes, game ends
(it's almost impossible to fail this- you find her after a certain amount of rooms)

anytime after the quest is done you can reenter and collect gems...

After quest::
Old Man: Quickly enter! The lava is cool now! Have 20 minutes!
<Player is warped into Searing Chasm>

After 10 minutes, the Old Man auto appears and takes you out:

Old man: Must hurry! Lava too hot now! Leave quickly!

after you are taken out the wait time is reset to 20 (this way you have to wait to get lots of higher gems seeing as they will be used for item synthing)

Old Man: No enter! The lava is still too hot! Wait X minutes!

RAZORWIND PEAK (Ayla Sidequest #2)

<party climbs Razorwind Peak area>

in the first screens you are climbing a steep mountain path (with random falling boulders -Zelda style)
some parts in the second scene you have to use the Dactyls to fly up to higher parts? (I'm sure I can pull that off)

Razorwind Peak--

Party arrives at peak and sees a large "Dark Dactly" sitting upon the highest point

Quezacoatl: You apes have ravaged this world.
However, we surviors or the great red flame seek
vengence upon all mammals!

Party tries to reason with Quezacoatl, but it is irrelevent

Quezacoatl flies up in the air, 3 dactlys appear and carry the PCs up into the clouds.
the battle takes place in midair with the pcs riding the dactlys in battle (this might not be possible, if it can't be done, I'll just have the battle take place on the top of the mountain)

Quezacoatl crashes into the peak, the players are carried down by the Dactlys and dropped off at the peak.

more dialoug is said between Quezacoatl and the PCs, then he willfully drops of the peak and plummits to his doom

(Magus Quest #2)

after Crono is revived you can return to Alghetty

the town is resufaced, but the beast's nest is now submerged

some citizens survived (since they're "Earthbound" they have developed natural instinct rather than magical power like the Enlightened Ones have)

they fled while others refused to believe their "instinct", the survivors returned to Alghetty

however, now that zeal palace sank, inhabitants of the ocean have been attacking anyone who returned to Alghetty

they PCs agree to explore the waters and stop the sea creatures

However, they must first find a potion (mixed from herbs) that protects them
from atmospheric pressure aswell as lets them breath underwater. Magus will be required (he needed another quest) and also knows of a potion needed (maybe explains how they were able to go underwater to find the perfect place for the Ocean Palace in the first place)

-- the ingredients needed are scattered all across time eras so you'll spend like an half an hour just trying to get the needed stuff. It may be rare herbs or a few other ingredients. Not sure on this yet. Either way, these should be taken to the guy that synths Magical tabs from herbs. (seeing as I want him to survive the Zeal disaster, he'll probably be in Alghetty)

the underwater Beast's Nest leads now to the Sunken Zeal Ruins instead of Mt. Woe.
(by using some "CopyTiles" tricks, of course)

some places there are battles with Octoriders (the squid with blue imps riding them)
everthing here will cast "dark" status effect (with ink attacks of course!)

Kraken (boss) - pcs meet it and it flips out and attacks them

as per Glennleo's suggestion; after battle it goes berserk and smashes pillars holding up the sunken ruins (destroying all ties to Zeal - this prevents Cronopolis from knowing of Zeal's existance)

the pcs have to escape within 5 mins as parts are collapsing around them
..of course there are battles on the way out!

Elder: Thank you, after we heard a loud rumble from the depths, the creatures have returned to the waters....

pcs talk about how the legacy of Zeal is now gone forever.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #316 on: August 21, 2007, 12:09:17 am »
Hey all.
Now that I got more of Kyronea's full text imported. I now have proper formatting.

Example: (just an example not actual dialog)

Gina: Get out of bed this
Blah.. Blah..

is now:

Gina: Get out of bed this{line break}
   instant!{line break}
   Blah.. Blah..{line break}
(as it should be, right)

{line break} //which causes proper indentation.

I'll keep on this, I just got the Telepod cutscene done with formatting.

Other stuff:
In many areas I am totally redoing.
Right now I have serious motivation to work on Cursed Woods, therefor I am taking total advantage to finish this map.
It won't be a maze like before, but it will be about twice as big....

Now I got some more screenshots of the new version, I'll post them in the map section in a little while.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #317 on: August 21, 2007, 03:38:43 am »
I'm going to assume that we won't be able to increase amount of locations beyond the amount in the room. (I figured if 8Megs was capable, we could clone and repoint all data)

We will have room for the new areas we want as well as room to expand some existing ones...

Here's the grand expand list(unless further room is available):

Truce Canyon (2x)
Mystic Mountains (3x)
Laruba Village (2x)
Dactyls' Nest (2x)
North Cape(3x)

Enhasa (2x)
Kajar Study & Magic Labs (2x)
Zeal Palace (2x)

Beast's Nest (2.5x)

Sunken Desert (2x for all locations)

New Areas:
Valley of Giants
Searing Chasm
Razorwind Peak

Sunken Zeal (will be Zeal areas with underwater overlay - unless we have spare room to add another tileset)

Fiona's Forest

Cleft of Dimensions areas:
~Mountain of Sorrows
~Magus Castle Ruins (aka the Void)
~Shadow Zeal (or maybe ruined 1999 A.D.?!)  :shock:
~The Village that Time Forgot
~OMEGA (location & Boss)
~The Edge of Enternity (SuperBoss fight)

if we have room, a coliseum and auction house


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #318 on: August 21, 2007, 03:40:48 am »
No, not ruined 1999 A.F. We'd best not dare to step into Crisis territory(though a nod or two towards Crisis would be excellent.)

But let's forget the coliseum and the auction house, and if we have to trim down expansions, we keep only the ones involving Zeal and other really important locations. Places like Truce Canyon are nice, but they can be forgotten if necessary.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #319 on: August 21, 2007, 03:59:47 am »
No, not ruined 1999 A.F. We'd best not dare to step into Crisis territory(though a nod or two towards Crisis would be excellent.)


But let's forget the coliseum and the auction house, and if we have to trim down expansions, we keep only the ones involving Zeal and other really important locations. Places like Truce Canyon are nice, but they can be forgotten if necessary.

Indeed. Nothing is set in stone except existing dialouge and cutscene enhancements as well as arleady planned sidequests. And Cleft of Dimensions can be trimmed if neccessary I originally wanted it to be the size of the Black Omen :shock:. But a few large maps with tough baddies and a few evil puzzles will suffice.

I can say that at some point we well have more shops, monsters, as well as items (increasing those are much easier than areas and lots of things can be done with items)

Also sad news. ... Unfortunatly Chapter names are limited to 20 characters, so "The Magical Kingdom: Zeal!" appears as "The Magical Kingdom:", also unfortunatly there is no easy way to expand the string (it cuts off completely rather than run off the screen, so when we implement a new and slightly better/smaller font it wouldn't help that much)


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #320 on: August 21, 2007, 05:10:46 am »
"Magic Kingdom: Zeal! should work. Maybe trim that slightly.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #321 on: August 21, 2007, 06:30:14 am »
Any ideas what I should put in Heckran Caverns/Magic Cave?

Heckran Caverns:

normal enemies:
Octos (always forget name)
Cave Bat

Magic Cave:
Vampire Bat
(skeletons of course)

However, we need some kind of events that make each eras version unique. I am thinking of lots of Quartz in Heckran Caves, then lots of another gem (Mystics mined it all -- that's why it's not in 1000 A.F.)

Aside from those things any ideas?


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #322 on: August 21, 2007, 06:36:05 am »
Erm...not really. Maybe some shiny tiles that emphasize the magic or something.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #323 on: August 21, 2007, 07:43:09 am »
Erm...not really. Maybe some shiny tiles that emphasize the magic or something.

Ok. I'll think of something...
By the way, should we make some more Henchmen and Diablos in Heckran Caverns that are chanting and such? Especially in the Waterfall room, that would be a good place. Then after you complete the area, it's filled with wild enemies such as bats and Tempurites.

We could do simular for the Skeletons in the Magic Cave version and after the Crimson Tainted Blades are defeated have the Vampire Bats and such.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #324 on: August 21, 2007, 08:09:11 am »
Sure, it makes sense...since we're creating reasons for them to return to these locations--the gems--we might as well toss in enemies.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #325 on: August 21, 2007, 08:15:51 am »
Sure, it makes sense...since we're creating reasons for them to return to these locations--the gems--we might as well toss in enemies.

Ok. Also, there will be points where the gem spawns will reset back to 0 (after they have been 10 for a while), not sure how or what rate the gems will come back. I'd like to record game time to a value, then add like 30 minutes to that value and if it's been 30 minutes the games would respawn. Still contemplating this (It's doable, rather easy too I believe), I know how the spawn system will work - just not the spawn reset.

Also, since we don't have to worry about an auction house, we can make the Elder sell the Sunstone for 1 million Gil if you f*ck up and sell the Jerky to the girl for 10K
« Last Edit: August 21, 2007, 08:17:34 am by Zakyrus »


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #326 on: August 21, 2007, 11:48:30 am »
Sure, it makes sense...since we're creating reasons for them to return to these locations--the gems--we might as well toss in enemies.

Ok. Also, there will be points where the gem spawns will reset back to 0 (after they have been 10 for a while), not sure how or what rate the gems will come back. I'd like to record game time to a value, then add like 30 minutes to that value and if it's been 30 minutes the games would respawn. Still contemplating this (It's doable, rather easy too I believe), I know how the spawn system will work - just not the spawn reset.

Also, since we don't have to worry about an auction house, we can make the Elder sell the Sunstone for 1 million Gil if you f*ck up and sell the Jerky to the girl for 10K

1 Million gil?!  :shock:
I don't ever remember having close to that amount of money in CT. Unless in our version money is easier to come by. Otherwise I'd think 500k or so would be more than enough to put a hurting on your wallet.

Henchman and Diablos sound good for Heckran caves as well.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #327 on: August 21, 2007, 04:06:23 pm »
A million is exagerated. We'll see depening on the average amount that we'll have around that point in the game, especially with the scaled gil amounts.