Author Topic: Crazy Ideas Thread (outdated)  (Read 37737 times)


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #120 on: March 17, 2007, 06:03:37 am »
Eh, I'll let myself stew on it a bit. Maybe it'll eventually come to me as something to toss in one of the computer/book/Reptite tablet things we're leaving everywhere.

Also, I think we want to completely redo 1999. This should be easy enough, right, since the Lavos event it shows in the video log is just overlayed on whatever map is there, right? So, I think we want to fill it in and reshape it to be somewhat like the 2300 A.D. map, with an expanded Choras and Southern Zenan continents of course. How exactly it should look, I'm not entirely certain yet...maybe I'll give it a go in Temporal Flux myself and see if I can come up with anything. But basically, the idea will be to model it based on the 2300 A.D. map while adding to it in places where we should add to it, where land once existed but was blasted into nonexistance by Lavos.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #121 on: March 17, 2007, 06:36:21 am »
Eh, I'll let myself stew on it a bit. Maybe it'll eventually come to me as something to toss in one of the computer/book/Reptite tablet things we're leaving everywhere.

Also, I think we want to completely redo 1999. This should be easy enough, right, since the Lavos event it shows in the video log is just overlayed on whatever map is there, right? So, I think we want to fill it in and reshape it to be somewhat like the 2300 A.D. map, with an expanded Choras and Southern Zenan continents of course. How exactly it should look, I'm not entirely certain yet...maybe I'll give it a go in Temporal Flux myself and see if I can come up with anything. But basically, the idea will be to model it based on the 2300 A.D. map while adding to it in places where we should add to it, where land once existed but was blasted into nonexistance by Lavos.

That's possible, but going to be a major pain. However, if we can ever get 8MEG expand we could add explorable 1999 areas?


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #122 on: March 17, 2007, 06:38:33 am »
Well, we don't HAVE to fill in the entire map. It was more of a speculative idea than anything else. Since it would really mess with the plot if there were explorable 1999 areas, the idea was simply to rearrange what is visable to align more with what we see in 2300 A.D. than anything else. Call it a case of correcting laziness on the part of the original developers, if you will.

How much of a pain will it be though? This is something we can leave to be done much later as it's hardly THAT important.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #123 on: March 17, 2007, 06:44:50 am »
Ok, on no 1999 A.D.

As for Overworld mapping? We can put this off for a little while (OW mapping is not the worst but I haven't really messed with it as nearly (realistically 1/500th as much as location mapping) It's not really hard, but you can't really customize it like you can locations.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #124 on: March 17, 2007, 06:48:47 am »
Right, of course. It was more of an idea to possibly be implimented later than anything else.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #125 on: March 17, 2007, 06:53:32 am »
We may have to limit how many areas(location maps) we can add. I am not worried about new dialouge (plenty of space) but locations is something we can run out of. I am pretty sure that we can add almost all of the new areas we have discussed so far. I have to take a goo look, though. I also may be able to free up a bunch of locations by combining all the Sun Keep's map/script files into one location (which is something Sqaure easily could have done in the first place -- still puzzles me why they didn't) Removing all the Lavos attack modes frees up 9 location files as well as frees 17 monsters that will be made into other bosses(eventually), AND makes it so I can have Lavos level **.

I am certain that without hacking anything, there are about 25 or so location files free. Each location can be made into
a map about the size of Guardia Forest in comparison (only slightly larger -- because they didn't use the full map space when making Guardia Forest.) So, you figure 25 locations that are larger than Guardia Forest(39 after chopping attack modes and merging Sun Keeps) .... and you bet every one of those maps is going to be squeezed to it's last golden drop of sunshine.

If we REALLY have room I would add a town tileset and make all the towns on the world map into huge towns. And I do mean huge... I am talking about Xenogear sized towns. 0_o just kidding... but ATLEAST 1 location map file for each town (which IS pretty big -- figure Guardia Forest and picture that sized area only as a town instead. We could fit many more houses in as well as NPC's and things to do. All kinds of item and accessory shops. Not so much weapon & armour shops. Any shops that have weapons will have only the more generic ones. All the exotic special weapons are placed in hidden areas. -- Even stuff like the Demon Edge or the Bolt Sword will be considered "Exotic" ...of course, I need a shop editor compatable with TF for shops to be able to add new shops...theres that new one someone made, but I have heard nothing but bad about it.)

Anyways, so let me figure....

Truce Village (600 AD 1000 AD) would be one map, though 600 AD version would have less houses. ( I can use the Copytiles commnads to rearrange any map in realtime as I wish :) -- that's how they made stuff like a door opening or a bookcase appear to lower was by using CopyTiles (which is actually copying the frames from other tiles on the map)
It sucks knowing this, in the CT world I am beginning to feel like Neo seeing the Matrix when I play the ROM. However, it's cool, because I can rearange tiles as I wish. :D

Anyways....Truce Village AND

Sandorino Village
Porre (600 AD and 1000 AD would be the same map, with various changes over time)
Choras (same specs as Porre)
Medina Village (would be HUGE with the sqaure involved so I'd have to think about this)

so that would be 5 map files. If I can pull this off and compact the new areas I want to add. Making the towns as an area rather than the world map would be primo and would DEFINITELY help evolve the storyline. (plus we could add alot more NPC quests (random mini-quests that serve no purpose except to do something for an NPC like get 30 herbs or 10 fish for someone... lots of random mini-quests). Let me know what your input of this is.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #126 on: March 17, 2007, 07:01:11 am » seems to me this would completely throw off how the overworld looks...presumeably certain places such as Leene Square, Lucca's house, Arris Dome, ect ect would be separate on the overworld map as they are to begin with...but...

I think...I think we'd have to try it out and see how it works before deciding either way. I like the sound of the idea...but I'm not entirely certain about implimentation. We'd have to look at every facet of it before deciding, so I'd like to have a trial version. Say we take something simple, like Ioka Village, and do it that way. It definitely has its advantages, but it also might change the overall feel of the's not something one can decide on the basis of the idea alone. I know, that means more work for you, but in order for me to decide I'd have to actually see it in action.

But if it does work, it means quite a lot of extra refining capabilities at our fingertips, as you say. It would help immensely...but we shall see.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #127 on: March 17, 2007, 07:13:43 am »
...of course, I wouln't be able to do this untill I can import graphics files into the ROM (which is very hard for me to currently -- I can easily import the graphics, IF I know the memory address its compressed to (forgot to memtion that gfx part of the ROM is compressed) AND I have to be able change a palette (which I have yet to learn)

However, I would probably change the overworld graphics maybe just slightly. I would keep the same proportion of the town parameters, I would just fill in all the space in between the houses with more houses, the entrance to the town could be at the edges. I would seriously have to calculate this. But I don't think it would be hard to pull off (once I get the gfx stuff figured out)


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #128 on: March 17, 2007, 07:16:42 am »
Of course, of course. I do wonder what we'd do about places like Leene Square though. Would there be a small path in the middle of the town entrance one could follow so they don't have to go through the entire town everytime they want to access the Square? And would we still have to press A to enter the towns or would we go into them automatically?


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #129 on: March 17, 2007, 07:25:41 am »
Of course, of course. I do wonder what we'd do about places like Leene Square though. Would there be a small path in the middle of the town entrance one could follow so they don't have to go through the entire town everytime they want to access the Square? And would we still have to press A to enter the towns or would we go into them automatically?

Think of XenoGears where you could walk past segements of town/cities or enter them. :)
In this case the segements would just be the edges of the town (because that's where you'd come in) but you'll be able to walk between the houses and such on the overworld. I always like the Xenogear city system, probably because it reminds of the CT world maps  :wink:


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #130 on: March 17, 2007, 07:30:57 am »
Ah, right, of course.  That would be nice, then.

In any case, it's an idea, and one that should be tested thoroughly. Anything to enhance the game and our ability to add the new stuff we'd like to add is okay in my book, so long as it doesn't disrupt the feel of the game or any canon story elements.

Oh, I hesitate to ask, because it'll bug you...but I'm wondering if it would be alright if I let my little brother play the private test beta you're putting together. His birthday is on the 22nd--the projected finish date for the beta--and since I recently introduced him to Chrono Trigger, I'd like for him to play it. He knows to keep his mouth shut on such stuff and doesn't know about the Compendium anyway, so no worries about him spilling any secrets anywhere. I just thought it would be a neat birthday present for him to play it. I ask you because you're the project head and, of course, you have final say on whom I can show the private beta to.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #131 on: March 17, 2007, 07:40:23 am »
That's totally alright.  :)

I'll should have everything done up to the Village of Magic & emailed by then (yeah I'll use email so that by that someone doesn't get ahold of a copy if I use an uploading site -- alteast until public realease then I'll have it everywhere; here,, Zophar, everwhere.)

As for the town stuff, I'm really burning to add it! (but I'll wait until the public beta is released to begin to add that stuff)


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #132 on: March 17, 2007, 07:42:12 am »
Oh, righto then. Now, if you'll excuse me...I've once again stayed up far too late. I really need to stop doing's not healthy.

Good night.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #133 on: March 17, 2007, 08:33:28 am »
See ya. I won't be on until about 11:00pm Central time. So that would about 10 for you?
I will get as much dialouge imported before I have to go to work. 

  • Chapters: (here's the lowdown)
    Guardia Millennial Fair   - 95% complete
    The Queen Returns   - 50%
    The Queen Disappears - 50%
    We're Home!          - 60%
    The Trial         - 75%
    The Ruined World   - 75%
    The Factory Ruins   - 80%
    The End of Time      - 99% (took for eternity)
    The Village of Magic   - 80%

I also had to do the monster balancing (which is almost perfect)-- though the begining monsters concern me. I want the Green Imps to last atleast 3 turns (or hits) before they die, however they totally own you. So I have to get a few issues with the Blue Imps/Green Imps, and maybe redo the positiong of many enemies.

Also, Truce Canyon is FAR from finished so I am going to leave it out.


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Re: Crazy Ideas Thread
« Reply #134 on: March 19, 2007, 04:47:23 am »
I don't like your retitling of "The Millennial Fair!" It sounds rather odd. Perhaps something closer to the Japanese, say, "The Journey Begins: Millennial Fair!" or something like that? The way you have it now sounds...bizarre. The others are fine, though.

And don't worry about leaving out Truce Canyon. That's fine with me. As for the Green Imps...surely just an HP increase and a slight defense increase is enough? Or does that somehow cause the other stats to increase too?

EDIT: Would it be possible to somehow rename the GolemTwins and GolemBoss to the Golem Sisters and Master Golem respectively? I want to try to preserve this nice little original bit if possible.  For the GolemTwins we could just have the boss monster name of Golem...I don't know about the GolemBoss though...I know Master Golem can't fit, but it sounds so much better than GolemBoss...

EDIT II: Oh, I see, the game already DOES that for the GolemTwins...okay, Golem Sisters it is!

Also, can we PLEASE change the names of a few items, such as "Heal" to "Remedy" or "Panacea?" Some of them are quite idiotic, really.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2007, 10:36:29 am by Kyronea »