Author Topic: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread (old)  (Read 32658 times)


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2007, 10:25:03 pm »
Very nice indeed.
I don't know if I sent it to you but I have Lavos Beckons updated.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2007, 10:36:18 pm »
I don't have it yet, though I will look over it once I do. Thus far, though, I've basically just been rewriting everything from the ground up, using Zeality and Greylensmen's script as a baseline for the storyline dialogue. But I will look at it and maybe it can be integrated. I've been trying to integrate everything you already wrote that I've gotten up to into it in one fashion or another, and thus far I think I've succeeded, for the most part.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2007, 02:23:29 am »
I don't have it yet, though I will look over it once I do. Thus far, though, I've basically just been rewriting everything from the ground up, using Zeality and Greylensmen's script as a baseline for the storyline dialogue. But I will look at it and maybe it can be integrated. I've been trying to integrate everything you already wrote that I've gotten up to into it in one fashion or another, and thus far I think I've succeeded, for the most part.

Sounds good. I do modify the text ever so slightly when I am putting into the Rom. (mostly text positioning -- I only change the text itself it a different word sounds better than a current one and such.)


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2007, 02:25:01 am »
I eagerly await the beta test so I can see how it stands. We can always change things again elsewhere inside it if necessary, as I suspect we'll probably do several times before the final release.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2007, 03:00:36 am »
I eagerly await the beta test so I can see how it stands. We can always change things again elsewhere inside it if necessary, as I suspect we'll probably do several times before the final release.

Well, in that case. I will drop what I am doing and start rebalancing all weapons and monsters so I can get the stats primed up. Rebalancing consists of increasing all monster stats, such as HP so battles last longer. (I felt that they were MUCH too short) Also, weapon stats are lowered slightly and most monsters are given elemental affinities. This way, even after the storyline enhancement beta is over, players will have a challenge fighting the bosses later on. Plus Zeal Palace may have the Library and enhanced areas added.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2007, 05:48:51 am »
So thanks to me being an idiot I went and broke my keyboard. At the moment I'm using an older keyboard that has a half-broken spacebar and is otherwise not suited for the amount of typing needed for writing this stuff, so for the next few days I'll be unable to work on it. It bugs me, too, because family stuff kept me from doing anything until tonight and then I broke my keyboard...sad. Anyway, just letting you both know. A new keyboard will be on its way from NewEgg soon.

EDIT: That soon being Thursday, hopefully. In the meantime, I'll see if I can't borrow the other computer for a short while to write down at least something so this time isn't wasted.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 10:16:34 pm by Kyronea »


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2007, 11:34:28 pm »
So thanks to me being an idiot I went and broke my keyboard. At the moment I'm using an older keyboard that has a half-broken spacebar and is otherwise not suited for the amount of typing needed for writing this stuff, so for the next few days I'll be unable to work on it. It bugs me, too, because family stuff kept me from doing anything until tonight and then I broke my keyboard...sad. Anyway, just letting you both know. A new keyboard will be on its way from NewEgg soon.

EDIT: That soon being Thursday, hopefully. In the meantime, I'll see if I can't borrow the other computer for a short while to write down at least something so this time isn't wasted.

I feel your pain with the KB situation I am using an E-Machines (evil machines!) keyboard  :shock: and it sucks. I made a todo list for completing the beta team release and am following through it. Though I still have lots to do... import all chapters up to Medina, finish Truce Canyon expand (& add monsters), finish a few other things, etc. I doubt I will get the monster events coded for Truce Canyon but I'll include everything anyways.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2007, 11:46:23 pm »
Understood. Anyway, as I said I think I can snag the other computer for a while tomorrow and start working on stuff with it. It'll be slower, but it'll keep me from wasting the days. I've been itching to get back to writing this stuff anyway...

But don't worry about me: just focus on what you've got to do for the test beta and then go from there. I'm pretty sure I can stay far enough ahead to make this problem moot in any case.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2007, 11:58:08 pm »
But don't worry about me: just focus on what you've got to do for the test beta and then go from there. I'm pretty sure I can stay far enough ahead to make this problem moot in any case.

Yeah. Importing the dialouge does take some time so don't worry about having to stay ahead -- you've been there for quite some time now. ;) ...what takes even longer than importing the text is adding the animations and making them timed with the dialouge correctly (which I can do easily -- just very time consuming for each scene).

After you finish all the game chapters (just the game stuff -- not the extra stuff yet) before we start adding new story, we need to go back and flesh out all the NPC's in the areas that are there. (NPCs in towns, Books for all towns, etc) -- Meaning that I prefer to have the default game areas HEAVILY enhanced than add new areas. So if we DO run out of room (shouldn't happen, but incase...) I would rather have game material enhanced than a weak-fleshed out storyline for a new area. Pretty much, ideally, the Valley of the Giants and all new areas like that are things that we can live without -- but would be nice for filling out the latter half of the game. I am pretty sure you are on the same wave-length with me here on this topic (the game enhance one) so I'll make this "concept" into project law. "Enhanced comes before the Nu" ;)


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2007, 12:08:53 am »
Of course, of course. I had every intention of stopping once I did the main ending and going back for the NPC dialogue, dividing it by chapter just like I've been doing for storyline dialogue, and after that the dialogue for the other endings and the original sidequests. Only after that will I start on the new stuff.

Also, should I consider the ending we intend to make for defeating Lavos at the Ocean Palace as part of the new stuff and thus unimportant until the original is all fleshed out and enhanced, or should it be added to all of the original stuff? I ask only because I'd really like to see this ending make it in if at all possible.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2007, 12:14:50 am »
Of course, of course. I had every intention of stopping once I did the main ending and going back for the NPC dialogue, dividing it by chapter just like I've been doing for storyline dialogue, and after that the dialogue for the other endings and the original sidequests. Only after that will I start on the new stuff.

Also, should I consider the ending we intend to make for defeating Lavos at the Ocean Palace as part of the new stuff and thus unimportant until the original is all fleshed out and enhanced, or should it be added to all of the original stuff? I ask only because I'd really like to see this ending make it in if at all possible.

Not sure, probably borderline. I am going to try to add any new endings after all the chapters/sidequests are done. So I'd say after the chapters and before the NPC developments & new stuff.

So it goes: (for me to note)
Chapters>Sidequests>Endings(& new endings)>NPC & Books expand>New Sidequests


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2007, 12:17:33 am »
Right, I'll proceed in that order, then.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2007, 12:22:28 am »
Ok. Oh yeah, (off topic for a second) how hard should I make the enemies? I am thinking of a *slight* hardtype hack (for bosses atleast) Either way, for the Project test beta, I am only going to balance them up to Heckran anyways.

What I currently plan to do is rebalance all the monsters to have elemental affinity (fire is weak to water, shadow strong against light, etc) as well as increase HP (by a significant amount) and slightly tweak stats. Now, I don't want to make this some full-blown difficult mod, I'd just like to make the battles ACTUALLY last more than 10 seconds (especially the ones very early in the game like Blue Imps).


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #28 on: March 13, 2007, 12:28:00 am »
I would say make them at least somewhat challenging. If you know the game like the back of your hand, the bosses as they stand are pushovers, and really shouldn't be. I wouldn't go so far as to make them as hard as the hardtype hack on the Compendium, but I would say make them more challenging. I'd give them a comparison level for difficulty but the only game I can think of that might fit the bill for what I'm thinking comparison wise would be Xenosaga: Episode One's boss battles, which were a lot more difficult than one expected from the game.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #29 on: March 13, 2007, 12:38:05 am »
I would say make them at least somewhat challenging. If you know the game like the back of your hand, the bosses as they stand are pushovers, and really shouldn't be. I wouldn't go so far as to make them as hard as the hardtype hack on the Compendium, but I would say make them more challenging. I'd give them a comparison level for difficulty but the only game I can think of that might fit the bill for what I'm thinking comparison wise would be Xenosaga: Episode One's boss battles, which were a lot more difficult than one expected from the game.

Ok. So a few good examples that I really like are:

Blue Imp - HP changed from 13 to 62, slightly higher stats. Now is an actual battle instead of just owning 3 blue imps before they can attack.

Yakra - now has 1840 HP (norm is 920) and slightly higher stats .which makes the battle twice as long. - Is really cake anyways with X-strike.

Masamune - 5400 HP instead of 3600. Now feels like an epic battle. (unless you "cheat" and use Fire Sword of course)