Huh, and I'd have thought fresh fish would have been particularly cheap where you live.
I was going to suggest a few decent brands of cheap frozen salmon, but then I realized where you live and stopped myself from making an ass of myself. It would have been like recommending fruit from Mexico to someone who lives in California.
Speaking of cooking, I love experimenting in the kitchen. I fail almost every single time I try (I apparently have no knack for the culinary arts), but it is fun nonetheless.
Only dish I ever created is really too simple to be called a dish... or to say that it took any degree of skill such as the word "create" might imply. Anywho, it’s simple and tasty from a college-guy-cooking-for-himself sort of perspective, so worthy of mentioning I suppose.
Get a few pieces of chicken breast, plop them in a pan, cover them with sliced pineapples (and pour in the pineapple juice while you're at it), cover with your preferred tomato-based sauce, cover, and let simmer for some time (15 minutes is usually enough, but because there's so much liquid one can let it simmer for 30-45 minutes without burning the food). Serve.
Minimal effort, edible product. Sadly enough, that is the height of my culinary achievements (most everything else hasn't even been edible... which didn't stop me when I was on a tight food budget).