Well, most of the worlds of the..."Chronoverse"...>_>...are under strain...Lavos' fall, the Fall of Zeal, Humans v Mystics,...uh...a lame Princess being a bitch all the time..., the Dragons & FATE, Lavos' eruption, & then, finally, you've got a shit-stained world in 2300AD with Lavos already more or less done w/the planet & Mother Brain continuing to fuckulate humanity...It's not supposed to be a nice, friendly atmosphere you just wanna hang out in...It's supposed to make you want to change how things are, I think...
Although who wouldn't want to live in a hole in the ground like Frog, eh? EH?!? Daily trips to the market include encounters with a Nu that calls you a dog and battles w/annoying frogs & snakes that attack each other (or, at least, the snakes attack the frogs & other snakes)...Maybe next playthrough I'll just stay in Truce for the rest of Crono's life and make a living trading in Silver Points for moneys (don't tell me the festival only lasts a day!!)...>_>