Well, just don't let it get to you, Zeality. It's human nature to act this way about any subject, be it Chrono Trigger or politics, or anything else you can think of. People typically just don't think things through as much as they should most of the time. We're all guilty of that. Think of the caffiene addict who rails against drugs, or the overly angry far-right-wing political figure who thinks all religions other than Christianity are evil and anyone who believes in them should be forcebly converted. That said, sometimes people do it intentionally, such as Ice Water, and those people should be stopped. Methinks you ought to write up a nice little GameFAQs post on why Chrono Cross isn't bad and post it whenever the thread disappears due to the cut-off point on the Chrono Trigger board. It might help offset some of the trollish attempts at discouraging potential Cross fans from playing Cross.