Author Topic: Stuff you LOVE, baby  (Read 408762 times)


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3420 on: August 15, 2011, 06:29:35 pm »

Italodisco be my rock; my sword; my shield.
Sounds like a good beat to dance to.  :)

Thank you. :) Could you unpack that Ghosts reference? I think I understand what you mean, but I'd like to see you draw the connections a little more taut.
Yeah, no probs! The Ghosts of Time appear in Charles Dickens' novel "Christmas Carol" (and in Jim Carrey movie and Doctor Who special of the same name). Although not implied, one subtle similarity between them and the Norns is that they're the major plot devises that shape / alter the protagonist's destiny, influencing him via revisits to his past, present and future. Or rather, they give him the understanding and power to change not only his but everyone else's destiny. Regardless, while the Norns create Fate, the Ghosts merely show time.

Hah, I personally am a fan of the Ghost of Christmas Present. :D

There is certainly behavior we could tentatively call sexist in the animal kingdom, but it's far from absolutely ubiquitous, and doesn't necessarily indicate anything about our own sexism. (Especially because female dominance is not uncommon.)
Actually, just because it's the females that are dominating (or in some cases, especially in my case, bullying and discriminating... uh, long story) doesn't mean it's not sexist, since this is again discrimination against the opposite sex; thinking otherwise would take us to "males are monsters, women are angels" talk which is also a sexist view of looking at it. (Note: if I've in any way offended any gender, or you personally, I apologize; that was not my intention)

(And ZeaLitY, empathy exists within sexism realms too, and in some cases, are enhanced by it)

Hmm, I was thinking of contributing a monologue of my own personal observations within the animal kingdom (not necessarily for argument, but to contribute something to the collective info-board), but before I do I'd like to know: do you know of any non-gender / multi-gender (more than 2 genders) species or creatures in nature? If so, what is their mode of existence?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2011, 06:34:43 pm by tushantin »


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3421 on: August 15, 2011, 07:07:32 pm »
Although not implied, one subtle similarity between them and the Norns is that they're the major plot devises that shape / alter the protagonist's destiny, influencing him via revisits to his past, present and future. Or rather, they give him the understanding and power to change not only his but everyone else's destiny. Regardless, while the Norns create Fate, the Ghosts merely show time.

Ohh, the Norns! Okay, I understand what you're getting at. Yes, they are certainly an interesting analogy to determinism, especially since they also rule the fate of the gods. There is definitely a sense of fatalism in a lot of the Norse epics -- gods like Frigga and Odin know their fates, and reference them freely, but cannot but act them out -- and Greek tragedy is virtually all about the Inevitability of Events. A Christmas Carol is a fascinating contrast to that because they suggest that self-awareness can lead to choice; the ancients did not often think that, from what I can tell.

It's interesting because theories of randomness, and studies into the phenomenon, really throw a wrench into all discussions of free will and determinism, because, well, they call into question causality and our ability to philosophize about it at all. Randomness doesn't necessarily mean that we ever have whatever we mean when we say "choice" -- but it does raise the question of whether it does! In that light, the plot device of the deus ex machina -- an event out of left field imposed on the situation, for good or ill -- which is essentially what those Ghosts are! -- become especially interesting.

Quote from: tushantin
Actually, just because it's the females that are dominating (or in some cases, especially in my case, bullying and discriminating... uh, long story) doesn't mean it's not sexist, since this is again discrimination against the opposite sex; thinking otherwise would take us to "males are monsters, women are angels" talk which is also a sexist view of looking at it. (Note: if I've in any way offended any gender, or you personally, I apologize; that was not my intention)

Oh, that's not what I meant. I meant that the forms sexism (if it can be called such) take in the animal kingdom are not necessarily analogous to our own, and used female dominance as an example of that; because while sexism against men exists, widespread female dominance is clearly not a problem. I completely agree that "men are monsters, women are angels" is a sexist meme like any other - sexist to both genders, in fact.

The case of bonobos is fascinating because the female dominance only crops up every once in awhile -- for the most part, it's an egalitarian society. But because the females do band together and the males don't tend to, they do typically get certain "sexist" privileges like first access to foods. (Again, I'm putting "sexist" in quotes because I'm a little hesitant to project the concept onto the animal kingdom. If the same phenomenon occurred in human societies I would obviously consider it sexist.) Clearly, this sort of thing does not happen in human societies - for whatever reason.

Incidentally, even more interesting, in my opinion, is the reaction of researchers to the incidents of female dominance; it's very often downplayed or dismissed. Frans de Waal, who has done a lot of research on bonobos, remembers an incident where a German researcher stood up during one of his lectures and yelled, "what is wrong with these males????" lol. That sort of thing is why I think we need to use caution when it comes to comparing the behavior of animals to our own. Projection is too easy.

But again, there are plenty of species which display no overt dominance of one gender over the other at all.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2011, 07:10:54 pm by Syna »


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3422 on: August 16, 2011, 10:49:19 am »
Zeality, where on earth are you getting all of this Italodisco stuff?? It's awesome!!

Sigh, my journey has merely begun. As far as I've studied, Italodisco is what disco became after the US discarded it and Europe kept it alive, transforming it into beautiful synth-driven dance music. The beats and production values have such a class to them that electronica seems to lack. The original Italodisco was fading out in the 90s, but there seems to be a significant movement begun last decade to revive it. I'm constantly amazed when listening to megamixes just how many of the songs were produced in the last two or three years, yet sound as if they belong in 1985. God, it makes me want to go back in time to like 1979, pick up a De Lorean as soon as manufacture has begun around a couple years from then, and drive into the night clothed in the classiest of insane 80s style towards a synthpop rave. I would meet Prince during his absolute prime and absolutely thrive on the culture. I would satisfy every inkling of nostalgia, right down to enjoying how TV used to be grainier. And I'd get to experience again life before perpetual connectivity and cell phones, as horrifying as that might be now.

Fuck, I am obsessed with that decade. I never had a chance. I romanticize the 80s like hell, because I'm continually caught up in the culture and appearance of progress they seemed to have; it was as if a second technological revolution was occurring with computers, and would set the stage for humanity's rise to the future. Nowadays, I understand exactly why the 80s led to the horrible 90s and beyond (and had a lot of fun reading (Which isn't to mention the arch-villains Reagan and Thatcher.) Still, I die for retrofuturistic style and plan to get a De Lorean if circumstances align. Oh, that 80s styles were still acceptable. They really knew how to use the color white, my absolute favorite in fashion. What an explosion of color.


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3423 on: August 16, 2011, 11:11:38 am »
Chrono Trigger may not have been chosen for the Smithsonian exhibit, but I just received an interview from the curator, Chris Melissinos, in my inbox today - and the image used was the CT gang sleeping after the Entity scene.

It turns out that HE voted for Chrono Trigger! :)

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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3424 on: August 16, 2011, 11:13:18 pm »
So what is that interview for, if I may? I'm curious because it would be a fascinating read!


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3425 on: August 17, 2011, 11:16:42 am »
I don't think it's online, but I'll certainly email it to anyone who PMs me their address. :)


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3426 on: August 17, 2011, 08:42:48 pm »
My friend and I just visited a Goodwill store, and together we bought 15 VHS videos, all for 50% off. In total, less than $10. Movie marathon tonight?

With DVDs and now BlueRays taking the spotlight, sometimes finding old classics on VHS is just perfect.


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3427 on: August 17, 2011, 10:58:01 pm »
My friend and I just visited a Goodwill store, and together we bought 15 VHS videos, all for 50% off. In total, less than $10. Movie marathon tonight?

With DVDs and now BlueRays taking the spotlight, sometimes finding old classics on VHS is just perfect.

I REFUSE to give up my Eddie Murphy: RAW on VHS, as well as my Godzilla v. Mothra: Battle For Earth.

Never mind I can't play them on anything right now...

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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3428 on: August 18, 2011, 10:09:22 pm »

'Nuff said.


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3429 on: August 19, 2011, 06:03:52 pm »
For the first time, last night I went to a jazz performance. Sheeeeeeiiit, that was some good stuff. Now I've been listening to The Brink of Time soundtrack again.

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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3430 on: August 20, 2011, 01:33:35 am » Saturday nights at 7pm Pacific, yo! Jazz!


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3431 on: August 20, 2011, 01:01:44 pm »
Yep. I remember you told me that back during the weekly Compendium game nights. What ever happened to those anyway?

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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3432 on: August 21, 2011, 04:08:14 am »
It never really caught on. After I stopped propping it up, it didn't have any life of its own to carry it forward. Anyone can call a Compendium Game Night, but no one does.

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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3433 on: August 21, 2011, 05:47:34 am »
From the Frustration thread:

I haven't slept in 22 hours because of our baby. She's been extra fussy tonight and has done a lot of crying/screaming and scattered feeding (that often isn't even feeding, rather it is fake feeding). Frustrating, right?

At the same time I love it. Listening to Mozart and spending time as a family... And she enjoys Mozart! So maybe this should be in the "I love" thread...?

The lack of sleep makes it frustrating, so I'll leave it here for now. :)

I love it. Mozart + late night with the family = fun. Dog beside the bed (snoring), wife curiously watching what I'm typing, baby being frustrated and trying to feed, me on the Compendium and relishing every waking minute of it.


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #3434 on: August 21, 2011, 06:31:03 am »
Mozart, aye? Nothing beats classical!  :lol:

During my genre exploration I've stumbled upon one called 'Romantica', and upon hearing it I keep having the feeling I'm living in a Shakespearean world, or have those nostalgic memories of FF6. True, I'm not one for corny romances that usually happen in movies, but this... this... really strikes my heartstring (damn, I love writing that word!)

You may listen to the genre radio here:

EDIT: And it's raining. While I'm swept by the music. And it feels good!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 07:03:05 am by tushantin »