I love watching the Republican Party descend into utter lunacy. The latest inanity is that dictionaries have a liberal bias? Seriously!
Compendiumites, this is the embarrassing spectacle of a cultural movement in its death throes. What began with Barry Goldwater ends with Bill O'Reilly, and I think it'll be a long time before the American right finds a new philosophy for itself. There's no such thing as "conservatism" anymore...just a funny farm with Ronald Reagan padded wallpaper where everybody rolls around on the floor frothing at the mouth and shouting out the occasional slogan like "family values" or "big government."
Spoken like a true gloating liberal.
Actually I can't argue your main point though, I do agree that the republicans have been making fools of themselves for quite a while now. I don't agree with everything O'Reilly or Hannity have to say... I'm more on the lines of Mark Levine, who just gets pissed off at everybody in government.
To me conservatism should stop at government practice, and stay out of the religious family orientations. I'm a 26 year old single man who has seen both my mother and sister go through divorces. The sanctity of marriage is a crock without adding gays into the mix, so to hell with any politicians who want to ride that wave of nonsense.
I apologize, this kind of talk belongs in the frustration thread. Time for some happy.
I like zombie movies.