Author Topic: Stuff you LOVE, baby  (Read 413056 times)

Lord J Esq

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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2550 on: April 22, 2010, 09:47:19 pm »
Today, after an adult lifetime of coalescing intent, and almost two years of arduous mental preparation and a fair amount of my characteristic sloth, construction began on Josh Super Project "Bagpipe Radio." Upon completion, or quite likely even prior thereto, Bagpipe Radio will join in significance the Greatest Philosophical Works in History!
Live by the Pipes!

Many have Loved to Listen, but few have Played the Pipes!

I am pleased to offer Civilization a work so utterly in praise of Civilization. I am pleased to offer the Mates of Earth a work so utterly in praise of Sapiens.


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2551 on: April 22, 2010, 09:52:55 pm »

Live... Bagpipes?


Pleas tell me they'll play "McIntyre's Lament."  Such a beautiful song!

Lord J Esq

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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2552 on: April 22, 2010, 09:53:49 pm »
It's a possibility!


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2553 on: April 22, 2010, 10:33:48 pm »
ZeaLitY, I'm curious to learn more about your experience as a male volunteer in an abortion clinic. What kind of duties were you assigned, and would you say you faced any barriers or challenges associated with your identity? One of the themes I've only recently become aware of in feminist theory is the need for women to have their own "spaces," and I had figured an abortion clinic would be one of the most personal environments a woman could step into; but it's not like Dr. Tiller wasn't a dude either. Did you get a sense that there was a heavy atmosphere of gender-based tension on the inside, or was everything pretty hum-drum and dryly routine? And did you get a sense of whether these places are in huge need of volunteers, or are they staffed sufficiently?


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2554 on: April 22, 2010, 10:51:28 pm »
Such drama.  You and your militant liberal bullshit only shows that you can't hold a civil conversation in the presence of differing viewpoints, you hate-mongerer. Since you decided to be apprehensive about my viewpoints, I'll meet you with an equal degree.

Your ignorance is offensive and hateful. It should inspire anger in respectable people.

How about you actually establish the context first before going into bashing-troll-mode?  At least you appear competent and genuinely caring by demonstrating that you're "helping these women,"  but not really. You got your false-dilemma propaganda planted their heads that abortion was their only choice.  What bullshit.  How about asking such women next time if they actually don't want the child instead of assuming that they don't just because of their circumstances?  I would've gladly helped them with other choices.  Speaking of which...

Quit patronizing these women. They are adult human beings who decided, on their own, to have an abortion. I helped get them financial assistance for it. Watching conservative news and listening to your religious pastor does not qualify you to make sweeping generalizations about the motives of adults or the ethics of reproductive rights. Oh, and...

Not everyone follows your tribal myth of Christ. So don't claim moral authority over people who don't share your Dark Age beliefs.

There were plenty of other choices, and you failed to do your research/completely ignored them because you just wanted to fulfill your cause to your self-righteous satisfaction.  FYI, I'm not a Republican, you stereotyping fucktard.

If it looks like a Republican, talks like a Republican, acts like a Republican...oh, wait; are you one of those Republicans who call themselves Libertarians because they don't like Bush?

Take a dive into an icy river.  Maybe the freezing water will clear your thick, neanderthal head.  If you hate differing viewpoints that such, then don't address them in the first place.  To each his own.

Quoth the Christian! Imagine if you'd been born in Israel. You'd be a Jew! And in India, you'd be a Muslim or Hindu. If you want to find thick-headedness, well, religion is the best at that.

ZeaLitY, I'm curious to learn more about your experience as a male volunteer in an abortion clinic. What kind of duties were you assigned, and would you say you faced any barriers or challenges associated with your identity? One of the themes I've only recently become aware of in feminist theory is the need for women to have their own "spaces," and I had figured an abortion clinic would be one of the most personal environments a woman could step into; but it's not like Dr. Tiller wasn't a dude either. Did you get a sense that there was a heavy atmosphere of gender-based tension on the inside, or was everything pretty hum-drum and dryly routine? And did you get a sense of whether these places are in huge need of volunteers, or are they staffed sufficiently?

It was all by phone at home; if I'd gone to a clinic, I might have invested in a bullet-proof vest, like some staff and doctors do. The only real possible challenge with phoning for assistance is the problem of reaching someone's boyfriend, and having them get pissed at you. There's a script for that, of course, but it's just unpleasant. I haven't run into any examples of that so far. None of the women seemed too surprised or anything that I was a male conducting the interview, and judging from the reactions, they were genuinely thankful and the maleness wasn't too much of a block or anything. I hope I may have had an unintended Kamina effect of restoring some hope in humanity on them.


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2555 on: April 22, 2010, 11:05:20 pm »
Wow, so these were sort of pre-op questionnaire interviews or counseling sessions? How did this fit into the whole abortion process? Like, did these women call a hotline and get you on the other end, or were they assigned to you by a specific clinic/other organization?

And where does the financial assistance come from? Some kind of foundation set up to help working class women access the same reproductive rights as more well-to-do women?
« Last Edit: April 22, 2010, 11:13:20 pm by FaustWolf »


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2556 on: April 22, 2010, 11:21:00 pm »
Your ignorance is offensive and hateful. It should inspire anger in respectable people.

Ridicule is a potent weapon, isn't it?  While angry people do use it to justify their beliefs, you use it to justify your hate.  You're not exactly what I would call a "respectable" person.  Talk to me when you're ready to conduct more civilized conversation.  Oh, wait.  That would assume that these following quotes didn't exist.

Quit patronizing these women. They are adult human beings who decided, on their own, to have an abortion. I helped get them financial assistance for it. Watching conservative news and listening to your religious pastor does not qualify you to make sweeping generalizations about the motives of adults or the ethics of reproductive rights.

Oh, my.  Patronize is a dirty word.  It could mean "to provide patronage (support) to" or "to behave in a condescending manner towards."  I'm gonna hazard a guess that you went with the latter definition.  How convenient for you.  However, I patronize in the former definition.

Even if those women DID decide on their own, it was both an easy and premature decision not backed by careful thought and research.  By the same token, pretending to be a conquering hero by providing financial assistance to justify a triplicate of sanctioned murders does not qualify you to make gross assumptions about how I view abortion.  I do my research.  Don't mess with me.

Oh, and...

Not everyone follows your tribal myth of Christ. So don't claim moral authority over people who don't share your Dark Age beliefs.

And not everybody follows your brand of atheistic jackassery. BTW, There are secular organizations against abortion.  To name a few:

- Libertarians for Life (
- Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League (
- A Secular Case Against Abortion by Jennifer Roth - (
- Democrats for Life of America (

That last one outta get your attention since you have it hard-wired into your mind that only Republicans oppose abortion.  So, don't claim moral authority just because you don't have a religious affiliation.

If it looks like a Republican, talks like a Republican, acts like a Republican...oh, wait; are you one of those Republicans who call themselves Libertarians because they don't like Bush?

I'd entertain your sad little caricature of what Republicans look like, talk like, and act like, if it weren't so off-base with reality.  I even vote Democrat, you judgmental bigot.

Imagine if you'd been born in Israel. You'd be a Jew! And in India, you'd be a Muslim or Hindu. If you want to find thick-headedness, well, religion is the best at that.

Oh, here we go.  The old "guilty by association" bit.  Unfortunately for you, since such a scenario never has and never will happen in my life, you've proven nothing with your little soundbite.

Once again, if you wish to talk about this further, let's move it to the abortion thread... that is, if your thick head doesn't hit the "send" button on the way out.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 05:52:37 pm by GenesisOne »

Lord J Esq

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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2557 on: April 22, 2010, 11:38:52 pm »
I'm guessing this was a bad day to make my glorious announcement. =/


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2558 on: April 22, 2010, 11:43:44 pm »
Even if those women DID decide on their own, it was a both an easy and premature decision not backed by careful thought and research.

How on earth do you know this?  You've never met any of these women.


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2559 on: April 22, 2010, 11:46:25 pm »
The bagpipe is an awesome and underloved instrument. Aside from funerals and military demonstrations, I've only heard it in heavy metal bands. I'd love to hear bagpipes in more mainstream music, or in an orchestra. Tell us about this glorious project!


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2560 on: April 22, 2010, 11:49:43 pm »
I'm guessing this was a bad day to make my glorious announcement. =/

Apparently so....likewise, I'll be moving mine to another thread.


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2561 on: April 23, 2010, 12:02:26 am »

Taken by Loch Ness by my dad.  :)


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2562 on: April 23, 2010, 12:04:51 am »

@Lord J:  It's not your fault.  I keep insisting Z and I move it to a different thread, but I haven't the authority to move posts.

Besides that, I wonder how many Scot jokes we could come up with now that Bagpipes Radio will become a reality.

@Saj: You've never met them either, so I guess we are both at an impasse as to what they are thinking.  Let's leave it at that.

Nice pic, btw.  Very green and authentic.


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2563 on: April 23, 2010, 12:13:20 am »
On some lighter notes...

Well inspired by Shee, I had my slurpee. It was awesome. It's kind of ironic that I love coke flavored slurpees, but I don't enjoy drinking the soda all that much.

Also in honor of Guru, I kind of jammed out to Gang Starr all day yesterday. I think I've decided that
Now Your Mine is my favorite track.

Lastly, I'm super hype for Super Street Fighter IV.


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Re: Stuff you LOVE, baby
« Reply #2564 on: April 23, 2010, 12:18:19 am »
Nice pic, btw.  Very green and authentic.

I would certainly hope it looked authentic.  It was taken in Scotland!  XD