***Possible spoilers for Inception***I was never really a fan of Christopher Nolan's movies, but what I found so beautiful about
Inception is that the premise itself completely excused all the complaints I might have made against it. If the motivations of the DiCaprio character's employer - not to mention those of some of his companions - seem completely nonsensical and serendipitous, it only leads me to theorize that nothing in the movie was, in fact, real. I think there's some genius in that, whether Nolan intended this interpretation or not.
That interpretation is, in itself, an inception within me as the viewer: the script leads us to trust the accuracy of the DiCaprio character's totem at first, but the fact that his wife didn't trust the very same totem planted within my mind the idea that, perhaps, the totem should not be trusted.
...Okay, after writing that sentence and realizing I'm having a difficult time re-reading it, I'm just gonna stop.
Maybe Nolan planted a series of subliminal messages in this one: "...do not pan my movie, do not pan my movie..."