I just hope there's some day on the calendar where the sisters say they'll protect the brothers. Nothin' scarier in the schoolyard than the big sis coming in to lay the smackdown.
Oh, but they do! XD
See, this might sound sexist to English speaking but makes much sense to Sikhs and Hindus (if only because our minds and reason are shaped based on our language structure). Males in any cast are considered to be physically stronger than women (thus carrying out responsibility and labor for an entire family's earning), while women are stronger emotionally and are masters of domestic territory and inquisition/curiosity. Each gender has a unique and important role to play towards the society, not necessarily limiting, like two legs keeping us steady. The studies and ideas go on, but I'll get to the point.
Depending on the environment you grow up in, females play a more supportive role (for example, binding families together) and thus are considered invaluable, and there's this kind of a strange bond that ties people to them, of affection mixed with respect and yadda yadda, I can't seem to explain. But being physically weaker of the genders they're also more likely to be taken advantage of (like rape, humiliation, brothel, social undermining, etc.) Us brothers take up arms to protect them, I guess might have something to do with noble aspirations, more in the idea that they don't need to suffer harsh trials alone. They have us, who'd shield them from the worst of humanity.
They already undertake more than enough pain in their lives, so if any asshole has a wise idea to mess with them
they'd have to go through us Band of Brothers first!
But that doesn't always mean the sisters always lay back, watching us getting beat up. They always try to end violence, either wittily or simply humbly, always making sure to help us back away or assist us in our times of need. But the most notable assistance is not in the battlefield, but social and domestic environments. XD Although I do agree about that
Big Sis thing, especially if she knows Karate!
And also,
I can't hit a girl!There's a lesson to be learned here about genders. Neither is entirely better than the other, but we have this strange bond that is a complex mixture of love, irritation, valiance, mischief, etc. that is impossible to put it in simple terms. But when we accept it, sorrow just has no door to enter into our lives.
Accept fate, and you may thereby cheat it.
That statement sounds good, but... I still don't get it. XD
I just dislike the "everything happens for a reason" vibe to it, along with assertions of a divine creator. In this age, we know better than to ascribe random chance to divine workings or justice.
Er... Quantum Physics.
Also, everything
does happen for a reason. Example: People get murdered, and the reason is that there is malice at the other end, and someone posted this reply to your post with reason that someone felt the need to reply to your post.
Oh, just curious (I ask this question to both you and Lord J; no, I'm not challenging your beliefs and will certainly not counter your honest statements; I'm only genuinely curious): Whether it comes from religion, culture, mythology or a fantasy concept, I take it that you don't believe in Fate?