It's really the only time I feel I experience any kind of truly meaningful community ritual in our culture. (Hallowe'en and Mardi Gras, perhaps, are other contenders, but those two holidays don't have the same feeling of
communality.) I may not be a Christian, but I love the Nativity story, I love singing the hymns*, I can tolerate the Christmas services I'm forced to attend**, I love good Christmas specials (Muppet Christmas Carol!), I love eggnog and hot chocolate and cider-rum, I love pretty holly wreaths and greenery, etc.
Christmas forces me to look consumerism, Dominionism, and cliche in the eye, but I like the idea of triumphing over it with beauty, good taste, a sense of sanctity, and good spirits! Peace on earth & good will toward men. I don't celebrate the birth of my saviour, but I can sure as hell celebrate that-- and a good Story.
* Though I discreetly change the "he" pronouns to "she" while singing them. What can I say, I'm a troll like that.
** I do have to resist the urge to say "Bacchus himself has liberated me!" during the Nicene Creed. Again. I'm a total troll.
*** Also, for your edification, apparently the myths of Saint Nicholas were based on myths of Odin and the Wild Hunt. This blows my mind. If you ever happen to feel that the magic of Christmas has been bought and sold via an insidiously jolly and saccharine red-faced man, just imagine Odin on his eight-legged horse drunk of his gourd and leading a pack of ferocious ghosts!