Author Topic: Chrono Trigger + Todo List (forever changing)  (Read 7261 times)


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Chrono Trigger + Todo List (forever changing)
« on: February 27, 2007, 01:53:15 pm »

"Chrono Trigger +"
Current version 1.19 (beta)

Blackjack 99% bugfree
Slots 100% bugfree
M. Fair enhancements (new mini-games!)

L3 Graphic enhancements for many maps (such as shadows leaves in forests, sunlight in Zeal windows, etc)

Animations for many cutscenes now enhanced.
Fixed sound bugs (such as Kilwala/Ape sounds reversed in Forest Maze, Kilawala Sound for Lavos in O.P., Kilwala sound for Cyrus Death)

Glenn now looks like Human Glenn in Glenn/Cyrus flashbacks (need to add sprite without Masamune)

MANY areas have various tweaks to events

+ Enemy and item stats rebalanced. Makes the game alot more fun (and fair)
+ Upgraded Millennial Fair (MUCH more to come in the next few updates!)

+ Enhanced environments
~~ Many areas now have Layer3 effects
~~ Some forests have random falling leaves (I will use a better graphic for "leaves" in a future update)
~~ A few areas have scrolling gray clouds (this will be upgraded to better looking puffy clouds later)

+Medina Square upgrades (ultimately into their own fair)
+ Added a man at the Medina Fair that will buy gems from you.

+ Added treasure chests that can give multiple random items

Expanded Areas:
~Truce Canyon    (now twice the size as before!)
~Added Zeal Grand Library (incomplete)

added storyline pointer 13 - checks to see if the Chancellor has left the throneroom to check
               up on Leene (Hair Pin in Manoria Cathedral doesn't appear unless
               this is set!)

Q. How the hell do I get into the cathedral?
A. AFTER Lucca joins your party, go to Truce Inn and talk to the soldiers sitting at the table. Then Toma will walk in, buy him a drink; then talk to him again and he'll say that there's something fishy about the cathedral. Now, the Chancellor will appear in the throneroom, speak to him and after he leaves. Go to the cathedral and talk to the nun at the organ. After Frog joins your party, check the organ.

Coming soon!
Enhance all in-game cutscenes
100% of all game dialouge will be re-translated; spelling and grammatical errors removed, etc, etc.
~Phrases like "drat" will be restored to "damn" like in the Japanese version.
Fix ALL of the storyline plotholes(like bringing Magus to 600AD after he joins, no-one says anything!)
Interactive NPC's (people say more/change what they say when events change)
Interactive Objects (some world objects do things...) (ex: checking a cabinet and you could find an item)
Epoch auto-returns to the End of Time (only if walking upto the end of the Epoch Dock)
Every decision effects later events somehow
Brand new items (gems/herbs/ores will randomly appear in certain areas!)
Item-making (eg. combine herbs and potions to make better ones)
Even more random item treasure chests (yay!)
MORE environment enhancements:: caves will have random bats flying around for scenery
Water effects (when walking thru / Standing in)
Save points will have a special function where you can use Shelters without having to enter the items menu
More expanded areas

Features coming in version 1.25 (1.25 is the public release beta)
Extended storyline events (maybe a few more endings to the game? if 14 endings wasn't enough)
Fishing rod and events (no real point to it yet, but save your fish)
NEW areas, expanded/new dungeons to explore/new sidequests

Features coming in version 1.3
Auction House?
Item-making (weapon, armour, and accessory making, cooking)
Possibly swimming areas
EVEN MORE NEW areas, expanded/new dungeons to explore/new sidequests
MORE environment enhancements
Monsters will have random common, uncommon, and rare item drops (besides the item they *always* drop)
~random drops will be given to you after battle
        Also obtained: 1 Elixir   

Monsters in some places upgrade throughout the game (such as Guardia Forest, Mystic Mts.)
EVOLVING gameplay:: every decision you make effects the game somewhere else.

Features coming in version 1.4
Millennial Fair Final (filled to the brim with games, prizes, shops and more!)
(Fair upgrades over time throughout the game (In NewGame+ mode; everything starts upgraded))
Millennial Fair expansion  (+ more mini-games for Silver Points & more prizes that can be bought)
Games to be added:
Samurai Showdown (like in Kirby Superstar)
Some kind of dance game in the Prehistoric Exhibit, sort of like mimic game but with multiple steps!

New PCs?
New techs

Entire graphics engine completely upgraded
Hopefully I can also add new sounds/music


Features coming in version 1.5 (final)
Anime' cut-scenes from PSX version? (must SERIOUSLY know Mode7 hacking to do this) -- Probably wait until GBA release and hope that they convert the anime scenes and it to the game --then I can steal them :)
« Last Edit: July 25, 2008, 03:29:37 pm by Zakyrus »


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Todo List (Updated)
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2007, 12:49:13 am »
to do for 1.19 PRIVATE BETA RELEASE: (Can I have this done by week and a half from today?)
Finish importing storyline chapters up to "The Village of Magic".

Finish Truce Canyon upgrade and code events (add monsters, other special events will come later)
Recode Guardia Forest Events (both maps)

Implement lost equipment in Guardia Prison (like in the Blackbird)

Tweak Lab 16 Ruins to have a Boss (probably a Metal Mutant with 3 Mutants)

Finish Future Password system
Finish Sewer Access B2-B5 Area (and make tutorial on how I did it)
Finish Medina Square NPC positioning
Proto Dome will be one screen larger
Finish Hekran Caves graphic effects

Rebalance all monsters, bosses, and items up to The Village of Magic
(stats will probably be constantly tweaked, I want monsters to have much more HP and slightly harder...
think of how Final Fantasy battles are. Also, all monsters will have some kind of elemental affinity/weakness
based on what they are. (eg Robots will be weak to lightning, Undead absorbs shadow but is usually weak
to fire, etc, etc)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2007, 01:23:09 am by Zakyrus »


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Todo List (Updated)
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2007, 01:27:34 am »
to do for 1.195 PRIVATE BETA RELEASE: (Can I have this done by April 22?)
Finish importing storyline chapters.
Rebalance all monsters, bosses, and items

Finish Truce Canyon upgrade and code events (add monsters, other special events will come later)
Recode Guardia Forest Events (both maps)

Finish Mystic Mountains (and events)
Finish North Cape Events
Finish Extended Beast Cave
Finish Zeal Expansion
Finish Forest Ruins (and events)

new areas/Dungeons:
add Forest Ruins Dungeon?

Implement lost equipment in Guardia Prison (like in the Blackbird); get mop to escape with!

Tweak Lab 16 Ruins to have a Boss (probably a Metal Mutant with 3 Mutants?)

Finish Future Password system
Finish Sewer Access B2-B5 Area (and make tutorial on how I did it)
Finish Medina Square NPC positioning
Proto Dome will be one screen larger
Finish Hekran Caves graphic effects (remove glitch and add upgrading enemies)


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Todo List (Updated)
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2007, 05:46:22 pm »
I actually don't think Glenn should look different in his flashbacks... That was probably a period where he would have a more short-haired appearence, if that makes sense. It just kind of makes sense that his hair would be long after being changed back to human form later in the game, because he never had any hair to cut while he was a frog. Know what i mean?


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Todo List (Updated)
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2007, 06:48:57 pm »
I actually don't think Glenn should look different in his flashbacks... That was probably a period where he would have a more short-haired appearence, if that makes sense. It just kind of makes sense that his hair would be long after being changed back to human form later in the game, because he never had any hair to cut while he was a frog. Know what i mean?
No, it wouldn't make sense. I know where you're going with this, but the problem is he would not have been human during those years as a frog, so whether he cut his hair or not is irrelevant.


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Todo List (Updated)
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2007, 07:31:46 pm »
Actually, I would eventually like to create a brand new sprite for Glenn before he was cursed. I just didn't think it right for him to "change clothes" when he got cursed.


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Todo List (Updated)
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2007, 04:10:13 pm »
Isn't there a sprite for an un-cursed Glenn?  I'm pretty sure you see someone walking King and Queen Guardia in 600 AD across the Zenan Bridge that looks quite human and reacts to the Epoch flying in the background of the ending (in the event that you kill Magus, of course).

And speaking of Glenn...  Wouldn't it be neat if he shed his pseudonym Frog for Glenn after the side-quest to improve the Masamune?  I usually just go ahead and name him Glenn anyway since the irony of "Kaeru" is lost in the translation to "Frog".


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Todo List (Updated)
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2007, 11:38:29 pm »
There Glenn sprite is used for Glenn in Glenn flashbacks, when I said I need a new sprite I meant I have to make one of him not having the Masamune, as well as be able to actually use Glenn. Glenn will "join" the party after the defeat of Magus (technically "Glenn" would have to become a new PC, because we can't just replace Frog), the fact that Glenn reverts after attaining the Masamune2 is a maybe... I always thought that it would contradict with everything.

If done, a large amount of cutscenes would have to be writ for Glenn "returning" in the middle ages (since to all of Guardia he "vanished" with Cyrus) They can get away with it in the endings because ...they can I guess.

However, since I want multi-multi possibilites in CT+. I was going to add the ability to have Glenn and Magus at the same time anyway. I just have to figure out how to add a new PC first... and that is an insidious task unto itself. So probably in a much later version, presumably when all the Dialouge cutscenes are coded as well as when I finish coding the dynamic enemy behavior for outside areas (like Truce Canyon and such) I got some great ideas for how to instigate a battle - even slightly random battles for more open areas! As well as rare random item drops from mobs!  :)

Back on the subject of the matter, I also have to writ a bunch of scenes for Magus in the Middle Ages. I thought it wrong how you could just wander around with Magus and noone says anything! Yeah, right!
I will probably have Magus wearing his hood (Prophet Sprite!) anytime you enter a public place in the Middle Ages, makes sense since he wouldn't want to be mauled by crazed villagers or something...

EDIT: All and all Magus doesn't fear anyone, so I may end up writing cutscenes for all towns for him anyways.
Since I am going to end up writing all the PC/NPC dialouge, I decided to make NPCs change what they say as the game goes on, as well as change depending on what era they are in and who is in your party.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 08:52:26 am by Zakyrus »


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Todo List (Updated)
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2007, 08:52:33 am »

NPC system: (here's the lowdown, of how I am coding this!)

600 -Middle Ages
People will react differently if Magus is in your party?
People will react differently if Frog or Crono are in the party..(after fall of Magus, then both are considered heros in Middle Ages)

1000 -Millennium
People in Truce talk to Lucca and Crono personally (depending on who's leading the party)
~~everyone else: they just say random dialouge. Dialoug's upgrade throughout the game at storyline points...

(examples of what NPCs say to Crono in Truce/Millennial Fair after certain points)

Start - Crono will be greeted by various people (as if they know him)

After Trial - depending on how "guilty" Crono will be respected or despised by certain people.
Innocent - well respected (people will know the Chancellor is upto something and set you up)
Somewhat Guilty - somewhat respected (people will know the Chancellor is upto something, but wont say what)
Guilty - despised (people will think you are a rotton crook)

After Rbow shell quest (still depending on what you did for the Trial)
Innocent - well respected - people will honour you for saving the King
Somewhat Guilty - somewhat respected (people will know simply admit that the Chancellor was crooked)
Guilty - neutral, they won't think you're a rotton crook anymore

I hope these examples alone give you an idea of how I am coding the NPCs. I really like coding the capability to have events happen differently depending on how you play the game, who is in the party and what decisions you make. This gives MANY more possibilites of ways to play the game in it's entirety.  :twisted:

For instance here's another "choice" that can slightly affect a later outcome...

Tell Azala about the Gate Key?
  No way!

(if yes)
{Azala}: A time travel device?! Do you think me a fool without a brain like your friend {Ayla}?!
I have something that ought to persuade you to tell me what it really is!{full break}

(if no){Azala}: Oh? Well, I suppose you need some...motivation!{full break}

...later at Tyrano Lair
if yes:
{Azala}: (mumbles to self...) Maybe they really are time travelers... this could be disastrous, I must act quickly!

if no:
{Azala}: I don't know where you strangers come from, but it's time for you to become extinct!


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Beta2 Todo List
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2008, 09:59:01 pm »
CT+ Beta2 todo list

Zakyrus's personal todo list:

Make existing cutscenes fully enhanced (anims, sounds, etc)
Add the "Lavos Spawn Discussion" dialog
Add the remaining 'lesser' cuts in the Black Omen
Fix remaining plotholes, such as Magus returning to the Middle Ages.
(Maybe make scene using the 'new' Middle Ages Courtroom. Haha.)

Finish the Zeal Grand Library Area/Mini-Dungeon
Add Searing Chasm Dungeon (Ayla's Quest)
Add Cleft of Dimensions (Crono's Quest)
  & The Town that Time Forgot

Make NewGame+ remember all Menu Settings
Transparent Window Setting Off/On
Add an Upgrading Enemies Off/On Option

** For instance, Mutants in Lab16/32 upgrade to MetalMutants when
party level reaches 70. or all Megasaurs upgrade to Gigasaurs at level 50. I have this done location event-wise, I just need to figure out how to add new menu settings for it. I was going to make it forced, but I like the option to turn it off.

Later, if we can add new monsters, I am going to make level** versions of EVERY monster/Boss. Then, every battle will be a challenge, woot!)

CT+ Beta2 todo list

This is the Beta2 todo list. It's subject to change as time goes on.
If ANYONE knows how or can help do anything on this list...would greatly be appreciated.


New Slimmer Font

Town Graphics

Enhanced Clouds & L3 Clouds
Enhanced L3 Sunrays
Enhanced L3 Snow & Rain
Enhanced Denadoro Mts Background (Desert / Fiona's Forest)
Enhanced Galaxy graphics

Animated Ballons at fair (should 'bob' back and forth)
Animated Ocean Background for North/Western Cape
Animated Guardia Forest Leaves
Animated Truce Canyon Leaves, Water, Background

Enhanced rain/snow L3 tileset
 ~Rain from FF6, Snow from SMW2: Yoshi's Island(it'll look good)

Greener Truce/Denadoro Mts. Pallete (I HATE the dead leaves)
Jungle like Mystic Mts. Pallete (tweaked slightly)

New Sprites:
Reptites (I want to redo them to look more like Raptors)

Item Sprites: (these all should be animated in some way)
PrismShard (animated rainbow fragment - use M. Brain effect?)
MythrilOre (look like light-silver variation of dreamstone sprite)
Adamantium (look like dark-silver variation of dreamstone sprite)

Jadeleaf -  exotic looking 5-leafed plant
SageBloom - exotic looking pinkish flower
ShadowRoot - brownish looking root
Nightshade - violet colored flower

Quartz -  shard of hexagonal(6 sides) quartz
Amethyst - same as quartz but with purple hue
Garnet - look like deep orange gem
Emerald - deep green gem
Sapphire - brilliant blue gem
Ruby - blood red gem
Diamond - sparkling white gem

New Enemies:

"Dark Crono"
Type: Special Boss
Loc: Cleft of Dimensions
HP: 9999
* Hair should be deep blue, and clothes should be grey

(One on One battle)
Same attacks as Crono, but uses Ultima (dark version of Luminair)

Type: Special Boss
Loc: Cleft of Dimensions
HP: 30000
* Use Giga-Gaia, but Dark-Grey/Dark-Purple and red eyes.

Because this being is "Endless" it can randomly appear
anytime you enter a jumpgate in the Cleft of Dimensions area.
Since it's can be fought many, many times. It won't be hard, but will require some strategy...

This being will be a good source of rare items that will be used for synth process to make the Ultimate Weapons (like Atom Edge)

Attacking EITHER hand with magic: counter with Dreamless

Opening move (and everytime it wears off):
"Dimensional space is disrupted"  Causes HP leak to whole party

When both hands are "dead":
Drops defense and takes 5 turns to revive them
~~Defense will not drop unless both hands are defeated, but cannot revive until both are gone

When hands are revived:
Left and right start their cycles over

Left Hand(if right is defeated):
Omega Ray (about 250-350 damage to party)
*Physical Attack: picks you throws you against the side of the screen (about 300 damage)

Left Hand(if right is not defeated)::
"Total Obliteration" (Equivalent to "Destruction rains from the heavens...")
~~about 350-500 damage
~~graphics: waves of warping are emmited from OMEGA's hands that affect the entire screen and PCs graphics are kneeling over in pain.

Right Hand:
Heals OMEGA, left hand and self for 3000HP every three rounds when active
(Restores OMEGA's defense as soon as it's revived)

New Text Icons:
{stone} for gems ( simple "diamond" icon would work )
{herb} for herbs ( an icon that looks a small busshel of leaves? )
{ore} for minerals (also Dreamstone & PrismShard)

New Weapons:
These are all in the game now, most are unobtainable for now.

Rainbow (Synth'ed from Melchior)
Gfx: Use MotherBrain animated pallete?

Atom Edge - (I'm using VedicBlade for now)

Anubis - Charm from Cyrus's Ghost
Gfx: Use that "soul" effect that Magus uses in his Boss battle?

Orion - (maybe place somewhere in Pre-historic?)
Gfx: Use a 'trail' of leaves behind the shot?

MagicShot - (not sure)
Gfx: Use a Save Point sparkle?

Artemis - (Obtain in Cleft of Dimensions)
Gfx: Use a "first quarter" Moon graphic.

Zonker38 & 2000
(Sleep should be random, and not work on all enemies)


AtlasArm - (Obtain in Cleft of Dimensions)

Harvester - (not sure)
Reaper - (Obtain in Cleft of Dimensions)

**Also, at some point I'd like to actually show Magus pull
out a scythe and show him swing it at the enemy.


From Radiacal Dreamers:
Summer Day -- would be PERFECT for Zeal Grand Palace
Frozen Flame -- used when encountering Lavos Core, before battle

From FF6:
Fanatics (Kult of Kefka's Tower) -- would be cool for Medina Square.

Maps to do:
Truce Village
Porre Village
Medina Village
San Dorino Village
Choras Village

Truce Canyon
Cursed Woods
Dactly's Nest

Techs Stuff:
Crono's techs add Atom Edge damage
Party learns Triple Techs through events

Triple Techs
Name             Abilities/Effects
“Dark Eternal” - learn by defeating the Nu's in Zeal

“Omega Flare”  - learn by defeating OMEGA

“Grand Dream”  - learn when "Frog catched Gold Rock"

“Spin Strike”  - learn when Laruba Village rebuilds

“Poyozo Dance” - learn at the Black Omen

Then...Rocks can be used to make new Accessories such as ExpBooster.

(first we need to figure out how to make enemies not dissapear in battle if their life is higher than 32,767 HP)

Shell: HP: 30000

Lavos: Recode HP: 50000
Right Arm: HP: 30000
Left Arm: HP: 30000

Left Bit: HP: 12000
Central Bit HP: 20000
Lavos Core: Recode HP: 60000

Core's Sheild should be immune to all attacks.
(immune to Death and Atom Edge)

..If only I could make it so that ALL party members fight in this battle... that would be truely grand. (someday I will figure that out)


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Beta2 Todo List
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2008, 11:59:54 pm »


New cutscenes (in the making)

Here's the list of cuts I am developing for CT+ Eternal End 1.1/1.2 As you can see, there's quite a few. Aside from bug-fixing, I got my work cut out for me -- so the "week-long" wait for the projected release is extended indefinately. (indefinately meaning that I don't have a set date for release, as everytime I set such a date, shit goes wrong. I figure that if I don't set a date, everything will work out faster) I don't know if all of these scenes are going to happen in 1.1, but these are the ideas I came up with one night. Also, these are just a basic overview of how these scenes will be made.

Any objections? If so, please lay 'em down. I noticed someone in the bug-thread bitched about the fact that Marle and Lucca are required for the Ocean Palace in Beta 1.0. This was because of a few of the scenes that are going to be added in 1.1. I  understand the whole "lack of Techs development" problem -- due to not using these characters that someone mentioned. I DO plan on making all Single Techs level up even if the party members are not actively with - so that aspect will be fixed later on. Some other person that said they hate Lucca and just wanted her to shut up. My thoughts are: they're not forced to play this hack, if they don't like it...well, that's they're problem! Lol.

Without further ado, here's what I'm working on...

Crono Dreaming:
(shown after the Quad-Elements Intro scene in 1.0)

I want to show a flash of Crono "dreaming" the scene in the Ocean Palace. This is one reason why Marle and Lucca must be in the party when you get to that point in the game. Since Crono is a martial arts master, I want to show what some of "true natural talents" that a martial artist can have. (such as "prophetic dreams" - especially since dreams are a re-occuring theme in the Crono series)

Then afterwards, it'll show Crono tossing and turning as Gina walks into his room, she'll think that this was due to the "excitement" of the Millennial Fair (which is part of the reason!)

Marle escaping:

This will be a cutscene just after Gina walks out of Crono's room. It will consist of Marle and King Guardia arguing about something and she'll sneak out of the Castle. (I may actually make the Player in control of this part in a later version :-) )

* These new cuts would make the intro add up to 15-20 minutes of scenes even before the Crono is even controllable! Some may object to not able to "Play" for this amount of time. But since this is the only hack so far (mabye ever?) that exponentially expands cutscenes, we might as well throw in alot!) ...and lots of scenes = more developed storyline.

Lucca & Taban:
Telepod construction

This will be a brief scene of Lucca and Taban finishing the setup of the Telepod. It is triggered right after Crono talks to the Girl sitting at the Fountain in the main Millennial Fair map.

Marle in 600:
(directly after the Telepod incident, right after Lucca says "I KNOW I've seen her somewhere else before")

Marle will appear through the gate, then get up off the ground and wonder to herself where she is.
As soon as this happens, Soldiers will show up thinking she's Leene and she'll argue with them saying she isn't.

Then it'll move to Leene's room and the King is present, dialoug will continue for a few lines.

Afterwards, the Telepod scene is shown once again and Crono can now pick up the Pendant.

Ozzie & Magus in Castle Maou:
(Occurs immediately after the party reaches the outside portion of Magus's Castle)

In this scene, Ozzie is heckling Magus (like always) with Slash and Flea present. Ozzie brings forth an idea for a full-scale invasion of Guardia. Magus pretends to agree but obviously doesn't care the least as his mind is more focused on Lavos. In this cut, Magus senses the Masamune is near, and (due to Frog's determination) stronger than ever. He feels that they *may* most certainly overpower him and his chance of revenge against Lavos could be lost. So he sends the trio to "stop" (distract) the party members so he can get on with the "ceremony."

Ayla to the Rescue!

After the party is cast back into the Pre-Historic, they will be laying on the ground all beat up and comatose. Ayla will be running around in the Mountains doing whatever. She will have a vision that they party members are there. After Ayla finds the party, it will warp to the scene in her hut where the party awakens.

Laruba Battle!

Immediately after the Party sets out to Laruba Village, it will show a scene where dinos are causing chaos and raiding the place. Laruba villagers will be fleeing in terror, Ayla will be kicking ass and Kino will show up and try to help. In the confusion, Kino will be captured and taken away. Then it will cut to where the party members arrive at the entrance of Laruba and the Player will have control again.

Daedulus Cutscene/Teleporters:
In Zeal, there's three new Teleporters (Enhasa upper floor, Kajar, and Zeal Palace)

There will a person in Kajar working on trying to align a teleporter to enable "non-linear" sight Teleportation. (Since this idea was Philosiphised before from other members of the Compendium, I thought it'd be cool to add it) If Robo is present, he'll assist in pushing the Teleporter into alighnment. Which then the party can willfully teleport between the three Zeal areas (saving the walking trip) If Robo isn't active, the three party members will try to push it, and mention something about "Robo might be able to move this..."

"Daedulus" (working name of NPC for now) will be also in the Cleft of Dimensions quest later on. His teleportation experiments have "some other intent" behind them. *grin* well as the fact that you'll need to find him to get back to the "Normal Timeline" (the Normal or "CT" Timeline is seperate from the 'Cleft' of course)

Defend Algetty:
As the Party (Crono, Marle & Lucca) descend the Ocean Palace Lift, the party will wonder how the others are doing.
Then the ominous "Meanwhile..." message will appear and it will flash to Algetty. Frog, Robo & Ayla will be helping move supplies and convince Algetty that they're a liability and no longer safe (since the O.P. is complete) Melchior will also be present and say whatever he would say at a time like this. (I actually haven't "written" any of these cuts yet, per se -- I do my best work AS I am making them! ;P )

Lavos Desctruction (extend):
As everything in the O.P. is going to hell in a handbasket, the scene will shift to the Last Village (presumably where the 2nd party is helping set up) Melchior will vanish into a gate right before the 2nd party's eyes.

New Village/Marle Scene:
This will be another "Meanwhile..." scene. Occurs when the party is imprisoned at the Blackbird. Whoever stays behind with Marle (in the scene added in 1.0) will be trying to cheer Marle up and other misc. dialoug.

After that part, it will shift to Magus wandering around in the Last Village Commons. (of course, they don't recognize him as the "Prophet" since his hood is no longer up)

Death Peak Lavos Spawns:
Each of the Lavos Spawns battles should have a mini-cut that preceeds and follows them.

Also, the 3rd Spawn will have a cut where the party members "auto-push" the shell into position. (thus removing the annoying graphics glitches that occur as well as add a new cut -- 2 birds, 1 stone!)

Death Peak Summit:
After Crono appears on Death Peak, all of the party members (and Magus if recruited) will be there and say whatever lines they are going to say. This scene will be extended alot.

Fiona Forest:
Possibly extend the Campfire scene even more?
...possibly further references to all of the other Sidequests, if they aren't completed yet.

Genocide Dome (Atropos Flashback Scene):
Since the full version of this scene requires a new tileset/pallete, I may make a mini-version of this scene to suffice.

Northern Ruins Quest:
In this quest, there are a few of Kyrnoea's scenes that haven't been added yet. Also, I want to add some kind of Boss here. (Since Cyrus's Ghost can't be defeated and hardly constitutes as a "Boss")

Rainbow Shell:
In 1.0, Toma is nowhere to be found unless you do the Jerky sidequest bit with Marle and King Guardia. Due to this, I need to make some "in-game" way to tell the Player that they should do this bit before trying to enter the Giant's Claw. (also, the Claw will be unaccessable until Toma's Sake is used at his grave to kill the glitches that happen if you don't)

(just have to fix all animations and such for this scene)

Moonlight Parade Ending:

Extend the Moonlight Parade Guardia Throneroom Scene.

(fix the glitch that prevents the Party members from completing the game)
...and have to add alot more NPC's hanging out if certain quests were completed. This is very hard as some NPCs added here cause the game to freeze. For instance adding Balthasar to the main M.Fair map causes Orange Screen of Doom.


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Beta2 Todo List
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2008, 08:45:12 pm »
Anyone know what happened this time?


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Beta2 Todo List
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2008, 01:13:33 am »
I'm not dead. Just been real buzy as always.
I'm getting the CT+ 1.1 patch out soon. (End of Summer?)
I assure you that it will be very good though. I am expanded alot of areas as well as many new quests.
Besides the bugfixes, here's the cutscenes I am implementing in this version.

Marle escaping:
(This will be a cutscene just after Gina walks out of Crono's room)

<Shows Princess Nadia's Room>

<Nadia and Maid are present>
<Maid is helping Nadia with her dress>

Maid: That about does it, my lady.

Princess Nadia: I hate this stupid thing.
Why do I always have to wear it?

Maid: It's necessary to look beutiful.

Princess Nadia: I think it's ugly.

Maid: Well, all done here... I'll see you in the dining hall shortly.
<walks out>

<Chancellor enters> (obviously not Yakra XIII yet)

Chancellor: Ah, Princess you look especially beautiful today!
Brunch shall be served at 10 o' clock.

Princess Nadia: I don't care about that...
I just want to go to the fair!

Chancellor: I know your heart's set on that...
but you must understand...

Princess Nadia: Screw this!
I'm so out of here.

<throws off dress/changes to Marle sprite>

Chancellor: Well... I can't really stop you...
but your father is going to wonder of your whereabouts.

Princess Nadia: Just tell 'em I'm not feeling good.

Chancellor: Sigh... Very well.
But I can't keep it secret for very long.
Be safe...Nadia.

<cuts to Guardia Prison wall, and shows Marle climbing down>

Lucca & Taban:
(after talking to Girl at fountain)

Lucca: Almost done here, dad!
   Just a few more adjustments.

Taban: Do you really think they'll be impressed?

Lucca: You've got to be kidding me.
   This is going to be the greatest performance of all time!
   People will be talking about this for generations!

Taban: I hope you're right.

Lucca: Well, that about does it!

<Lucca walks over by the stairs>

Lucca: We're done setting up!
   You can let them in now!

(fade back to Crono)

After going to reforge the Masamune:
(if Player takes Heckran Caverns)

<Goblins await at the entrance>

Goblin: You are under arrest.
   Come with us!

<Party members are shocked>

(if Player takes Medina Portal "House w/ Cabinet")

<Goblins Show up in house>

Goblin: You are under arrest.
   Come with us!

Blue Imp: Hey buddy!
   Magic Cake is LEGAL!
   You can't do anything to us!

Mud Imp: Yeah pal!

Goblin: I'm not talking to you two!
   I'm talking to the three weirdos that
   waltzed outta your closet!

<Party members are shocked>

Blue Imp: Waltzing? Is THAT what they were doing in there?
Mud Imp: How come we didn't know about this?
   I wanna waltz!

Goblin: Silence you two!

Goblin: You three! You are under arrest.
   Come with us!

<Both scenes warps to Goblins camp>

Goblins Camp:
#Mountain area
#cave/house system

Party members are led inside a cave...
all of a sudden an earthquake hits.

Goblin: Earthquake!

Party Member 1: Now!

<Party members pull out weapons>

<escape and go to Melchior to make Masamune>

Extended Prehistoric Party Scene:

(talk to Kino and this scene will play after he runs off)

<ScrollScreen over to the Rock Crash Sake>

(if Marle & Lucca are the party members)
Marle: So, um Lucca?
Lucca: What is it Marle?
Marle: Can I ask you something?
   Just between us girls?
Lucca: Go ahead.
Marle: Are you and Crono...together?
Lucca: Oh no, it's not like that.
   Crono is my best friend from childhood.
   For us to date...would be weird.
Marle: I see. Hmmmm....
Lucca: Soooo... You like him, huh?
Marle: Ummmm...! Shhhhh!
   What if he hears us?

(if Marle & Robo are the party members)
Marle: Hey, Robo.
Robo: What is it Marle?
Marle: Can I ask you something?
   Just between you and me?
Robo: Anything.
Marle: Are Lucca and Crono...together? love or something?
Robo: I don't beleive it's like that.
   Lucca said back in Proto Dome that Crono
   is her best friend, remember?
Marle: Oh yeah. Hmmmm....
Robo: Why are you curious Marle...
   Do you have feelings for him?
Marle: Ummmm...! Shhhhh!
   What if he hears us?

(if Robo & Lucca are the party members)
Lucca: Hey Robo, what's it like know...a robot?
Robo: What's Whatever do you mean Lucca?
Lucca: Well, can you feel love?
Robo: I suppose...but then again, that depends on what
you definition of love is.
Love: 'romantically' between another being...or Love: the
compassoion for all things... I am capable of both.
Lucca: Interesting. But can you feel pain?
Robo: My Titanium shell is nearly indestructable, but I
can feel "internal" or emotional pain...which I suppose
could be much "more painful."
Lucca: Yeah, it is...

<ScrollScreen back to Crono, after every scene variation>

After the drink race between Crono & Ayla:

Crono blacks out on the ground, Ayla staggers off looking for Kino.

(if Marle & Lucca are the party members)
Lucca: So you really got the hots for Crono?
Lucca: You sooo do! You're blushing girl!
Marle: Ok! I admit it! But what would I
   even ask him anyways? Or what would we
   do? I would want it to be special.
Lucca: Romance huh? That's outta my league.
   I'm too scientific for that stuff.
Marle: C'mon, Lucca! Use your genius and
   help me out here!
Lucca: I dunno...whisper something in his ear like:
"I really like you, will you go out with me...?"
Be direct. Guys like that stuff. Guys don't always
have to be the ones to start a relationship, never
forget that.
Marle: Thanks Lucca, you've been of great help.
   I'm glad I have someone such as you to talk to.
Lucca: Anytime.
Marle: What is it Lucca?
   Why the sad face?
Lucca: I just keep thinking about my mom.
   She was in an accident when I was a child and...
   ...and...her legs...they...
   ...she got caught up in the machine...I didn't
   know how to shut it off...
   It feels like it's all my fault, Marle.
Marle: It's not your fault, Lucca.
   Sometimes things happen for a reason.
   Maybe there'll be some way for her to walk again.
Lucca: Thanks Marle.
   I'm glad you understand.

(if Marle & Robo are the party members)
Marle: I was thinking...If I wanted to ask
   Crono out...what should I say?
Robo: Just say what's in your heart, Marle.
   You will find the answer.
Marle:'s um...I know what I feel,
   but it gets all messed up when I try
   to say it. I guess that's one reason
   it's so hard to talk to my father.
Robo: Your father...?
Marle: Yeah, he's the king. I'll tell you
   Robo, it sucks being a princess. He just
   keeps naggin' and yelling things like
   it's your purpose!
Robo: you think I'll ever find
   my purpose?
Marle: Of course you will Robo! Why would
   you think that you wouldn't?
Robo: Thank you. See Marle, you DO know how to
   find the right words.

(if Robo & Lucca are the party members)
Robo: What is it Lucca?
   Why the long face?
Lucca: I just keep thinking about my mom.
   She was in an accident when I was a child and...
   ...and...her legs...they...
   ...she got caught up in the machine...I didn't
   know how to shut it off...
   It feels like it's all my fault, Robo.
Robo: It's not your fault, Lucca.
   Sometimes things happen for a reason.
   Maybe in time there will be a way for her to walk again.
   Just give everything a chance to unfold.
Lucca: Thanks Robo.
   I'm glad you understand.

Marle: Well, it's getting late. I'm gonna crash out.
Lucca: Me too. We'll get the Dreamstone to Melchior in the mourning.

Marle: Well, it's getting late. I'm gonna crash out.
Robo: I will powerdown for the time being. Good night.

Luuca: Well, it's getting late. I'm going to sleep.
Robo: I will powerdown for the time being. Good night.

Ozzie & Magus in Castle Maou:
(Occurs immediately after the party reaches the outside scene of Magus's Castle)

<fade in>
<Magus is sitting on throne, but invisible>
<Ozzie, Slash & Flea are present>

Ozzie: My Lord...

<Magus fades in from the Shadows>
Magus: What is it?!

Ozzie: Er, ... My Lord, preparations for a full scale invasion on the Zenan Continent are complete.
   With the exception of Retinite, all our forces are accounted for.
   We'll easily overpower them...

Magus: ( Whatever... )

Ozzie: My Lord...?

Magus:  .......

Ozzie: Heh heh heh...
   I'm glad you are pleased, My Lord.
Slash: I'll show those fools my cold steel!
Flea: Oh, HOW naughty we are!

Magus: ( A nutcase, a tin-head and a pervert...)
( Why...why am I cursed to be of company to these fools? )

<screen flashes white, briefly>

Magus: Eh?!

<ghost-like versions of Frog & Magus appear>
<Frog-ghost slices Magus-ghost, Magus-ghost falls over, both vanish>

Magus: ( Not good...)

Ozzie: What is it my Lord?
   What did your divine eyes see?

Magus: Glenn.
   He's here...
   ...and he has the Masamune...!

Flea: Mister Froggy?!
Slash: How could this be...?
   There's not a soul alive who can reforge it!

Magus: I don't know...
   But something extraordinary is at work here...
   As if a great force is set against us...

Magus: ( It almost feels...natural... )
       ( Could this truly be the will of the Planet...? )

Ozzie: Irrelevence!
   Even if he holds the sword of "Ageless Wonder,"
   You shall easily overcome him!
   Does he remember not what happened to Cyrus?!

Magus: Ozzie, NEVER underestimate the power of the Masamune!
   Cyrus, a fool he was, knew not of the sword's true power.
   It is a weapon of the Soul.
   Cyrus's foolhardy bravery was not enough...But fueled by Glenn's determination to avenge him,
   could easily rend us to nothingness!

Flea: Oh, how terrible!
Slash: This could be disasterous.
Ozzie: Whatever should we do, my Lord?

Magus: ( It doesn't're already dead... )
   (But...maybe they can distract him long enough for...)

<Magus jumps off throne>
<Magus faces up>

Magus: Lavos...
   ( I may have just enough time... )

<Magus faces down>

Magus: I will begin the ceremony...
   You three, deal with him. Give me time...after doesn't matter...

Ozzie: At once, my Lord!   
Flea:  This could be fun!    
Slash: Let's go...!      

< trio walk away as the scene fades out >
< scene changes to Magus slowly acscending staircase >
< Evil Choir from FF6 is playing >

<Magus stops>
Magus: I never thought it would end like this.
   What a finale!

<Magus does cool cape animation>

Magus: Lavos...I'm coming...!

< Magus flies up the rest of the stairs >

Destruction of Castle Maou

<Shows overview of Magus's Castle with lots of explosions>
<Shows World Map view of Magus's Castle with lots of explosions>

<Moves to Zenan Bridge>

Knight Captain: Hurray!
Thanks be to Frog and his friends!
Their magic has surely saved us all!

Knights: Hurray!
Peace at last to Guardia!

Scout: Sir! Huff...Puff...

Knight Captain: What is your report.

Scout: Huff... The Maougun forces have completely withdrawn.

Knight Captain: What is it?

Scout: The Frogman...and the others...huff...never made it out...

Knight Captain: This is terrible!
True heros they are...gave their lives to give us peace.

Magus Awakens in the Dark Ages

<warp to Dark Ages Portal>
<Gate opens, Magus falls out and lands on the ground>

Magus: ......
   ( Where the hell am I THIS time? )

<Magus does kneeling animation>

Magus: ( I feel...{delay 06}Magic! )

<stands up>

Magus: ( Oh, this is just too good to be true... )

<laughing aniamtion>
*Play evil laughter sound* (once we can import one for Magus)
Magus: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

<Magus puts on Prophet's hood and walks out of the scene>
<scene fades out>

Ayla to the Rescue!

After the party is cast back into the Pre-Historic, they will be laying on the ground all beat up and comatose. Ayla will be running around in the Mountains doing whatever. She will have a vision that they party members are there. After Ayla finds the party, it will warp to the scene in her hut where the party awakens.

Laruba Battle!
(Immediately after the Party sets out to Laruba Village...)

Frightened Child: Ahhhhhhhhh!

Kino: Kino here to help!

<scene shows two Trihorns and 4 Reptites attacking>

<Ayla jump kicks a Trihorn and it smacks her away>

Kino: Ayla!

<Kino jumps in>

Kino: Kino get you!

<Meanwhile a Lizardactly appears and grabs Kino and flies away>

Trihorn: Let that be a lesson for the rest of you Apes!

Reptite: We'll be back when we're hungry again, heh heh heh!

<Dinos storm off>

<Ayla wakes up, looks around>

Ayla: Kino!

<warp back to party on overworld outside of Ayla's Tent>

Daedulus Cutscene/Teleporters:
In Zeal, there's three new Teleporters (Enhasa upper floor, Kajar, and Zeal Palace)

There will a person in Kajar working on trying to align a teleporter to enable "non-linear" sight Teleportation. (Since this idea was Philosiphised before from other members of the Compendium, I thought it'd be cool to add it) If Robo is present, he'll assist in pushing the Teleporter into alighnment. Which then the party can willfully teleport between the three Zeal areas (saving the walking trip) If Robo isn't active, the three party members will try to push it, and mention something about "Robo might be able to move this..."

"Daedulus" (working name for now) will be also in the Cleft of Dimensions quest later on. His teleportation experiments have "some other intent" behind them. *grin* well as the fact that you'll need to find him to get back to the "Normal Timeline" (the Normal or "CT" Timeline is seperate from the 'Cleft' of course)

Defend Algetty:
As the Party (Crono, Marle & Lucca) descend the Ocean Palace Lift, the party will wonder how the others are doing.
Then the ominous "Meanwhile..." message will appear and it will flash to Algetty. Frog, Robo & Ayla will be helping move supplies and convince Algetty that they're a liability and no longer safe (since the O.P. is complete) Melchior will also be present and say whatever he would say at a time like this. (I actually haven't "written" any of these cuts yet, per se -- I do my best work AS I am making them! ;P )

Lavos Desctruction (extend):
(As everything in the O.P. is going to hell in a handbasket, the scene will shift to the Last Village)

Melchior: Wha...?

Ayla: Old man!

Frog: Melchior!

Robo: A Gate...?
   But how?

Ayla: Oh no!
   Crono & friends in danger!

(everyone is shocked as it fades to the next cut)

New Village/Marle Scene:
(Occurs when the party is imprisoned at the Blackbird)

Marle: ......

(whoever player chooses to stay behind)
Lucca: Marle, I know it's tough on you. But you've gotta eat something.
Ayla: Marle, I know you sad. But you must eat!
Robo: Marle, I feel sympathy for your loss. However, you must eat to retain your strength.

Marle: ......
{Crono} {Crono}

(After that part, it will shift to Magus wandering around in the Last Village Commons)

Magus: What a waste...

Enhasa Survivor: Pardon. But you seem familiar, do I know you?

Magus: ......
   No. You...must have me mistaken for someone else...

Enhasa Survivor: Strange, it seems like you are a distant image of a child
that I once knew...a desolate soul, clouded with resentment.

Magus: Only too well...

Enhasa Survivor: Then...... (show for 5 seconds, then auto-close)

Magus: ...! (show for 4 seconds, then auto-close)

Enhasa Survivor: Nevermind.

Magus: Say, I'm looking for someone...

Enhasa Survivor: All that are known to be alive are here.
   I'm sorry...

Magus: Hmph. <starts to walk away>

Enhasa Survivor: However...


Enhasa Survivor: may want to try the Northern Cape.
   A few survivors, whom felt they had nothing left,
   headed that way and had not returned.

Magus: ... <walks away>

Enhasa Survivor: .......
   I could've sworn that was him...
   ...but, that's just not possible.

Blackbird Bonus Game:

"Retrive your gear...while defeating as few Lashers
as possible...note that to obtain all of your gear,
some Lashers must be defeated."

After Dalton is defeated, just before the Epoch lands,
you will be rewarded if you obtained all of your gear/and
depending on how many lashers killed.

(all gear must be obtained; weapons, items, money)
XXX Lashers - Excellent!
XXX Lashers - Good!
XXX Lashers - Average

(not all gear obtained) - Try harder next time!

Death Peak Lavos Spawns:


Death Peak Summit:
After Crono appears on Death Peak, all of the party members (and Magus if recruited) will be there and say whatever lines they are going to say.

Fiona Forest: (Campfire Scene extended)
Talk about gates. (re-written)
Talk about Sidequests (new)
~talk about the sidequests whether or not completed, with some variations
 on a few. For instance, if Rainbow Shell quest is partly done, Party will
 talk about what they know about it so far. This also applies to Death Peak,
 pre-Zeal destruction (because I guess this Sidequest can be done as soon as
 the plant lady in Zeal Palace is told to save the plant. -- though if the Player
 is here that early, the party will skip the Sidequest/BlackOmen dialoug entirely.
 Note: there are over 10,000 possible variations of this cutscene...that's before
   counting Magus as a party member or not.
 There'll also be some hints to a few other sidequests. ;)

Talk about Black Omen (was added in 1.0)

(this scene is now litterally 15-20 minutes long, so I won't put the dialog here)

Genocide Dome (Atropos Scene):
Re-wrote the whole scene, complete. (too long to post here)

Northern Ruins Quest:
In this quest, there are a few of Kyrnoea's scenes that haven't been added yet. Also, I want to add some kind of Boss here. (Since Cyrus's Ghost can't be fought and hardly constitutes as a "Boss")

Rainbow Shell:
In 1.0, Toma is nowhere to be found unless you do the Jerky sidequest bit with Marle and King Guardia. Due to this, I need to make some "in-game" way to tell the Player that they should do this bit before trying to enter the Giant's Claw. (also, the Claw will be unaccessable until Toma's Sake is used at his grave to kill the glitches that happen if you don't)

Goblins Camp (Middle Ages):
#Mountain area
#cave/house system

After Ozzies Fort this area is active.

Ozzie is hurt and dying in one of the rooms.
After Ozzie surrenders and promises not to attack anymore...
...both versions of Goblin's Camp become towns and there buying/selling, synthing, etc.

Valley of Giants:
Players wander up a waterfall area upto a cave which is...

Searing Chasm:

Old Man: Help!
Grandaughter trapped inside!

Ayla: We help!

Old man: Hurry!
Lava get hot soon!

<players are warped inside>
<a random maze where the door always closes behind you>

Lots of Tri-horn/RazorClaw battles... (level 80 mobs)
but every once in a while a gem room.

upto 3 Quartz, 2 Amethyst, 1 Garnet, 1 Emerald or 1 Sappire or 1 Ruby
1/8 chance of a Diamond

if NewGame+
upto 5 Quartz, 3 Amethyst, 2 Garnet, 1 Emerald or 1 Sappire or 1 Ruby
1/5 chance of a Diamond

...after 3(5) gem rooms, a little girl is found...

Little Girl: Oh Ayla!

Ayla: What you doing down here!

Little Girl: Getting shiny!

(if NewGame) 1 Emerald, 1 Sapphire & 1 Ruby!
(if NewGame+) 1 Emerald, 1 Sapphire, 1 Ruby & 1 Diamond!

Old man: Granddaughter!

Little Girl: Grandfather!

Old man: Lava get too hot now!
We now go!

<warps back to starting room>

Old mam: Thank you so much!

HP&MP Restored!

Old man: Lava too hot now,
come back in xx(20) minutes!


Old man: Go in quick!
Lava get hot again soon!

Searing Chasm can be re-entered every 20 mins after completing it.
You get to 3 (5 on NG+) "gem rooms" then the Old man appears and warps you out.
You get HP&MP restored upon leaving aswell.


(just have to fix all animations and such for this scene)

Moonlight Parade Ending:

Extend the Moonlight Parade Guardia Throneroom Scene.
Most notably, after Marle says: "You brought them here didn't you Lucca?"
Marle will add: "What about all of that talk about screwing up future events...the space-time continuum?"
Lucca: "I figured...what the hell!"

(the second two lines are quotes from "Back to the Future!")

(fix the glitch that prevents the Party members from completing the game)
...and have to add alot more NPC's hanging out if certain quests were completed. This is very hard as some NPCs added here cause the game to freeze. For instance adding Balthasar to the main M.Fair map causes Orange Screen of Doom. I may have to do some workarounds. :twisted: It'll be good though!

Ending Credits:
After the official Square credits, there'll be an added scene of CT+ dev team credits.
Also, let me know if you want your "message/text" changed in some way.

Ending CT+ Credits:
(Play "Confusing Melody")

Echoing Voice: Where am I...?
What is the place of transient illusion...?

<screen fades in from black>
<Schala fades in, looking around>

Schala: Last I remember...

(rumble sound effect)
Schala: Huh...?

<faces upwards>
Schala: That's...!

(Play "Lavos Scream")

<Schala fades out very slowly like a ghost>
(Play "Girl Scream Sound")

(Play "Schala's Theme")

"...this concludes our story,
the story of the Planet that
dwelt within the vast, celestial
sea of energy..."

ChronoTrigger+ Eternal End
version 1.1
brought to you by

Joseph Daniel Jensen
a.k.a. Zakyrus
 Project Leader
 Event Programmer

& the CT+ Dev Team

 Project Assitant

Mapping Designers

 Music Coordinator

Based on the Enhanced Dialog
    created by Kyronea

Beta Testers:
(all names of testers)

Special Thanks:

<Song fades out>
...and You. (note: the Player of course!)
Thanks for playing!

<Play Zeal Palace theme>
<Lavos Core-bit appears>


<Shows Lavos-Bit glow red and fly cross the screen>
<A moment later, it shows the Red Star flying>
*Play Lavos Spawn Scream sound*

Afterwards the normal CT credits will be shown.

+Unused party members can gain Tech Points.

Elite Mode:
Some enemies upgrade
More random rares appear
Better random NPC spawn (shady dealers, etc)

« Last Edit: September 23, 2008, 01:31:06 pm by Zakyrus »


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Beta2 Todo List
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2008, 01:31:28 pm »
The Schala bit at the end is kinda creepy.  I can hear how her scream would be...  ._.


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Re: Chrono Trigger + Beta2 Todo List
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2008, 12:43:31 am »
The Schala bit at the end is kinda creepy.  I can hear how her scream would be...  ._.

I know. I don't even have a sound for it and I can somehow hear EXACTLY how it'll be.

(update Special Thanks list)

I'm glad we got some non-CT+ crew posting in here. If you or anyone else that can read this would like to help, just check out the todo list. (it's subject to change as well)