Author Topic: Current Events  (Read 53562 times)


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2010, 10:12:51 pm »

Awesome find, Faust.  I had no idea he had a Twitter account. But then again, his namesake is a great deal to us. A translation contest won't be necessary, for a pilgrimage to Google's Language Tools makes it easier for the rest of us. Masa's latest tweet:

Quote from: masa0099
I checked on Amazon, and I was determined to wait for the republication of Kadokawa more carefully.


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2010, 12:53:26 am »
Oh, gatotsu911 is the one who found the twitter account. I think I shall avail myself to teh Googlez as you suggest though.


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #32 on: June 07, 2010, 04:18:48 am »
His avatar is Robo? Hmm...

Excellent find. I hope he won't mind an interview!


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #33 on: June 07, 2010, 05:32:34 am »
Nah, it isn't Robo.
You can click on the image to see the full-sized version,  the tag on it reads '安全第一' which means 'Safety First'. So it seems like an engineering robot.


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2010, 08:40:04 pm »
His avatar is a Tachikoma from the anime Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex:


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #35 on: June 10, 2010, 04:55:31 pm »


Judging from Kato's latest tweets, he seems both intrigued and turned off by the sensation known as goosebumps. Case in point?

Quote from: Kato's tweet (translated)
Goose bumps. On rare occasions. And another surprise or something, I do not like being touched, and become that cold, but suddenly Sutsu body. Similar to the anemia. I caught a pale, falling off to go down, goes out and feel close to black. And simmering arms, bubbling. Soon, it would be utterly natural.


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #36 on: June 10, 2010, 04:56:58 pm »
His avatar is a Tachikoma from the anime Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex:

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Kato, you can do better. We'd better not see a Majoresque-cardboard invincible protagonist in Chrono Break.


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2010, 11:47:58 am »
His avatar is a Tachikoma from the anime Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex:

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Kato, you can do better. We'd better not see a Majoresque-cardboard invincible protagonist in Chrono Break.

Unfortunately, knowing him, that'll probably be only one of the 100-plus playable characters in Chrono Break. :(


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2010, 01:38:40 pm »
Hey, I like GitS. Apparently Kato is a sci-fi fan - he was talking about Blade Runner a while back, too.

Maybe we should start a separate thread for this?


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2010, 06:17:10 pm »
A thread where we follow Kato's every tweet, and posters take turns running them through Google Translate...creepy. We should do it!


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #40 on: June 12, 2010, 01:25:03 pm »
Hah, a sci-fi lover with general knowledge on Sorcery. I'm lovin it!

Quote from: translated
# Incidentally Additionally, Takaya reference price 1.5 million yen.  電動の玩具で、これと同様の仕様のものを作ったら、たぶん数百円。  The electric toys, you create something similar to this specification, perhaps a few hundred yen.  職人的超絶技巧、万歳。 A virtuoso craftsman, cheers.  笑 about 2 hours ago via web Lol about 2 hours ago via web

# ああ、ちなみにシルベスタインのハミングバード、念のために追記するが、言うまでもなくあれは音声チップで鳴いてるわけじゃない。 Oh, Hummingbird Shirubesutain way, but just to be sure to append, It goes without saying that I'm not singing in the voice chip. ねじでばねをを巻いて、歯車やハンマー、オルゴールと同様の細工であのさえずりを実現してるのだ。 Wrapped in a screw spring, gear and hammer, but I realized that the work of the same song music box. おそるべし、スイスの時計職人。 Sorubeshi your Swiss watchmaker. というか、わりと狂気に近い執念。 Or rather, obsession and madness fairly close. 笑 about 2 hours ago via web Lol about 2 hours ago via web

# 鬼才アラン・シルベスタインの置時計。 Alan Shirubesutain table clock of genius. というのか、これは(笑)。 What that will do (laughs). 素晴らしい。 Great. about 10 hours ago via web http://Http:// about 10 hours ago via web

# iPad用に希望の本を100円でPDFに変換。 iPad 100 yen for the book you want to PDF Converter. というサービスが大流行らしい。 A trend of big service. なるほど、そう来たか。 Well, it came. LP→CDや、ビデオテープ→DVDへの変換サービスっていうのもあるし。 LP → CD or, → DVD and video service called some of the conversion. 本→PDFは違法だろうけど。 → PDF book would probably illegal. でも、電子書籍は数百円だよな、やっぱり。 But I e-book is a few hundred yen, after all. 需要はあるんだから、早くして欲しい、ソニー。 Demand, we've got, you want fast, Sony. about 12 hours ago via web about 12 hours ago via web

# サイドショーからメール。 Sideshow email. 予約オーバーで欲しいリストに入れてた限定ダース・タロン、キャンセル出たので予約枠に繰上げになったと。 Darth Talon I only get me into the list of over booking, and booking it out of frame advancing was canceled. 嬉しい報せだがこれでまた出費が。 This spending, but also the good news. リリパットレーンのディズニー物は、もう1点と合わせてじきに出荷されるらしい。 Riripattoren things Disney, the ship was going to soon have another match point. この時期、税金の振込み用紙が届くので、どんより。 This time, I receive a payment of tax forms, overcast. about 14 hours ago via web about 14 hours ago via web

# クム・ラウド。 Kum Laude. プログレのキーボーダーのアルバムでは実はこれが一番好きかも。 Progress in key border album Maybe this is actually my favorite. 79年に発表された、リンデンのチェンバロ、パイプ・オルガンにトランペット、女性ヴォーカルのトリオで、クラッシックの名曲を独自に解釈したインスト集。 Published in 1979, Linden harpsichord, pipe organ, trumpet, female vocal trio, own collection, interpretation of classical masterpieces. リンデンのオリジナル曲のラストはジュリアと並ぶ位かっこいい。 Last of original songs along with Julia Linden cool place. 9:03 AM Jun 11th via web Nine three AM Jun 11th via web

# 思うんだが、まっとうな上役って部下をきちんと指導し、なんかミスがあったらその責任は引き受けて部下をかばう、というのが当たり前の姿勢だと思うんだ。 But I think, I teach people properly decent boss, had the responsibility to protect people miss is in charge of something, I think that attitude is common. 政治家は、違うんだね。 Politicians, I'm different. 責任は全部秘書に押し付けて、自分は一切知らなかった、関係ないで押し通す。 Liability is imposed on all the secretaries, one did not know anything, push the関係Nai. そんな人間に日本の未来とか語られてもね。 Even if I talked like a man like that Japan's future. 笑 8:28 AM Jun 11th via web Lol eight twenty-eight AM Jun 11th via web

# 倉阪鬼一郎「泪坂」。 Shiro Osaka bay鬼一slope "tears." まだまだ続く、再発見週間(笑)。 Far from over, rediscovered week (laughs). なんと、現代人情噺! How, modern love story! ? ? 江戸指物師の主人公清次は、嫁ぐ娘のために姫鏡台を作っていた。 Edo hero of Seiji joiner, was made Princess vanity to marry his daughter. だが、式の直前に娘を失ってしまい、それでも仲間のはげましにより、失意の中、魂をこめて鏡台を仕上げる決意を……。 But we lost a daughter shortly before the ceremony, the encouragement of friends still in despair, determined to finish dressing table ... like his life. 泣ける。 Cry. 仕掛けには序盤で気づくが。 The trick is in the early notice. 笑 8:19 AM Jun 11th via web Lol 8:19 AM Jun 11th via web

# 荒井国家戦略相、事務諸問題。 Arai phase national strategy, business issues. 女性向けコミックや漫画雑誌37冊やCDが事務所経費として落とされていた。 Comics and comic books and magazines for women 37 CD had been dropped as the office expenses. 「秘書が自費で買ったレシートを混入してしまった」と会見って。 "Incorporating the receipts had bought on its own secretary," I met with. この件に関して昨日は「少し反省しなければ」って言ってたよね、本人が。 Yesterday on this one, "should reflect a little," I remember you told me, in person. 一夜明けると、秘書のせいになるんだな、政治家って。 One night after, because that's going to be a secretary, what the politicians. 笑 9:19 PM Jun 10th via web Lol nine nineteen PM Jun 10th via web

# 需要と供給。 Supply and demand. 音楽が配信主流になったら、プログレはどうなるんだ? Once the mainstream music distribution, progressive'm what? と思って、そういや、LPからCDへの移行期、同じ心配をしたなと思い出す。 I, I think I, LP from the transition to CD, and remember that the same concern. 売れないプログレのCDなんて出るのか、と。 I sell CD or out of the progressive, and. どっこい、過去の名盤から今日のグループの作品まで平気でCD化されてる現実がある。 Heavy, without a second thought to the work of a group of masterpieces of the past from today's CD I have been real ized. まさに需要は供給を生む。 Demand begets supply exactly. 7:35 AM Jun 10th via web Seven thirty-five AM Jun 10th via web


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #41 on: June 23, 2010, 06:41:53 pm »
I wonder if he's said anything about E3? It doesn't seem like it, but I'm curious if he's been following that at all, and if the 3DS has altered his opinion at all about Nintendo.


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #42 on: July 27, 2010, 02:41:59 pm »
I thought the CE Full Romhack was here    :(  :kz

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Re: Current Events
« Reply #43 on: August 15, 2010, 07:36:50 pm »
Speaking of...

Years ago there was a page somewhere around here that listed all Chrono related projects that were in progress. Does that page still exist? I mean, a Google search goes a long way, just remembering. I assume in light of everything that has transpired the past year or so it's gone (and was probably gone before that).


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Re: Current Events
« Reply #44 on: August 15, 2010, 10:22:38 pm »