Author Topic: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack  (Read 23535 times)


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A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« on: March 04, 2007, 11:16:55 am »
We first turn to this quote from the Japanese version of the game:

Quote from: Mother Brain
This planet WILL recoVER.
   If only humans weren't here...…

   And the new world of we robots WOULD be
   A country of iron...... a utopia with neither
   hatred nor sorrow.
This has been interpreted as saying the planet can recover after a full scale attack on the planet by a Lavoid, but this makes no sense. Let's consider what we know:

The Mother Brain, whatever kind of program she may be, is insane, be it disrupted due to Lavos' attack or a virus or what have you, she has become something completely unlike what she originally was, the Mother Brain of the R-Y series factory, a program that most likely maintained the automated production of such robots.

The Mother Brain wants to create a world of only robots. She has been systimatically eliminating all human life remaining on the planet and most likely would go after other organic life next.

The Planet is dying. That's the whole reason it created the Gates in the first place, to save it from being killed by Lavos. The idea that the Planet would recover completely invalidates the whole point for the game, to save the Planet. If it was just humanity, then  the Planet would not care all that much, especially since we see from Chrono Cross that when it comes to choosing between humanity and its own survival, the Planet chooses itself, as seen by its pulling of Dinopolis into the Keystone dimension to counterbalance Chronopolis.

So, if the Planet is dying, how could it recover? Take a look at a map of the ruined 2300 A.D.:
Take a long, hard look at the surface of the planet. Note the singular lack of any vegetation. Note the grey, acidic oceans most likely barren of life. Remember also that the only remaining organic life seen anywhere are the few humans in domes, a scattering of rats and a few mutated creatures that have most likely been feeding off of each other for the past three hundred years--hence why so few remain--and will probably starve themselves into extinction. With the Mother Brain eliminating the humans and the mutants eliminating each other, the rats have nothing to feed on and will also perish. Also, remember that on the world map during play the atmosphere is constantly filled with swirling dust and electrical storms. This dust presumeably would not make for decent air to breathe. (How unfortunate this was never indicated anywhere in the game.)

The simple fact is nothing apart from the one line by the Mother Brain indicates the Planet is capable of recovering, and indeed the idea goes against the entire rest of the game itself. What's more, the line lends itself to interpretation. It is my belief that the line was meant to indicate the Mother Brain wished to populate the world with robots and robots alone. The Planet itself would eventually die, but the dead surface would be inhabited for centuries by robots, or so the Mother Brain would like to have occur. Thusly, the Planet WILL die from a Lavoid attack, and cannot recover.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 11:18:33 am by Kyronea »


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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2007, 01:55:08 pm »
I'm sure a lot of people knew that already, but still, this was very well written. Bravo. I'll link this thread to any n00bs who try and say otherwise.


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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2007, 03:19:28 pm »
I'm sure a lot of people knew that already, but still, this was very well written. Bravo. I'll link this thread to any n00bs who try and say otherwise.
Yes, well, this specific bit:
has been bothering me for some time and I finally had to address it, hence this thread.


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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2007, 03:35:23 pm »
Zeality was the one who made that interpretation and put it on the translation differences page.
Hugely important line left out of the NA version:

This planet WILL recoVER.

She wasn't trying to eliminate humans and sustain the spawn with a nation of steel. She was merely looking forward to the recovery of the planet and a new civilization of robots; a mission to stop the spawn had nothing to do with it. It's also important because the PLANET WILL RECOVER. There is hope yet for the planets scourged with Lavos.


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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2007, 03:47:03 pm »
Again, that makes no sense. If the Planet is to recover, why would the Planet bother creating Gates and sending Crono and the gang on their journey in the first place? The Planet does not care about the humans, only for its own life. If it was just humanity dying out I don't think the Planet would care. It's a misinterpretation on Zeality's part, though definitely an understandable one.

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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2007, 04:31:14 pm »
Erm, did you ever think that Mother Brain was wrong in her assumption that the planet will recover? Of course, her perception of 'Recovering' must be rather different to ours.


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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2007, 04:36:55 pm »
Erm, did you ever think that Mother Brain was wrong in her assumption that the planet will recover? Of course, her perception of 'Recovering' must be rather different to ours.
Of course, that could also be correct, but I personally favor the idea that she meant it would be a world inhabited only by robots. It's a line up to interpretation, and the interpretation in the Translations Differences article is wrong.


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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2007, 04:46:51 pm »
I totally agree with Kyronea. I think we (everybody) are biased because we played the English version first and for years, and so when we suddenly get to read the Japanese sentence the first thought we have in mind is "wow, it's different!" So, we tend to extrapolate and think that the Japanese quote means the opposite of the English one just because it is different from it.

In fact, it's not really different. She says that "the planet will recover", but in context it's clear that she doesn't speak about nature, green plants and stuff. On the contrary! She speaks about "a new world", "a country of iron." The words Mother Brain use are different, but she still say the same thing as the English version, that the robots will finally be able to rule the world when the humans will be killed.


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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2007, 05:36:24 pm »
Okay, okay.


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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2007, 08:16:51 pm »
Okay, okay.

Chop, chop, Zeality. We don't have all day.  :lol:


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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2007, 01:17:33 am »
Again, that makes no sense. If the Planet is to recover, why would the Planet bother creating Gates and sending Crono and the gang on their journey in the first place? The Planet does not care about the humans, only for its own life. If it was just humanity dying out I don't think the Planet would care. It's a misinterpretation on Zeality's part, though definitely an understandable one.

Even if the planet would recover, perhaps it didn't want to get beat down in the first place (or just plainly hated Lavos).  A guy could recover after being kicked in the 'nads but wouldn't he prefer that it be prevented, or at least get revenge on the perpetrator?


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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2007, 08:17:26 am »
Again, that makes no sense. If the Planet is to recover, why would the Planet bother creating Gates and sending Crono and the gang on their journey in the first place? The Planet does not care about the humans, only for its own life. If it was just humanity dying out I don't think the Planet would care. It's a misinterpretation on Zeality's part, though definitely an understandable one.

The entity as the mother of all life would worry to see that her children suffer under Lavos. Not only humanity but all life in the planet will suffer & perhaps that's reason why the Entity would send Crono & Company to remedy the future events.


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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2007, 10:33:45 am »
Kyronea just pwned the NA translation.


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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2007, 10:50:50 am »
The entity as the mother of all life would worry to see that her children suffer under Lavos. Not only humanity but all life in the planet will suffer & perhaps that's reason why the Entity would send Crono & Company to remedy the future events.
The Planet itself is dying, though. Surely if life would recover the Planet would not go to such lengths to destroy Lavos. I know the Planet does care about the life that inhabits it but if the Planet--and thus, life itself--is all going to recover eventually, even if it means humanity dying out, I don't think the Planet would take the time to set up Gates throughout 65,002,300 years worth of time, pick a hero, intentionally send Marle to the DBT, and all the other stuff the Planet did to help Crono and the gang on their journey if it was all going to recover. It invalidates the game itself to say that.


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Re: A Planet Cannot Recover After a Lavoid Attack
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2007, 08:11:49 pm »
Nice "getting kicked in the nads" analogy