Incorrect. FATE was intended to go rogue in the manner that it did. Belthasar planned all of the events of Chrono Cross including everything the FATE computer system would do. Furthermore, not all Mother Brain A.I.'s are presumeably identical...they may have a base core set of programming and systems but each one would be customized to the specific facility needed. A Mother Brain designed to oversee a factory would not work for, say, a hospital.
FATE was intended to go rogue, because they knew it would go rogue. Belthasar planned it because he had some kind of power to foresee everything (that or he used FATE's program that could trace parallel dimensions and calculate how things would turn out).
Secondly, you're wrong. The game already stated that FATE was built directly off the old mother brain circuitry.
FATE is a large-scale
prototype, completed
in the year 2300.
It integrated the old
Mother Brain computer
circuitry into a more
powerful super-computer.
So the game already implies that FATE will go rogue, as it's based off the old Mother Brain series.
I fail to see why this matters at all. Those people born after the Day of Lavos are miserable people who never had true lives worth anything, whereas the people born in the new future are happy.
You don't know that. In 2300 AD, after Crono and co came, the people had hope. They might have been able to restore the world, especially with the seedling.
...her dream is for a new nation of steel--or a country of iron, take your pick--and has nothing to do with the Planet itself or any organic life. The robots can survive on the dead husk of the Planet and thus have no need for its survival. They intend to eliminate all organic life so they have the dead husk to themselves.
If the planet was dead, then how do you expect them to get resources, oils, etc. From all the fumes that they would be producing, sooner or later you'd have too many CO2 emissions, and acid rain, and then the world would be inhospitable to everything.
Exactly. Even taking into account the magical properties of the seedling, there just is not enough genetic diversity for it to survive many generations even if the Mother Brain was not intending to destroy it along with all traces of humanity.
No, a single tree could not save the world. Later generations of trees (they multiply, see...) could, maybe, but I think the situation was already too bad for that.
[Young Woman]
But the Queen ordered me to burn this
sapling I received from the Guru of
He said it was a magical sapling, with
powers to cure the environment.I don't know why you keep going against the game data. Game DATA > What you say. If the game states that it has the power to heal the environment,
then it has the power to heal the environment.And you're saying that just because it has magical properties, it can't survive? Like WTF? That's exactally the point. Because it has
magical properties, it can do what ever because it is
magical. Its not an ordinary seed that needs pollination. Heck, it could reproduce asexually or just clone itself.
Wha..? How could Lucca built a Prometheus circuit? She had nothing to do with the creation of the Mother Brain series, as far as we know. And Mother Brain was, quite simply, crazy. Actually, corrupt is a better word to describe her right now.
Contact with the Flame
healed your young body.
But that was not all...
Once the security card
system was rebooted, it
would only grant access
to you...the '"arbiter."'
You can't imagine the
trouble this caused the
FATE computer system in
achieving its objective.
Inside of FATE, t
here was a
stand-alone circuit that had
been kept hidden since the
old Mother Brain generation. That circuit was designed to
start a malfunction, or more
precisely, a '"rebellion."'
Who would have thought that
such a small bug, a '"traitor,"'
could exist inside of FATE?
That hidden circuit was based
on the initial Ashtear model
circuit board, with extra logic
added by another scientist.
FATE itself did not realize
that this circuit was present
within the core of its system.
Or, more correctly...
...the circuit was programmed
so that the moment FATE did
detect it, it would erase all
record of its detection.
If you haven't played CC, or didn't pay attention, you need to read up at least on the script -.-
Lucca, knowing the future and how Mother Brain would go rogue, created the original Mother Brain circuit board, and in it she created a "Prometheus Circuit" that would act as a safety device should the computers AI ever go against it's programming.
Belthasar, in the future got this circuit board, and used it as the model for FATE. Later on, it's lead to believe that Robo existed in the future and Belthasar asked him to become the real Prometheus Lock that would stop FATE from gaining the Frozen Flame as a part of Belthasar's plan.
However, because it went rogue, it just shows again that the whole Mother Brain series is just flawed, regardless of what precautions are used.