Author Topic: Maps/Areas (Discussion Thread)  (Read 29428 times)


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #75 on: September 12, 2007, 10:24:48 pm »
yeah... would have been nice if it saved  :shock:

You'll never appreciate all the work that goes into making that damn room solid...


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #76 on: September 13, 2007, 12:05:17 am »
yeah... would have been nice if it saved  :shock:

You'll never appreciate all the work that goes into making that damn room solid...

Ouch. We'll at least you have the picture to go off of. It won't take nearly as long to do as it did the first time, but no one likes to redo things they just finished.

Step back for a bit, and tackle it later. You'll be more inclined to do the work then, than right now.


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #77 on: September 15, 2007, 02:28:12 am »
Very nice.
As for Wrong Map and Empty Map, let me get back to you on those... I may have 5 or 6 of them used.

Also, the Cursed Woods is looking good so far! Keep up the good work.
Hidden Chests like in FF6 are allowed (put 'em all over!) I want atleast 200 new treasure chests (mostly hidden) added to the entire game.

The Frog House/Bush+Quest Requirement (that's not math!) thing will be easily implemented into the storyline. You won't be able to go to his house until after you get the Hero Medal from Tata.

As for L3, I'll handle it.


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #78 on: September 17, 2007, 12:14:55 am »
I'm finishing Cursed Wood's solidity right now.  Oh my god I hate forests  :(

After that, I'll go take a gander at Truce Canyon and fix it up.  Then it'll be on to my To Do lists :)


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #79 on: September 17, 2007, 01:06:02 am »
I'm going to throw my damn computer out the window.

Now, while trying to patch the game so I could fix up Truce Canyon (which looks very... odd to me;)) I ended up deleting the rom file I was working on.  Cursed Woods is gone... again... completely this time.  I still have Enhasa at least (I exported it a while ago).

I'm going to go shoot something.


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #80 on: September 17, 2007, 01:17:39 am »
I'm going to throw my damn computer out the window.

Now, while trying to patch the game so I could fix up Truce Canyon (which looks very... odd to me;)) I ended up deleting the rom file I was working on.  Cursed Woods is gone... again... completely this time.  I still have Enhasa at least (I exported it a while ago).

I'm going to go shoot something.

Oh that sucks! I have done that sooo many times that I share your pain.

Please define "odd", odd with ROM hacking that could mean so much. Odd as in the way it was designed or odd as in glitched? Either way I only half-assed did the map. The only thing that is complete was the waterfalls (I have a HUGE problem with detail before map integrity)
Btw, I think you have to patch to a brand new ROM (which you probably did) otherwise areas may become corrupt.

Edit: Please don't throw your computer away that's bad.  :cry: If you shoot something, make sure you don't get caught.

Tip: Make an export after major work or 30 mins, whichever happens first.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 01:22:29 am by Zakyrus »


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #81 on: September 17, 2007, 01:27:04 am »
Well, apparently Enhasa is gone too.  The exported file I have is corrupted somehow, but Enhasa was easy and I can have that back quick.

I can see what you've done.  It's odd because the room seems to be designed almost backwards.  Layer 1 is on Layer 2 and Layer 2 is on Layer 1.  The REALLY weird part is that this was done by Square.  Don't ask me why...  I'll get to work on it probably tomorrow and work my way back up to dealing with Cursed Woods and Enhasa later.

I really could use a drink.


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #82 on: September 17, 2007, 01:33:20 am »
Well, apparently Enhasa is gone too.  The exported file I have is corrupted somehow, but Enhasa was easy and I can have that back quick.

That totally sucks, atleast that's a fairly easy map to do.

I can see what you've done.  It's odd because the room seems to be designed almost backwards.  Layer 1 is on Layer 2 and Layer 2 is on Layer 1.  The REALLY weird part is that this was done by Square.  Don't ask me why...  I'll get to work on it probably tomorrow and work my way back up to dealing with Cursed Woods and Enhasa later.

Yeah, some of the areas are done on reverse layers, I didn't get it either but it works I guess. Just makes it hard to Explicit Paste stuff.

I really could use a drink.

I so hear you there. Damn liquor store for being closed in this town! Grr!


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #83 on: September 17, 2007, 01:43:21 am »
I think I'm just going to completely rebuild the entire Truce Canyon.  I kinda like the effect it'll have on people when they walk into the area and go "Woah!  Where did this come from!?"

Plus...  fucking Square...  What the hell did they actually do with this crap?

As for Layer 3....  Is it ever actually used in the game?  I would figure it's a layer that always appears over everything, stuff like shading and what not.  However, most of that is done on layers 1 and 2.  Did they ever actually get around to using it?  I don't think I've seen a map that uses Layer 3...


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #84 on: September 17, 2007, 01:53:47 am »
I think I'm just going to completely rebuild the entire Truce Canyon.  I kinda like the effect it'll have on people when they walk into the area and go "Woah!  Where did this come from!?"

Plus...  fucking Square...  What the hell did they actually do with this crap?

As for Layer 3....  Is it ever actually used in the game?  I would figure it's a layer that always appears over everything, stuff like shading and what not.  However, most of that is done on layers 1 and 2.  Did they ever actually get around to using it?  I don't think I've seen a map that uses Layer 3...

You have to Layer3 enabled in Temporal Flux for it to show up (of course), when Layer3 is enabled only Layer3 can be edited.

Lots of maps have Layer3:

Fog Effect in Domes in the Future
Rain, Snow
Leave shadows in Forest Maze (and the ones I added to Guardia Forest)
Haze effect in Mt. Woe

...just to name a few.

Though if you ask me, they should SOOOOO have added and used Layer4.

EDIT: go ahead and redo Truce, just add a few of the waterfalls if you can. (gives the illusion that the map has height)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 01:58:11 am by Zakyrus »


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #85 on: September 17, 2007, 02:08:36 am »
Ugh, okay...

So this may be a bit more difficult than I first thought.  You have to do a lot of tinkering with the layers to make everything look right....

I like cities.  Cities are so easy :(


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #86 on: September 17, 2007, 02:17:15 am »
Ugh, okay...

So this may be a bit more difficult than I first thought.  You have to do a lot of tinkering with the layers to make everything look right....

I like cities.  Cities are so easy :(

Yeah they are.  :wink:

I would rate common tilesets as--


Somewhat easy:
Arris Dome tileset

Caves, Canyon

Forest (for lining up those damn tree leaves!)
Prehistoric Forest
Mt Woe
Ocean Palace

Lab16/32 ruins
Black Omen
Death Peak - When I first started mapping, I attempted this first.  :x

Maybe you should start on Medina Square? That's pretty simple. After I send you the newer map version of course.
I also got Zeal Palace Grand Library for you in that pack (a Brand new area such as as this rather than an existing area could help)


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #87 on: September 17, 2007, 02:20:29 am »
I want to get everything done in order (storyline wise).  It'll make things easier to keep track of plus, it'll give us a very concrete idea of where we stand as far as map completion goes.

I'm still trying to get my head around the bizarre way Truce Canyon is set up.  Just can't seem to figure that one out, but there's gotta be some sort of reason.


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #88 on: September 17, 2007, 02:53:37 am »
I want to get everything done in order (storyline wise).  It'll make things easier to keep track of plus, it'll give us a very concrete idea of where we stand as far as map completion goes.

I'm still trying to get my head around the bizarre way Truce Canyon is set up.  Just can't seem to figure that one out, but there's gotta be some sort of reason.

Ok, but map order doesn't really matter for now, since I have to start completely over with alot of things, it will take me a while to get back to the point of even a test version. However, that is a good idea for atleast any maps upto Laruba Village (since the next public update will be those same areas again, just remastered)

I'd say do any of the maps in that first "part" of the game in any order, just as long as you stick with the first "part".

Also, since I just remembered; here's a tip when doing exits to a room.
Somtimes if you save outside the room you are editing exits for or with the area; the exits seem to vanish in the room you are in - leaving you stuck. To quick fix this just enter the inventory menu and exit the menu, this causes the maps and exits nearby you to refresh so you can leave the room. Keep this in mind and it will save you from much aggrivation when testing maps.


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Re: Maps/Areas
« Reply #89 on: September 17, 2007, 05:54:31 am »
Ok. It's done. I just have to upload it and email!

It has a bunch of maps that I crapped together with Copytiles. Some of them like Medina Square (largely unfinished) and North Cape were made from scratch.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 06:46:52 am by Zakyrus »