Author Topic: Final Fantasy 12  (Read 11518 times)


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #60 on: April 05, 2007, 08:11:13 am »
Um, the grind? You know? I don't even run away from fights, and I've done two extensive periods of grinding, yet I'm still behind. What does that tell you?

Well, I hated it. Of course it isn't the voice actor's fault; I just hate the stupid, snobby tone of the character.

The plot development wasn't linear enough. It's good when the plot is actually going somewhere- like in FFVII, you're chasing Sephiroth, and that's your goal, but there is still a decent plot and a lot of random crap happening along the way. In FFXII it goes all over the place. I mean, why?

if your behind then your just in the wrong area path or your avoiding fights, the 2x accessories eliminates the need to ever grind for anything.

FFXII wasnt really all over the place it was linear i was all too straight forward with the we go here get this, go here do this, etc, etc your at the end of the game without figuring anything out yourself much like X, VII you had to look around for stuff usually and you didn't conveniently know where you always had to go. and often had long periods where you had alot of extra side stuff to do, you were never shoved on a fixed path with the little "extras" XII has along the way.

X and XII both probably fall short of story quality compared to the other FFs  since they focus too much on the problem of a single character, X was all about yuna wanting to kill sin XII about ashe wanting to reclaim her country everything else just seemed to be shit that happened along the way without much character development driving anything.

I always try and fight any enemies I see (within reason, of course) unless I am severely low on health.

But that isn't plot development. That's just finding out where to go. Plot development is the way the plot develops through the game, and it does this in a very weird pattern.

No. FFXII by no means focuses on Ashe and FFX is about two characters, Yuna and Tidus.

look at the finding where to go in a broader sense you usually had a few smaller events leading up to the next big event or decision while XII just goes from one major event to the next really with traveling complications in between.

XII focuses alot on ashe were you even paying attention to the story? X is mainly about Yuna and everyone following her, while tidus + company do get involved more towards the end during most of the game its just listening to tidus bitch and fawn over her while he tags along with what shes doing.

you might have had crappy gear if your having such trouble with bosses, everything is a pushover so far.

also about the whole why are people still using swords thing, with stuff such as protect and such and monsters being quite resilient to damage a pistol isn't going to deal much damage long term compared to a large gash left by a blade or a arrow sticking half in its flesh, and machine guns would mean too much ammo to lug around.

Mystic Frog King

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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #61 on: April 05, 2007, 08:24:36 am »
Um, the grind? You know? I don't even run away from fights, and I've done two extensive periods of grinding, yet I'm still behind. What does that tell you?

Well, I hated it. Of course it isn't the voice actor's fault; I just hate the stupid, snobby tone of the character.

The plot development wasn't linear enough. It's good when the plot is actually going somewhere- like in FFVII, you're chasing Sephiroth, and that's your goal, but there is still a decent plot and a lot of random crap happening along the way. In FFXII it goes all over the place. I mean, why?

if your behind then your just in the wrong area path or your avoiding fights, the 2x accessories eliminates the need to ever grind for anything.

FFXII wasnt really all over the place it was linear i was all too straight forward with the we go here get this, go here do this, etc, etc your at the end of the game without figuring anything out yourself much like X, VII you had to look around for stuff usually and you didn't conveniently know where you always had to go. and often had long periods where you had alot of extra side stuff to do, you were never shoved on a fixed path with the little "extras" XII has along the way.

X and XII both probably fall short of story quality compared to the other FFs  since they focus too much on the problem of a single character, X was all about yuna wanting to kill sin XII about ashe wanting to reclaim her country everything else just seemed to be shit that happened along the way without much character development driving anything.

I always try and fight any enemies I see (within reason, of course) unless I am severely low on health.

But that isn't plot development. That's just finding out where to go. Plot development is the way the plot develops through the game, and it does this in a very weird pattern.

No. FFXII by no means focuses on Ashe and FFX is about two characters, Yuna and Tidus.

look at the finding where to go in a broader sense you usually had a few smaller events leading up to the next big event or decision while XII just goes from one major event to the next really with traveling complications in between.

XII focuses alot on ashe were you even paying attention to the story? X is mainly about Yuna and everyone following her, while tidus + company do get involved more towards the end during most of the game its just listening to tidus bitch and fawn over her while he tags along with what shes doing.

you might have had crappy gear if your having such trouble with bosses, everything is a pushover so far.

also about the whole why are people still using swords thing, with stuff such as protect and such and monsters being quite resilient to damage a pistol isn't going to deal much damage long term compared to a large gash left by a blade or a arrow sticking half in its flesh, and machine guns would mean too much ammo to lug around.

Yes, but what I'm getting at is that it sends you all over the map doing various things instead of an a single, unified journey.

Yeah, but she's mainly just a plot device. Vaan also wants Dalmasca's independence back, as do Basch and Penelo- Ashe is just the snobbish, aristocratic character who gives everyone else a reason to do something.

No, it's about Yuna and Tidus, I'm afraid. It's a love story focusing on those two.

Nah. I have some decent gear. Bosses are the easy part =/

They don't have the technology for Machine Guns in Ivalice yet, anyway.


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #62 on: April 05, 2007, 01:21:37 pm »
well of course the other want dalmasca back they just arnt a driving force like ashe is thus they dont tend to work so much towards it but bt 'helpers' along the way.

FFX had the major love story element, but that was a fair way in most of it is tidus just being a crybaby and fawning over yuna while she goes about doing her thing, what the story was really about was yuna Vs sin, her falling for the infamous crybaby was just development it didnt change the goal of the characters, get it?

and by the going all over the place I'm assuming your implying the world in general instead of a smaller scale, the distance traveled has little to do with story being liner or not, it how much the story just ploughs along from one major story event to the next without being able to go out in the world and do stuff which XII lacked and failed to fix with hunts.

they have the tech for machine guns didn't you notice the empire's crap plus I'm sure if moogles can build a airship machine guns arnt that hard, its just how viable they are as a long term weapon.


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #63 on: April 10, 2007, 09:48:53 pm »
I just got Dragon Quest VIII (I opted for this instead of X-2, which I guess I'll get later) and with it I got to play the demo for XII...For one, I wish that it WAS more like the demo because in the demo we get to listen to the original voice dub with subtitles (something Square-Enix should make available for all of their games dammit!)...but as for the more action-oriented, MMO-style (that's hows I sees it) battle system...I'm not that impressed...*shrugs*


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #64 on: April 12, 2007, 11:06:18 pm »
Honestly, I can't play Final Fantasy 12 for extended periods of time like I can other RPGs... Just... the fact that you can program what the characters do in battle and litterally put the controller down makes it feel like a movie even more then Final Fantasy 10 did. I really really liked the old battle system, and I'm sad they are straying away from it... of course, this is also coming from a "Tales of" fan, and the Tales of RPGs officially have the best RPG battle system EVER.

One thing I did like about it was there really wasn't a main character. Sure, a few characters were more important then the others, but one did not stand out. I saw absolutely no point to Van or Penelo other then the fact that they were just kinda tagging along. As for Fran, Asche, Basch, and Baltheir, they all seemed to have proper reason for traveling around like that.

I also found it really funny that Square pulled the "evil twin" card on us. I really honestly had a moment where I thought that they were finally going downhill, but honestly, I liked the way they did it! This one of the ony times I've seen that plotpoint done right! Now if only the english voice actors were as good as the japanese ones.... oh well ^_^

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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #65 on: April 17, 2007, 06:23:35 pm »
Am I the only person here who seems to think that FFXII resembles Skies of Arcadia? Just look at Penelo and Aika.

And the "Arcadian" empire? Come on now. XD


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #66 on: April 18, 2007, 10:52:54 am »
I bought 12 the day it came out, halloween 2006.I played it up until I got to the phon coast, and my dog knocked my ps2 down and broke the effin thing. Took me 2 months to get a new ps2. Finally get going again, my effin memory card gets corrupted, how, I have no idea. Get a new memory card, play the game ALL The way to the end, all hunts, hell wyrm dead, the whole nine. I go to fly to the Bahamut, to finally end this damn game......the game freezes. Every time I try to fly to Bahamut, it freezes. I hear the music, but the effin screen just stays black. Cleaned it over and over, won't work. Must be a tiny little scratch on the disc right where Bahamut gets loaded from, but I've had enough of this shit. Someone just tell me what happens at the end of that damn game please.

PS; I think it was cool how they fleshed out the villians more than than the main characters, you really get an idea of why the bad guys are bad, instead of them just being one dimensiol douchebags.

PPS; Didn't you think Ashe was gonna be a kickass partner for that first time you encounter her in the Waterway. Then she turns out to be a freakin whiny little baby.


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #67 on: April 18, 2007, 05:19:01 pm »
......Such foul language :P, and ya, she did disapoint me :lol:


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #68 on: April 18, 2007, 05:22:48 pm »
Why should she disappoint? Let's not forget that up until Ashe's 17th or so birthday, she was a princess, and most probably lived a life without much in the way of any form of military or defensive training. It was not until the invasion and subsequent conquering of Dalmasca that she sought to become a warrior of any caliber, and as such, she's not going to be the battle-hardened person you might expect her to be.

Besides...there's nothing wrong with showing emotion. When you're being ridiculously excessive in temrs of emotional maturity, that's one thing, but in her case her "whinyness" was completely warrented under the circumstances.

Mystic Frog King

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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #69 on: April 18, 2007, 05:52:31 pm »
Besides...there's nothing wrong with showing emotion. When you're being ridiculously excessive in temrs of emotional maturity, that's one thing, but in her case her "whinyness" was completely warrented under the circumstances.

I keep hoping that I'm gonna warm to Ashe, but it's looking less and less likely. She moans about being 'powerless' all the time and doesn't have an interesting opinion on anything but 'LOALZ DALMASCA!' and that... just gets boring. She doesn't have any good dialog like Balthier, and her VO isn't amazing like Fran's.


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #70 on: April 18, 2007, 06:05:55 pm »
I fail to see why you think Fran's voice actress is "amazing." She is anything but...that same voice actress has voiced so many other characters, and they all sound exactly the same: boring, trite, and completely uninterested in what they are saying. Ashe at least shows some real emotion, though I do agree the acting for her is not on par with Balthier.

Mystic Frog King

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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #71 on: April 18, 2007, 06:16:27 pm »
I fail to see why you think Fran's voice actress is "amazing." She is anything but...that same voice actress has voiced so many other characters, and they all sound exactly the same: boring, trite, and completely uninterested in what they are saying. Ashe at least shows some real emotion, though I do agree the acting for her is not on par with Balthier.

It's the accent that leaves everyone stunned... or maybe that's just me.


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #72 on: April 18, 2007, 06:22:16 pm »
Who's accent? Balthier's? I love his accent, as I love most other English accents...they're delicious, really...I loved the way we heard lots of such accents from many different characters.

Fran's, on the other hand, means nothing to me.


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #73 on: April 19, 2007, 06:03:05 am »
Has anybody else noticed that Squall, Zidane, Tidus, and Vaan all pretty much have the same freakin haircut?

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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #74 on: April 19, 2007, 06:05:06 am »
Has anybody else noticed that Squall, Zidane, Tidus, and Vaan all pretty much have the same freakin haircut?
If you squint...
A lot...